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1  Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Advice? on: May 24, 2005, 11:06:26 PM
I assume by your post that you and your girlfriend are relativly young.  Man, have I walked in your shoes.
I was a typical teenager.  Wild, rebelious, and little did I know, not only was I out there, but I had a one way ticket straight to hell just waiting to be punched.  Anyway, when I was 17, my girlfriend, who I had been dating for about a year and a half got pregnant.  She was from a very conservative, close family.  My family was wrecked by divorce.  We could not have come from more seperate worlds if we tried.  I am 34 now.  We are still married, and have 3 wonderful kids.  Although I didn't have God in my life for many of our years together, He still looked out for me.  Namely my wife.  The one constant in my life has been my wife.  In looking back over the past 15, 16 years, I can see that it was God who put this angel in my life, and thru her, he reached me.  
I can not give you any sort of advice as far as your lives at home, but I can say this:  Pray, pray, pray.  Pray for the Lord to lead you.  Open your heart, give all your troubles to the Lord, and release them.....Completely!
Most of my life has been a struggle.  We started out so young.  Right now at this point in my life, I am where I should have been 15 years ago, professionally, emotionally, spiritually, financually.  If you are young, as I suspect you guys are, get you OWN individual lives together first.  You mentioned you were in school.  Maybe you should check into campus housing.
 I understand that love is a very powerful feeling.  I have been there.  you feel like its you and your girlfriend against the world.  Well, actually it is. I can't tell you what to do, but I can speak from experience......live your life.  But do it in a Godly way.  Educate yourselves.  Get yourselves stable.  Get a little older, a little wiser.  If it is meant for you guys to be togehter, then it will work out in the end.  But you have to put yourselves in the best situation possible to grow.  Pray for guidance.  
2  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:The Easiest Wrong to Correct on: May 24, 2005, 10:35:17 PM
I am probably most guilty of this myself.  It is so easy to see fault in someone else.  Your words spoke to me though.  I guess a solution would be, if I find fault in someone, shouldn't I look for the same fault in myself?.........

Matt Chapter 7, verse 3   And why do you look at the speck that is in your brothers eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?
3  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:thinking on: May 24, 2005, 10:17:09 PM
Not just what He has forgotten, but for what He has forgiven.  Knowing that our lives will be full of sin we are still forgiven.  How wonderful is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.........
4  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:Everyone has a voice on: May 20, 2005, 10:34:39 PM
Bro. Roger, I have just recently became a member here.  In reading some of the past post on different topics and can see that you are a very intelligent, and Godly man.  So maybe you can answer this for me.
I do not know alot about other religions.  Islam, 7th day adventist etc.......Even though other religions believe in "a" god, when those people die, will they go to hell?
I mean maybe they truly believe in thier religion just like we believe in christianity, but does that make them wrong?  Are these the people the we need to reach out to?
I know it says in the bible that "you are to put no other God ahead of me".  But what about the people in the world that know no other way except thier own?
5  Fellowship / You name it!! / Sunday morning christians on: May 20, 2005, 10:22:30 PM
In talking with people about christianity I find that the biggest road block is that alot of people seem to think that most christians lead double lives, or that our religion is just one big contradiction.  Taking some time to reflect on this, I can see how some may think this way.
We get that good godly rush on Sundays, but then we live our lives in a worldly way Monday thru Saturday.  If we don't "practice what we preach" 7 days a week instead of 1, the example that we need to set for those who are lost is not going to be noticed.  
I could not have been more guilty of this.  I would walk into church on Sunday, and by 12 o'clock I was on fire for the Lord, I would walk out of those doors ALIVE!  I was gonna save the world.  By Tuesday I wouldn't even know God myself.........
What kind of example was I setting?  Could someone look at me or talk to me and know that I was a believer?  Of course not.  So if this whole religious thing was suppose to be so wonderful, why was I contradicting my beliefs in such a worldy way?  If I was a non-believer and I saw those types of things, I wouldn't be busting thru a church door either.
The other day I was flipping thru the channels on TV, and there was this awards show for rap music.  Anyway what caught my attention was this particular winner, I believe his name was Ludacris.  During his speech he said "I would like to thank Jesus Christ...........Yet on his CD cover it states it contain explicit lyrics and sexual content.  What kind of message is he spreading?!?  I can see why some people call us (christians) contradictive.  Somehow I have to doubt his sincerity, and I wouldn't offend other christians by calling him one.
Fortunatley the Lord has really laid it on my heart to be a better example for him.  Not just for 1 day, but everyday.  Let your actions, not your words speak for you.  Don't leave the slightest of doubt in anyones mind about your salvation.
I have found that in moments of weakness or temptation I ask myself, and I challenge you to do the same, If God was to come back right now, what would I do?  Hide because of what I was doing, or stand there with open arms..........
Now and until my time on this earth over, my arms are open, and I pray that each of you are standing there with your arms open to.
6  Fellowship / You name it!! / Everyone has a voice on: May 20, 2005, 09:38:12 PM
Why does it seem like everyone in the world has a voice except christians?  What I mean by this is that every little organization or group that wants to impose something on everone or to stand up for what they believe in, do whatever it takes to get thier point across.  Yet for whatever reason it seems as christians and our beliefs go unoticed.  A few examples of this are: The issues of taking God out of our schools or removing "In God we trust" from our money, PETA and thier stand on animal rights, Jesse Jackson and the rainbow coailition.   The biggest  problem that I have is with prayer in school.  Because it may offend someone, it is no longer allowed.  Why did no one really stand up for our rights to prayer like those who were opposed to it did?  It just seems like we let the world and all of it's issues and views walk all over us, but instead of standind up for what we believe, we just take it and go on about our lives.  
Here in my hometown, one of our local high school football teams had a trainer who was also a minister.  A player was injured during the game, so the trainer got with some of the players on the sidelines and they prayed for a few moments. Some of the parents of the players thought this isolated the players who did not believe in God.  2 weeks later the trainer was no longer allowed on the sidelines with the players!  He is not employed by the school system, and only served as the trainer as a volunteer.  How did a handful of parents get thier way against a town full of believers that did nothing but accept it..............Everyone has a voice, where is ours?
7  Fellowship / Testimonies / Turning Point on: May 19, 2005, 11:35:39 PM
My testimony
8  Welcome / About You! / Hello to all on: May 19, 2005, 08:24:55 PM
Hello everyone, my name is Mickey Ekes.  I am from Laurel Mississippi.  I am 34 years old.  I am married and have 3 children.  I look forward to talking and getting to know you guys, and later this evening I would like to share me testimony with you all.
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