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Entertainment / Politics and Political Issues / Re:Who will win the next Pres. election?
on: September 19, 2003, 02:04:02 AM
BEP, actually I appreciate your honesty on this question. I've found many Christians that claim GW is a great president but never give any reason and won't admit that it is simply because he is Christian. If thats how you feel, you are entitled to vote that way. However, I would have to disagree with some of your statements about him doing an outstanding job considering and that he has dealt with terrorism well.
Left Coast, I agree with the long post you made and respect you for saying that just because a president is Christian, doesn't make him a good president.
Heidi, if you think that Bush truly wants what is best for his country then why has he had such a horrible environmental policy? You trust someone that puts their reputation in danger for their belief? You might want to change that to you trust someone that puts their reputation in danger for their Christian belief. Yes, Heidi, I am here to debate/converse/discuss or whatever you want to call it. It just happens that I agree with almost nothing that you have said, so obviously I am going to argue. If you aren't willing to support your argument, you might want to stop making claims.
Entertainment / Music / Re:Conundrum: Music sharing
on: September 12, 2003, 12:11:58 AM
They have already filed something like 160 lawsuits, one of which paid out about $2,000. Hundreds more are being planned. Better hurry up and sign their waiver . The average user with a lawsuit against them has about 1,000 songs being shared. I've heard the lawsuits have been even higher than that too.
Entertainment / Music / Re:Conundrum: Music sharing
on: September 11, 2003, 08:08:54 PM
My opinion is that if the band is big enough for you to be able to find and download their whole album on the internet they probably have enough money already. $20 is ridiculous when they only cost $1 to make. Another good thing about the downloading is that it is driving the prices down. I heard a reduction of about 30% but I will probably keep downloading until its down to about $5, I'll just have to be more careful.
Theology / General Theology / Life on other planets
on: September 11, 2003, 12:54:16 AM
Just out of curiosity here. Do any of you think we will find life on other planets eventually? Do you think it exists and we won't find it? If found, how would this life fit into God's plan? I don't mean specifically little green men, but any sort of life, single-celled or whatever.
on: September 08, 2003, 03:49:07 AM
Sorry Heidi, I misunderstood your use of "trusting" your imperfections. The way I took it is to mean acknowledging and accepting in order to overcome because I didn't think you would honestly claim that all non-believers simply acknowledge their imperfections and let them grow. How to overcome them? Well, once you have acknowledged them you can seek the source of each problem and realize that it is usually irrational. Once this has been done it is much easier to resist the temptation of these imperfections. Yet, I am in no way claiming that you can become a perfect person. All you need then is forgiveness? So what you're saying is that you do absolutely nothing to stop yourself from sinning. You do nothing to eradicate your imperfections. All you need is forgiveness. Sounds like a sweet deal, all I would have to do is believe and keep sinning and be forgiven.
on: September 07, 2003, 07:33:46 PM
Heidi, I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to say then. Are you saying that non-believers "trust" their imperfections and so do nothing about them? That would be a very bad assumption and generalization if you did mean that. Actually if I did overcome my shortcomings, I wouldn't be sinless because I had imperfections in the first place that required me to overcome them. And no I'm not naive enough to believe that anyone can overcome all of their problems and become perfect, but I think the world would be a lot better if everyone tried.
Petro, In order to overcome a problem, you need to know that you have one, acknowledgement and acceptance of the fact that you have one. Only then can you do your best to overcome this problem. I don't see anything wrong with that.
Theology / Apologetics / Re:In God I Trust by Judge Roy Moore
on: September 05, 2003, 02:09:41 AM
I must agree with you for once Tibby. Well, with most of it... Krazeek, are you trying to claim that Christians aren't allowed to pray by themselves in schools but non-Christians are? I would like to see you back that one up as it is a ridiculous claim. People try to say that by getting rid of this monument and other similar things the government is trying to suppress the Christians. This is way off base. You can use your freedom of speech in any way you want, on your car, your clothing, your house, your voice of course, whatever. However, the government cannot endorse your religion. That is all it comes down to. The monument is an equivalent of government endorsed religion. That is what is being banned. The religiosity of the US is higher than any country's due to its freedom of religion and seperation of church and state. So the question is where do you draw the line on seperation? A hard issue, but I would have to say complete seperation. The monuments and anything similar must go. If not we may see school prayer sneaking in or the teaching of the theory of evolution being pushed out. A line must be drawn. If you give an inch, they will take a mile.
Theology / General Theology / Re:How a person knows that God is there. The proof.
on: September 03, 2003, 10:23:46 PM
Well Krazeekkc, you have finally solved one of mankinds most difficult questions, better get that published right away and let the theologians and philosophers know that they can now rest easy. Unfortunately, the proof you speak of has a prerequisite of belief. How are you going to prove his existence to non-believers? Desire is something that should never lead to belief. Besides, I would have to argue that this proof that you offer is just a psychological effect of your strong belief (seeing what you want to see basically). These feelings of peace and joy and such would come from belief in a doctrine that urges you to give all of your problems to a perfect being that will take care of everything for you. Also, the bible was written by imperfect, fallible minds between 40 and 72 years after jesus died.
Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Isn't this interference with the Master Plan?
on: August 05, 2003, 02:55:23 AM
Actually Blackeyedpeas, the argument that I put forth is completely logical. It is a philosophically valid and sound argument. The argument does not assume that you can outsmart God, it simply shows that in order for God to perfectly know the future we cannot have free will. What you are claiming is that God can do the impossible. Sure God would be able to do something that is impossible for us, but not something that is logically impossible. For example, God cannot make a square circle or make a stone that is so heavy that he cannot lift it. These are things that are logical impossibilities, much as human free will and Gods ominiscience are logically incompatible.
Theology / Apologetics / Re:Christianity is NOT real!
on: June 28, 2003, 12:16:12 AM
Kris777 your response is a bit comical considering....
You seem to be trying to "scare him with threats about what happens when you die".
And by the way you CAN prove air exists....
Theology / Apologetics / Re:Why doesn't God show himself?
on: June 28, 2003, 12:07:15 AM
So Asaph: by saying "do not concern yourself with your experience", are you saying to forego all logical and rational thinking? to ignore everything that makes me human?
You are also saying that the universe or some version of it cannot have possibly existed forever. It had to be designed. But then what about God? Wouldnt God then have to be designed? If He has existed forever, for what purpose? Why can a God exist forever but not the universe or some version of it?