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Welcome / Questions, help, suggestions, and bug reports / Why are the studies exclusive?
on: February 22, 2004, 08:10:54 PM
Hi! I'm Christian, baptised and everything, so this question doesn't apply to me specifcally.
I was wondering why you don't allow non-Christians to participate in bible studies. I can understand why you wouldn't want one to lead one, but wouldn't it be more evangelistic to allow them to ask questions and try to lead them to the Lord?
I'm sure you have a reason for what you do here; since I'm new, I'm asking.
Work well in the kingdom. Love, a Christian.
Welcome / About You! / Seeking the Lord
on: February 22, 2004, 07:56:07 PM
Hello everyone! My screen name is Ananda, but you can call me that or Chelle. I'm here because my church has been seeking ways of having our younger people (myself included) talk and learn about the Lord on an everyday basis. I've taken it upon myself to look for Christian forums, since it occured to me that using one could be beneficial. If anyone here could tell me if and why this site would be good for that, then I would be highly apprieciative.