...Do you honestly think that man has the authority to change a commandment instilled by God?The only mention of "the first day of the week" are found in Matt. 28:1, Mark 16:1,29; John 20:1,19, Acts 20:7; 1 Cor, 16;1,2. The first six refer to Christ resurrection. The other verses have no mention of that day has being holy so the seventh day is the only day is in the bible is considered sacred and the lord's day. Also idol worshipers worship their sun god on Sunday when they became Christian they brought that custom with them. It was a way to distance themselves from Judaism. Sunday worship thereby became a traditional not biblical practice for Christians. I enjoy resting on the sabbath in doing so I am enriched spiritually, mentally and physically. I am not saying that I can keep his word and commandments alone but with God's help I can do all things. God is the only one who has authority over the Sabbath since he didn't change it no one else should. I encourage you to put aside teaching and traditions that you uphold and instead study the bible for yourself. I have never excepted any teaching man has presented without searching to see if it corresponds with bible. I ask you to do the same.
(I'm a newbie, in fact this in my first post, but I HAD to put in my two cents.) =)
I agree wholeheartedly with everything you've said,
enfant. The law is still valid...of COURSE! If you think about it, it's even MORE valid TODAY because JESUS died for us.
The whole grace -vs- law issue. C'mon you guys, don't miss the whole point!
We had a set of laws to live by, we HAD to abide by those laws or we wouldn't be saved. Whenever you FORCE anyone to do's not a pretty picture, is it? Jesus came down and paid the price FOR us so that we would have salvation. NOW...since we are saved by GRACE, not by LAW, having that burden lifted off of us, why would we THEN choose to IGNORE the law? The law has become something else ENTIRELY!
Now, we don't strive to obey the law to gain salvation...we strive to obey the law to glorify God! There is NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING...we can do to repay Jesus for what he did on the cross, the very bottom of the barrel LEAST we can do is obey the commandments. The commandments are just a given. That shouldn't even be an issue anymore, y'know? 10 commandments? OF COURSE! Will we sometimes fail...? OF COURSE! But do we stop trying to be the best we can be, just because someone else already paid the debt?
Btw...the sabbath, it IS for man. Especially in this hectic, sped-up world we live in, you just would not believe the difference keeping the sabbath (the true sabbath, saturday) has made. God set aside the sabbath and sanctified it. Saturday DOES have a special "feel" to it. The 4th a gift to us. Try it a few times, before you knock it.
(seriously, since I did all my research on this subject, and tried it myself...I absolutely understand the whole idea behind the 4th commandment. It is just such a remarkable gift, in my opinion. Especially if you spend a lot of time outside...I don't know how to explain it. It's like GOD DID infuse his spirit into that day. Just a day to take your mind off of your worries/ off of WORDLY stuff, and rest in the Lord.)
And the whole 7/7 idea is again, just a GIVEN. OF COURSE. Knowing what Jesus did for us on the cross for us, shouldn't we always be filled with gratitude, everyday? yeah! But the 7/7 idea doesn't have anything to do with the Sabbath.The sabbath day isn't the day we try to be holy, or try to be better christians, we strive for that everyday, don't we?
The Sabbath is a day of rest. We surely can't REST everyday. And the (just pick any ol' day) isn't good enough either. God SANCTIFIED the 7th day. He WANTS you to rest in the 7th day for a reason. It's FOR man, not FOR God.
Above all, love they neighbor as thyself. Right? All the divisions, all the condemnations...all the "I'm right! You're wrong" that christians so often times have to deal with from other christians, (not neccessarily HERE, but you guys know what I'm talking about) it just divides us. All the things I'm saying here are purely out of love for my fellow brothers and sisters. Love thy neighbor as thyself...EXACTLY! If my christian friend chooses NOT to observe the sabbath, who am I to judge?? All I can do is just explain my point of view, and just my experiences, and that's it. There are most definitely things that I believe that my friend doesn't believe. We're all trying our best, and we have to love each other, and never let ourselves get DIVIDED!
We ALL believe that Jesus died on the cross for US. That is the MOST important point.
No, I don't have any hidden meanings or any hidden condemnations...nothing like that at ALL. I don't belong to any church. I have fellowship with small groups of people, who are just all trying to serve Jesus, and seek out the truth.
And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. (Rom. 12:2) The thing I really dislike is the folks (and we all run into them all the time, don't we?) "..if you don't do this" or "if you don't do that" ...YOU'RE GOING TO HELL.
Oh BROTHER! I hate that kinda arrogance. That kind of teaching/preaching has sooo twisted the words of God and Gods grace. God doesn't want FORCED love! He want's TRUE LOVE.
Well...sorry this was so long..
I hope at least SOMEONE finds some sense in this post...eek!
P.S. Please remember, the LAW that I'm referring to is the Ten Commandments...that were written in STONE.
But again, freedom to choose...what you do is between you and God, and let no
man judge you. (as it should be.)