I'm a pastor of a small church, counsel many, work as a chaplain at the local hospital - but all these things had boundaries I had imposed. Like I could "drop" little morsels of wisdom and truth into various lives, then walk away when I was done. It is like dipping my little toe in the waters of people's lives.
I am by nature a very solitary person who loves to be alone with just my bible and Jesus. However, not long ago, the Lord showed me that I had to come down from my "top of the mountain" place and let those who needed to spend time nesting with me. Ouch ! that hurt - like I really don't have the time Lord!
He showed me that spending time with people (especially those you don't want to) is much like the Shepherd who carries people close to his heart. Nesting is letting them spend time with you - providing them with a safe non-threatening place. Most people are not so hungry to hear spiritual truths as just lonesome for God's presence.
And that is what we are -
So, I'm off today letting someone who I have been counseling and then kicking out the door when her hour was up spend the whole afternoon with me, doing whatever she wants to do.
Isn't this was the first chapter of Psalms is all about - becoming that tree by streams of water that others can nest in? And be fed just by the presence and love of Christ that resides in us?