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1  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:My Story on: September 05, 2005, 11:42:11 PM
KristiAnn--It touches my heart that you have been able to share so much of your life with us.

I am so glad that you have won your SSDI. Praise God!

Keep your light shining. You are such a blessing...

2  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:Suviviors of Katrina on: September 05, 2005, 11:24:07 PM
Dear Heavenly Father---

Please be with your people that have been affected by Katrina. Please have mercy upon them, Father, and pour out your love and grace like You never have before.

Heal the hearts of the mothers and fathers who have lost their babies, the brothers and sisters who lost their family members, parents who have watched their children die, or missing.

Turn off the blaming games that have been happening, Lord, and let us focus on helping, instead of blaming people for their lack of readiness. It does not matter Lord, what matters is that these people reach out to you, and you take their hand, and you give them peace and comfort.

Please give the strength to the rescue teams and the military groups, the Red Cross and all other workers that are helping, Lord. Give them strength, as they witness the dead laying in the streets. Comfort them, Lord, and help them to keep going.

I pray for relocation, Lord, for all those homeless people. Wherever this may be, Lord, I pray that they will find a home like environment soon, and can settle down and have peace again. And, in the midst of this, that they can already have peace in their hearts, because they are trusting you.

I pray for Pres. Bush, Lord, that he will make the right decisions and do the right things for his people. Set aside any controversies he has in his mind about helping, that may come from other people he works closely with. Help him to focus on this heartbreaking crisis, and make incredible things happen for these people.

In Jesus Name,
3  Prayer / Prayer Requests / I am losing my job on: August 02, 2005, 08:12:41 PM
Hi Friends---

Just the other day, a friend of mine in another group told me that she was losing her job. I encouraged her and gave her hope, praying that she would find another job. She was really scared, and when I prayed online for her, she said, "oh my gosh, you just prayed for everything I needed prayer for."

Today, I went to a meeting---I got laid off, my last day is November 15th. They have blessed us with a nice severance package, and are also trying to help us to move to other positions.

I need prayer that I get the position I want, which I know there will be openings for soon. Could you please pray that I get into this dept, even if I have to stay in my old job till Nov 15th.

I am a really organized person, who needs certainty in her life. Maybe God is teaching me patience. But, I do want this fixed now. I need to ask for patience, I know.

Thank you...
4  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:state of being of myself and church on: August 02, 2005, 07:42:45 PM
Praying for your strength to continue, along with endurance...

5  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:Please pray for husband's surgery on: August 01, 2005, 06:59:05 PM

Jerry is doing well after his surgery. He is in a lot of pain and very very crabby, but that is understandable. His ACL ligament was torn all the way, that is why it is so darn sore for him.

Could you say a prayer for him that he is okay tomorrow. I have to go to work and leave him here by himself. I don't want to, but we have a big meeting at work tomorrow. I hope I don't get laid off.

Thanks again for your prayers..>

6  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:Please help me... on: July 31, 2005, 10:53:45 PM
I was only asking for help...
Sorry to bother everyone...

7  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Please help me... on: July 30, 2005, 08:17:29 PM
I know I always ask for a lot of prayer, but I just can't seem to get it right. I feel like such a bad person. I have so much nothing inside of me. I don't want to do anything, and compared to some people on the prayer boards, I don't have any reason to complain.

I just feel numb. Like I am living just cuz I am here, not cuz I have a God who has a plan for me.

I have so much to be thankful for, yet the pain is so deep inside my heart.

I am going to bed on a Sat nite, it is only 7:15pm. This could do with my husband's surgery on Mon but I seem to go thru this a lot lately.

Don't feel sorry for me, just help me wake up and get going. God must be so ashamed of me, all these people who pray for me and care, and I cannot grab the hand that is reaching out for mine.

8  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:Please pray for husband's surgery on: July 30, 2005, 09:37:00 AM
Thank you Pastor Roger. I always need my husband for everything. I am so dependent on him, and now I have to take care of him, which scares me, what if I screw up? He has been so patient with my OCD and I just want to be there for him now. I hope I can do it.

Thanks for responding...

9  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Please pray for husband's surgery on: July 29, 2005, 11:11:06 PM
Could you please pray for my husband? He is having surgery on Monday AM for his knee, to repair his ALC ligament.

His blood pressure is high, 150/100, and he is taking pills to get it lower for the surgery, but this still scares me. I know it is only knee surgery, but I also know that anything can go wrong, and I don't want to lose him. I don't know who is more afraid, him or me.

He is very irritable and cranky, understandably so. Please pray for him to have peace this weekend and throughout the surgery.

Thanks for praying,

10  Prayer / Prayer Requests / cris on: July 25, 2005, 02:46:39 AM
still praying for you. I hope things have gotten better for you.
You are such a sweet person, i wish the best for you.

11  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:Prayer for change on: July 20, 2005, 05:04:15 PM
Hello everyone---

To answer a few of your questions:
I have a psychologist I see, as I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I saw him when I was in the hospital in December, when I tried to kill myself, and he has become my doctor. It just so happens that he is also a Christian, and has really been helping me get my faith back. He said to me last nite at my session, "Rachel, there are so many people that I see that don't have what you have, a faith to build on," something like that he said. It made me think. It is a blessing that I found him, there are only 3 doctors in MN that practice the e and rp therapy that is used for OCD, and he is only 15 miles away, praise God!

Today I am really very numb. I don't have much feelings about anything, really. And maybe that is okay, cuz then I don't have to be in despair, even if it only lasts for a day.

I want to tell you that I am so blessed by the way you care for me. I see you all trying to help me, and giving me help, and Scripture and prayers. Please know that I take all your stuff very seriously. I appreciate what you have given me. Can I ask you something? Can you hang with me till I get over this slump? I may not be able to do the things you tell me to do yet, but I have them in my mind. I want to kneel at His feet and ask forgiveness, and give Him my burdens. I just can't right now, but I know it will be coming soon.

Please don't give up on me. I am awake now, just gotta "get dressed".

God bless all of you,
12  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:Prayer for change on: July 19, 2005, 10:32:58 PM
Pastor Roger---You mentioned something about my husband being tired of dealing with it, too. But, he does not feel guilt as strongly as I do. He can get over it before we even get home from the casino. I am still dealing with it. I said one word to him tonite, "hi". I am crying as I write this, cuz I feel so angry at him, I am not giving up on our marriage, but tonite I just don't care about anything.

Thank you to the rest, for your encouragement and support. I will try and let Jesus hold me tonite. I am too broken though, to let anyone in. I didn't realize that addictions can destroy your soul like it is destroying mine. I am not saying this to make you feel sorry for me. I just don't feel like I have a right to feel anything anymore. I am close to giving up. Just living each day till Jesus comes, and pray that He takes me, even though I don't deserve to go to Heaven. Suicide is not an option, cuz no one knows for sure if they will go to hell and I don't want to take that chance.

There is so much anger. So much hurt. I don't know what to do with it. When someone asks me to explain it, I can't. I just know that I am angry.

My husband knows that I have OCD and depression, he knows when I am hurting, and he does nothing. I am all alone. I can't even go to God. I thought that your spouse is supposed to be there for you, in sickness and in health. Am I that bad of a person that he cannot show me he loves me. Maybe he does not love me, I wouldn't blame him if he didn't.

Thank you for your prayers and listening to my pathetic cry for help...
13  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:Prayer for change on: July 19, 2005, 06:09:50 PM
I am sorry to disappoint everyone who has helped me. I truly appreciate your prayers. But, today has even got worse. I am so angry and don't know why. Just mad at the world and everything around me, especially my husband.

I told him last nite I was very depressed and was going to bed early, 6pm. All he said to me was, "can I have the checkbook?" so he could make out bills. I give up. I am tired of asking for help. I am tired of asking for prayer. I know I have to help myself, but I am so burnt out. I feel like I want to be done with my life, right now.

14  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:Prayers for an Artist on: July 18, 2005, 11:19:20 PM
God has given you a wonderful talent as an artist. I know it can sometimes be a tough career, but hang in there. I will pray for you.

Dear God,
Please open the doors for this artists heart, for her work. I pray that people will see the beauty in her work and want it for their own.
But, most of all, Lord, I pray that you will touch her, and bring her closer to you. She is calling you, help her find a way to know that you are close to her, you are so close to her, help her see this. Give her a desire to learn more of your Word and more of you Lord.

In Jesus Name--
15  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:For a friend on: July 18, 2005, 11:16:27 PM
So sorry for the sad news. May God lift up you and his family and his wife. It is so hard when this happens, it makes us question why we are over there, but then the word freedom comes to mind. We have freedom because they are fighting for it, for us. I salute the women and men over in Iraq and I salute Hoby. He died a hero.

May God surround you and the family with love and comfort.

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