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Theology / Debate / Re:God's "powas."
on: May 02, 2005, 07:07:02 PM
Yes, I know him. He told me he registered here, so later on I looked at the thread he made. Then I registered and posted here; I never told him I was registering. He won't realize I registered until he reads this.
Theology / Debate / Re:God's "powas."
on: May 02, 2005, 06:41:55 PM
It's funny...your I.P. is almost identical to Dientamin's.
That's because we go to the same school. I'm not the same person as Dientamin, if that's what you're implying. He doesn't even know I registered here. And I'm not trying to troll; Corpus's analogy just didn't make sense to me, and I was trying to clarify it.
A ‘paradox’ is a man-made puzzle which is a result of ignorance.
The actual definition of "paradox" is: An assertion that is essentially self-contradictory, though based on a valid deduction from acceptable premises. This applies to both the chicken/egg question and the boulder question.
One of the most elementary Christian teachings about God is that He has no limitations.
What about those limitations that 2nd Timothy posted above?
With those limitations taken into consideration, what if God wanted to make a boulder so heavy that He could not lift it? Since He has no limitations, He could create such a boulder. But in doing so, He would create a limitation in that He would not be able to lift the boulder. So if God's powers truly are limitless, he would also have the power to limit his own power, no?
Just as assuming a correlation about color and weight makes no sense in a question about the weight of a color, so too assuming a correlation between God and limitations makes no sense in asking the limitations of God.
The question isn't necessarily asking if God has limitations, it's asking if he can create limitations. I can understand why you compare it to the color/weight question, but it's not exactly the same correlation. This question is a paradox; the color/weight question just doesn't make any sense to begin with.
There be Trolls in them thar hills!
Like I said before, I'm not trying to troll. I can't speak for Dientamin, but I think this question is worth asking and would like to hear what you guys have to say about it.
Theology / Debate / Re:God's "powas."
on: May 02, 2005, 02:38:46 PM
I don't understand why the question is illegitimate. Asking about the weight of a color is an illegitmate question because color is in no way related to weight. However, asking a question about God's power to create objects makes perfect sense because God does have the power to create. Weight is not a property of color, but creating is an ability of God. It may be a paradoxical question, but your analogy is flawed, not the question.
Here's a well-recognized example of a paradoxical question that is nonetheless a legitimate question - which came first, the chicken or the egg? This question has no definite answer - the chicken couldn't come first because it had to have hatched from an egg, and the egg couldn't have come first because something had to lay it. However, that's not to say that there is no answer; it's just that we can't come up with a plausible answer.
The question Dientamin asked poses a similar paradox - God couldn't create a boulder so heavy that he couldn't lift it because his powers are unlimited and he can lift anything. But then, if he couldn't create a boulder so heavy that he couldn't lift it, that would mean his powers of creation were limited. So if God's powers truly are unlimited, this question is apprently paradoxical. That doesn't mean that there is no answer and it isn't a legitimate question, though.