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Fellowship / Just For Women / Re:Remarriage Dilemma
on: April 26, 2005, 04:22:59 PM
As much as I hate to admit it, his divorce was due to adultery on his part. This was years ago before we met and he was not a Christian then. He is a completely different man according to his friends and family, but his ex does not want to reconcile. It was after we started talking about marrying that we heard about what is right and/or wrong in remarriage. We totally love each other, but we will not marry if it is wrong. Also, I didn't think divorced and remarried people were allowed to participate in churches either, but our pastor in encouraging my boyfriend to become more active in the church.
Fellowship / Just For Women / Remarriage Dilemma
on: April 25, 2005, 11:16:24 AM
My boyfriend is the absolute love of my life. We have been talking about possibly getting married in another year or so. My boyfriend is divorced and his divorce wasn't "biblical". I have heard different views on remarriage. Some people have told me than he cannot remarry unless his ex dies or he marries her. Then I have had some people, even a christian counselor, tell me that remarriage was ok as long as we live a christian life from that point on. What is the truth? I love my boyfriend so much, but not enough to spend eternity in hell. Please help.
Prayer / Prayer Requests / Need to be lifted up...big time
on: April 21, 2005, 04:23:01 PM
Please pray for me! I had been a faithful member of my church, but I met and fell in love with a wonderful guy and started going to his church. We have recently broken up and it would now be awkward to keep attending his church but I feel embarassed to go back to mine. I know my "problem" is nothing compared to some of the prayer requests here, but this is a concern to me. I also thought he was the "one" and we had prayed about eventually marrying one day, but now that will never happen, so I am disheartened (like anyone who has broken up with someone, I guess). I just need prayers to become a stronger person right now. Thank you!