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1  Fellowship / Witnessing / Best gift you ever can get! on: December 13, 2005, 09:01:28 AM

Behind the link is best offer for you, which you ever can get!
2  Prayer / General Discussion / Homosexuality is a sin! on: December 11, 2005, 04:07:45 PM
Do you struggle with homosexuality? Have you been seeking ways to change from being a homosexual to a heterosexual, or have you resigned yourself to it? Perhaps you have thought of switching but it seems impossible for you?

In the following study we are going to concern ourselves with some of the most common questions, which appear in this area. At first we will look into the background of homosexuality and finally, what the Bible says about it. Perhaps you have your own opinions concerning this issue, in any case it would be beneficial for you to read the whole text:


3  Theology / Bible Study / Re:Give up accusations towards others! on: December 08, 2005, 09:52:12 AM
Jesus is our example.  He was led like a lamb to the slaughter.  He never uttered nothing, and we should not either.

Amen ........
4  Fellowship / You name it!! / Abortion is criminal! on: December 07, 2005, 04:45:33 AM
Have you ever had an abortion or have you ever been in such a situation of your life that you planned to have an abortion? Many women have faced this situation and they have not known how to act in this matter, as they have not been properly informed about the situation in question.

We are going to discuss this matter, which is not the lightest of subjects. We are going to concern ourselves especially with the appropriateness of abortion, and what arguments are used for its justification and how fertilization and the development of the foetus take place. These points are important to clarify because much depends on them, namely, our opinions concerning this matter.

In any case, the next citation will show us just how difficult this matter of an unexpected pregnancy can be for many persons, especially if they have not mentally prepared themselves for it - it may feel like a heavy burden for them. This example also shows us that in spite of all propaganda, many women who have had abortions have later understood how they had done something wrong. They feel guilt, but they cannot undo what they had done.


May GBU all!
5  Theology / Bible Study / Give up accusations towards others! on: December 01, 2005, 04:43:03 AM
If you have been treated badly in the past, you don't have to grieve over that. For you can be freed, if you give up your life to God and Christ. You can namely then heal and get healing of emotional life, so that old and bad matters no more bother you.

   However it requires a choice from you. You namely have to want to forgive and you have to give up all accusations towards others. For nobody of us is not only a victim, but we are also guilty. We therefore can not justify our bitterness or other our sins by that, that we have been treated badly sometimes earlier, because our attitude is quite wrong as our opponents’ acts towards us.

   So forgive and give up all accusations towards others, that you can get healing of emotional life!

Link: Give up accusations

may GBU!
6  Theology / General Theology / Guidance of God on: November 07, 2005, 04:58:11 PM
Interesting article about guidance:

Do you struggle with the guidance? Have you considered, how to act in every kind of situation, and how you can generally distinguish God’s guidance from wrong guidance, or can those generally distinguish?

   We are going to treat this difficult subject on the next lines. We are going to examine the most common matters being connected with guidance, such as, what is the meaning of the word in guidance, what is the position of prophesies, how to react to the voices and dreams and other important matters. Of them we try to take into view some essential points, because we easily may make mistakes just in those matters. However it is true, that mistakes, which we have made on these areas, are often the best teachers. Many matters we learn unfortunately through mistakes.

   However, main emphasis on the next lines is there, how to recognise guidance, which comes from wrong source and demons, and how it distinguishes from God’s guidance. For this matter is important, because the danger of going astray always exists, if we don't know characteristics of God’s guidance and how he acts. For example Jessie Penn-Lewis and Evan Roberts tell in their book "War on the Saints", how like this got to take place in many people’s life, when demon powers foiled the large awakening of Wales. In other words they tell, how demons penetrated to this awakening by those people, who sincerely wanted to know God and how they opened their hearts to the guidance of the Spirit, but they didn’t really know characteristics of God’s guidance. They didn’t know, in what way God wants to lead and how people may be driven into subordination of the wrong guidance. We will go therefore on the next lines especially into this matter, so that we would distinguish the wrong guidance from the right guidance.


may GBU
7  Theology / Bible Study / The Flood has really taken place! on: November 02, 2005, 04:00:47 AM
Jari Iivanainen's excellent article about the Flood and that the Flood has really taken place:

When it is a question of the Flood, it has often regarded as a mere legend. Especially such people, who believe in theory of evolution, don't believe that the Flood has ever taken place.

But it is good to ask, is the Flood after all true. For if we make practical observations of the ground and fossils and also of the traditional knowledge of people, they refer quite strongly to the Flood. They indicate that the large mass destruction has taken place in the immediate past. On the following lines we are going to examine these evidences, which refer to the Flood.


May GBU!
8  Theology / General Theology / Spiritual or carnal ministry? on: October 29, 2005, 08:02:01 AM
Jesus Christ gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to the congregation. Whose ministries aim is there, so that saints would come finished to the work of the service to the building of Christ’s body. Believers task is preach the gospel to this world and also mutual edifying of the congregation. As the result of the real apostles work is born congregations, which apostles teach and then they set to the congregation elders, and those elders lead the work of locality congregation. Real apostle does not bind people to himself, just to Christ Jesus and give sheep to good care of locality elders. Real prophet brings the word of the Lord to the congregation. Real prophet does not bind flock to himself, but to Christ Jesus.

Real evangelist functions just same way as worked evangelist Philip in Samaria. Philip preached the gospel in Samaria, whereupon people came to the faith in Jesus Christ. After that apostles and elders of Jerusalem’s congregation came to Samaria, in which they taught the word of God to the congregation. Evangelist Philip left the work to the hands of apostles and elders, which started as consequence of Philip’s preaching. Real evangelist does not bind believers to himself, but leave them to good and loving care of congregation shepherds. Shepherds, who are teachers, bishops, elders and leaders, teach for congregation the word of God. Real shepherds don't bind sheep to themselves, but teaching believers to root to Jesus Christ. And real shepherds giving to the sheep space to build congregation, through those gifts which God has given to them.

Real ministry affected by the Holy Spirit not so ever bind believers to any man or any ministry, but alone to Jesus Christ. And real ministry affected by the Holy Spirit supports mutual edifying of believers. From this fruit knows the spiritual ministry, in which God gets all the glory. Believer who are overpowered by fleshy mind serves God searching his own glory, which distinguishing marks are: Binding of the believers to himself, control spirit, in which believers are controlled to believe and promote to some ministry and person. Fleshy ministry promote all the time his/her own ministry. Fleshy ministry does not agree to suffer in the love with his/her sisters and brothers, but hit merciless to those, who he experiences for the threat to himself. Fleshy believer raise other believers to resist with all kinds of lies and incorrect supposition to those, which he experiences for the threat to himself. Fleshy believers flatter to those, who support his work, but to those he feels anger, which he experiences for the threat to his own work.

Believers are saved from the mercy of God, and this is not of us, because the salvation is the gift of God. Salvation doesn’t give according to people acts that any flesh would not boast. For the faith is work of God, and believers are created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God before prepared that we should walk in them.Jesus Christ lived sinless life according to demand of the law. Through death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God donate salvation from the mercy for those, who receive the salvation. Jesus Christ said on the cross: "It is finished ". He filled all for us. So walk on your life of the faith in the safety of the righteousness of Christ, in which He affect in you righteous life.

Calling of believer in relation to sisters and brothers in Christ is, that he love his sisters and brothers in Christ in all lowliness, meekness and longsuffering. Every believer is in different phase of the growth in his life of the faith. Someone is just in the beginning and learning the principles of the doctrine of Christ, some other already carry from the mercy of God fruit, which glorifies God.

Because of this when we are in different phases of the growth and imperfect also as believers, so we must suffer also one another in the love. This Love is love of God. The Bible says that the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit given to us. Love of the God is so already poured out to the heart of believers through the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit believer can experience that love, whereby God loves us. Life of the faith is not closed to our feelings, but when we in the faith stretch out to the life according to word of God, so by that way we can also feel and understand it how deeply God loves us. Through the Holy Spirit we get also power to love our sisters and brothers in Christ and also your unbeliever neighbour and also those who hate us.

Through love of God affected by the Holy Spirit in the congregation is preserved unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. In the heart of believer love of God affect preserving of unity and oneness of the congregation, which in the bond of peace has firmly tied together. To this direction believer grows from the effect of the Holy Spirit to love his sisters and brothers.

God is one and He has done covenant of unity between Him and believers.

May GBU!
9  Theology / Bible Study / Be renewed in prayer on: October 20, 2005, 09:58:13 AM
Jari Iivanainen's teaching for the prayer has many good points.

Few passages about that teaching:

Do you know, that in the way of prayer can be hindrances, which prevent us to pray trustfully and permanently? For even though we would have received Christ into our life and got to be saved, so the beginning of prayer, trustfulness and perseverance in it is not always so simply, but sometimes in the way of prayer can come many futile hindrances.

   Sometimes as a reason can be simply, that we don’t understand our right position before God, through Jesus. For even though Christ should be our righteousness, and through him we can approach God, so we don’t understand or internalise properly this important basic matter. Instead of that, we can stare all the time at ourselves and our imperfection, and therefore we don’t expect, that God would answer just our prayer. We expect that he indeed answers other, "holier people’s" prayers, but we ourselves don’t have this kind of trustfulness on this area.

   Still as a hindrance in prayer can be wrong teaching, in other words for instance such matters as the direction of prayer and how many times we should pray. For if we have got wrong teaching on these areas, it can takes us to the futile false paths or at least to paralyse the whole prayer. If we namely forget God, to whom we pray, to be in heaven, or we think always, that only one prayer time is sufficient, so is possible, that our prayer slackens. It changes then its form and is left only a word among other words, which at all is not purpose.

   We are indeed going to concern this important matter on the next lines and also that, how it is important to pray permanently. The purpose is, that we would learn to pray trustfully and permanently, and we could remove futile hindrances out of the way of prayer. If like this really takes place, praying is certainly easier than former.


May GBU . . . .
10  Theology / General Theology / From Getshemane to Calvary on: October 20, 2005, 03:45:15 AM
Herod was in Jerusalem and he had heard too that Jesus was in Jerusalem. When Herod saw Jesus he very pleased, because he wanted for a long time to see Jesus. Herod wanted to see some miracles, which Jesus did. Herod also questioned Jesus, but Jesus did not answer him and did not do any miracles. When Herod didn't see any miracles, he and his crowd treated Jesus scornfully. They also mocked Jesus.

People want to see and experience miracles, which feed only carnal essence of the men. But, Jesus Christ wants give people a miracle, where a man gets salvation from the power of the sin and Satan. After that miracle, Jesus fill’s the heart of the people with cleanliness and brightness. This salvation is the greatest miracle of all miracles, which Jesus wants give to all people. But, if men want only to play and enjoy the fleshy things from Jesus, this is a game Jesus won’t want to come along. Jesus saw right into the heart of Herod and that his only desire was to enjoy carnal pleasures and that Herod didn’t want to repent and receive purification from his sin. That's why Jesus was quiet and did not answer or do anything before Herod. Jesus is not a magician, who surprises people with insignificant tricks. Jesus aim is always for the cleaning of the heart of man from the filth of sin and if a man does not come with these motives to Jesus, He will not help them. Jesus will not support our sins, because sins destroy the man. Herod was offended when Jesus did not fulfil his carnal and sinful wishes, that's why he became angry and started to taunt and mock Jesus. If people want to live their lives in carnal motives then they will be offended by Jesus. Jesus wants to fill the heart of people with His love and truth. Jesus wants to clean our heart from our sins and to fill our heart with His Holy Spirit, which gives us the power to live a righteous life.

John 5:35: He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light.

The ‘good ground’ are the people who come in a right and good heart to hear the Word; they hold on to it and bear fruit in patience. The Holy Spirit’s influence is to give patience and we need patience to do the will of Jesus Christ, so that we can do His good works by the help of the Holy Spirit. By that way we don’t offend the King of the Kings, Jesus Christ.


11  Theology / General Theology / The shout of victory and joy! on: October 17, 2005, 08:45:50 AM
Be sensible, watch, because your adversary satan walks about as a roaring lion seeking someone he may devour. Lion doesn't hunt roaring, but by sneaking quietly it kills its haul. Like this acts also satan, he sneaks around your life, and if you are not awake with Jesus Christ, satan try quietly and cautiously attack bunch and destroy your life with sins. But Peter wrote in the Holy Spirit, that satan walks about as a roaring lion seeking someone he may devour.

Did Peter make a mistake when he wrote that lion hunts roaring? He didn't make a mistake, because when lion gets deadly strike, so then it goes hunt as roaring, roaring its death, which lion must face. Like this also satan roars, because he has lost and from him has been taken victory on the cross of the Calvary. That roaring of satan is the shout of loser and shout of death. Do not listen the shout of the loser, because it brings into your life sin and death.

Be awake with Jesus Christ, and listen that shout, which Jesus Christ shouted on the cross of the Calvary: "It is finished". " If your heart is loved to Jesus Christ, so satan can only go around of you, and he can not shoot the sins of arrow into your heart. It is finished, word which Jesus Christ shouted on the cross is one word, which is in Greek tetelestai. Word tetelestai meant in the time of Jesus Christ, shout of victory and joy, which soldiers shout when they returned as winners from the war. When winning soldiers approached their hometowns, so they already afar shout this shout of victory and joy and people of the town heard it and they rejoiced from the victory of the soldiers.

Think about this! Jesus Christ shouted on the cross the shout of the victory and joy, because now you have possibility through atonement work of Jesus Christ be participant from the victory of Jesus Christ and belong to the half of the winner. It is finished also for you, in His great love Jesus Christ rejoiced also for you when shouting on the cross it is finished. Do you allow that Jesus Christ can fill your life on His love and kindness. Listen in your own life the shout of the winner it brings into your life joy and glory of Jesus Christ.

12  Theology / General Theology / Re:L on: October 16, 2005, 01:57:37 PM
May GBU both .. . .
13  Theology / General Theology / Love your neighbour as the Bible teaches you! on: October 14, 2005, 04:36:50 PM
As purpose of the faith is not grow upwards, but downwards such as John the Baptist said: He must increase, but I must decrease. Healthy life of the faith makes of us God's servants, whose life radiate sweet smell of Christ. God calls us to be conformed to the image of His Son, which is the life, in which is sweet smell of creative power of God. This is the life with big L. In this life is powerfully with one characteristic feature, which belongs to this life. This characteristic feature is serving, all tasks in the congregation are serving and in those is sweet smell, which smells in Christ. Many believers today have embraced program Christianity, in which person carries out program numbers, and usually this game have occupied persons who are full of themselves. And too often those program performers are those, who going after their own needs, and they don't see those people, who the sin of this world has hit very deeply woundss.

A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell in with robbers, who both stripping him and laying on blows, went away, leaving him being half dead. But by a coincidence, a certain priest was going on that road; and seeing him, he passed on the opposite side, maybe because he was so busy and running to his pulpit and speak to his church. Program Christianity blinds its performer so badly, that he can't see real needs of his neighbour. Performer of program Christianity is so centred to his own performance, that he can not see reality. And in the same way, a Levite, also being at the place, coming and seeing him, he passed on the opposite side. But then Samaritan becomes to the place of tormented person. He sees and pities him. He binds his wounds.

Too often too many believers working in that way, that they hit more wounds, when would come to bind and to take care of those wounds. Samaritan shredded oil and wine to the wounds of hacked man. This Samaritan acted like in the Holy Spirit, which oil describe. This Samaritan was merciful and full of love towards his neighbour and pitied this half dead and hacked man. And putting him on his own animal, he brought him to an inn and cared for him. And Samaritan gave two denarii to the innkeeper, and said to him, care for him, and whatever more you spend, on my return I will repay to you. This kind of attitude will be on the servant of God, he must be ready to give from his own, so that the good message from kingdom of God and Jesus goes ahead and people will be taken care in connection of the congregation. Program performers demand always for themselves salary, so that they can carry out their program number, but real servant of God sacrifices himself and to give from his own and don't demand himself nothing. In this is that difference, which separate real servant of God and program performer. Merciful Samaritans was going somewhere, but stopped and changed his plans for the sake of wounded man, he died for himself and took a lot of trouble, when he loved his neighbour.

Real work of God is serving, humble, longsuffering, righteous, truthful, holy and loving mind. These are real fruits of the Spirit, which God affects you in the Holy Spirit.

So love your neighbour, but let us not love in word, or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.
14  Theology / General Theology / L on: October 14, 2005, 04:36:09 PM
As purpose of the faith is not grow upwards, but downwards such as John the Baptist said: He must increase, but I must decrease. Healthy life of the faith makes of us God's servants, whose life radiate sweet smell of Christ. God calls us to be conformed to the image of His Son, which is the life, in which is sweet smell of creative power of God. This is the life with big L. In this life is powerfully with one characteristic feature, which belongs to this life. This characteristic feature is serving, all tasks in the congregation are serving and in those is sweet smell, which smells in Christ. Many believers today have embraced program Christianity, in which person carries out program numbers, and usually this game have occupied persons who are full of themselves. And too often those program performers are those, who going after their own needs, and they don't see those people, who the sin of this world has hit very deeply woundss.

A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell in with robbers, who both stripping him and laying on blows, went away, leaving him being half dead. But by a coincidence, a certain priest was going on that road; and seeing him, he passed on the opposite side, maybe because he was so busy and running to his pulpit and speak to his church. Program Christianity blinds its performer so badly, that he can't see real needs of his neighbour. Performer of program Christianity is so centred to his own performance, that he can not see reality. And in the same way, a Levite, also being at the place, coming and seeing him, he passed on the opposite side. But then Samaritan becomes to the place of tormented person. He sees and pities him. He binds his wounds.

Too often too many believers working in that way, that they hit more wounds, when would come to bind and to take care of those wounds. Samaritan shredded oil and wine to the wounds of hacked man. This Samaritan acted like in the Holy Spirit, which oil describe. This Samaritan was merciful and full of love towards his neighbour and pitied this half dead and hacked man. And putting him on his own animal, he brought him to an inn and cared for him. And Samaritan gave two denarii to the innkeeper, and said to him, care for him, and whatever more you spend, on my return I will repay to you. This kind of attitude will be on the servant of God, he must be ready to give from his own, so that the good message from kingdom of God and Jesus goes ahead and people will be taken care in connection of the congregation. Program performers demand always for themselves salary, so that they can carry out their program number, but real servant of God sacrifices himself and to give from his own and don't demand himself nothing. In this is that difference, which separate real servant of God and program performer. Merciful Samaritans was going somewhere, but stopped and changed his plans for the sake of wounded man, he died for himself and took a lot of trouble, when he loved his neighbour.

Real work of God is serving, humble, longsuffering, righteous, truthful, holy and loving mind. These are real fruits of the Spirit, which God affects you in the Holy Spirit.

So love your neighbour, but let us not love in word, or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.
15  Theology / General Theology / Re:Israel will be saved and coming of Yeshua on: October 11, 2005, 02:23:39 AM
Petri Said:

So I will bless nation of Israel and will preach it that Yeshua is the Messiah. The One testifying these things says, Yes, I am coming quickly. Amen. Yes, come, Yeshua the Messiah!


Amen Petri!

Yeshua is the Messiah!!

Your posts are always a blessing to me, and I thank you for the beautiful studies.

Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable GIFT, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour Forever!
Yeshua is the Messiah!!

Love In Christ,

Romans 8:1-2 NASB  Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death.

Amen .. may GBU  
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