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1  Prayer / Prayer Requests / A prayer request...badly needed. on: June 29, 2004, 01:03:29 AM
I've grown up going to this church I am now attending. But, over the past few months I've been on and off going to church. My Grandfather stepped down as elder and my mom was really upset by it, because he also left the church. She soon decided she couldn't go, she said she felt like crying when she went. I've been going there with a few weeks of not going. I started up again about three weeks ago. As these two months have gone by since she left, my mother has gotten worse. She lost all meaningful friends in her life, and God has no where to claim his home in her heart. She isin't evil, but she just lost contact, and she's been going through modes of depression because of it. I hate that she won't go back, but she also won't go somewhere by herself, and where my grandfather goes isin't a church that could help her.

This past sunday, most of the leaders of small groups met to pray for one of our ministers going to Honduras, I was praying too, but I talked to them after this was done. I told them I was going to leave to go somewhere with my mom, in hopes that she would find god again. I told them she wasn't going to a church by herself, or seeking god alone, so I think if I go somewhere with her that I could go with her and encourage her, and hopefully get her to take it all seriously again. I couldn't get past two sentances before I started crying. It was the first time I've truly opened up to them, even when I'm down I'd put up a false facade in front of them. I wasn't crying because of my mom, but because I loved that church and everyone there, and always will, but I would have to break most of the ties there to go and help my mom. I really don't wish to leave the church, and it makes me very sad when I even think about it.

Everyone there encouraged me and they all prayed for me too. They said they would all try to talk to my mom and help her in anyway, but my hope in her returning there is thin. I just wanted to ask that everyone who will, pray for me and my mother in this situation. I don't know how it will end up, I really wish she could come back to the church, but if it means bringer her back to god then I'm willing to go somewhere with her. I just cry when I think of leaving the church I grew up in, where I became apart of god's family, and recieved some of the greatest lessons in my life. Just pray that god will work in this, and that he give me strength to leave the church if that has to happen, and pray that my mom will  come back to god, either at this church or another.

~My deepest gratitude.
2  Theology / General Theology / HOW could God create us? on: June 29, 2004, 12:32:11 AM
I've been thinking about this topic for a couple of years now. It's always bothered me when I thought about it.

How could God create us?

I don't mean this literally, but it doesn't make sense to me when I think of the consequences that occure because God created to universe.

If even one of the entire human species had to go to hell, would it be worth it to even create humans?

God knew when he created the universe that he would have to create hell, not by his choice but by ours. But why make it at all if he knew that some of his children would spend eternity without him, in agony and regret?

It's been a stumbling block for me this past year, and I just wanted to know if anyone could help me out on this question.

I hope my wording was understandable, I'll put it in different words if some aren't understanding what I'm trying to say.

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