Hi everyone
This is my first time to post. I found this website while surfing the net. My name in Marcianne. I live in beautiful Northern California and work as an office manager.
As a child, I grew up in the Methodist church but it was all just 'religion' to me. I wanted no part of it. Later, while in a state college, I studied everything from New Age and eastern philophies to the Bible. My major was psychology and history. I have always been a bit of a book worm and would read anything. I got my B.S. and Masters and moved to Washington DC. I worked for the government for 6 years during the Clinton years as a staff assistant on Capitol Hill.
While working in DC, I constantly ran into born again Christians. I was "cornered" and the Holy Spirit began wooing me. I had gotten into some addictive behaviors that ran in my family. I felt like it was the hand I had been dealt. I was wrong! Praise God! My response to God started in 12 step groups that at least pointed me to a HIgher Power. To make a long wooing period short, I was radically saved and delivered from these addictons six years ago. I stumbled upon a radical coffee house ministry and was drawn in by the love and awesome music. These precious saints showered me with the love and acceptance I had always craved! God placed me in a awesome church were I grew by leaps and bounds. I was involved in praise teams and intercessory prayer. It was and is a wonderful foundation.
My journey has taken me from Washington to California. God miraculously opened doors for me to come here - much to the dismay of my family! My fiance and I are sevrving the Lord here in CA and lauching a youth ministry and coffee house minisrty here as well as working our "day jobs"
Just an introduction! nice to be here! Isn't it wonderful to be apart of the family of God??!!
in Jesus,