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Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Prayer and despair
on: December 31, 2003, 01:47:09 PM
Thank you, Ollie and Whitehorse. Now you see my dilemma. One thinks the man would be saved and the other thinks he would not. It seems to come down entirely to a matter of faith. I feel that in my own life there are sins that have been forgotten, and I would like to think that although unremembered, they will be forgiven. Thank you to all who have contributed to this discussion. They have helped me to clarify my own feelings, but have left a degree of mystification. Who knows - I may be back some time with another contribution. Thank you all again, and God bless each and every one. (And a Happy New Year)
Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Prayer and despair
on: December 30, 2003, 02:05:37 PM
Let me relate a fictional story. It's about a fellow - we'll call him Joe - who was christened when a few weeks old. As a schoolboy he joined the local church choir, but in his free time he was just a kid. He nicked the odd bar of chocolate from the store, and when he was a student he "borrowed" one or two textbooks from the library, and forgot to return them. He graduated, married, had a couple of children and then, persuaded by his wife, started again to go regularly to church. He became a religious man and prayed regularly, But he completely forgot about his childhood stealing. Would these early sins be forgiven? He never repented of them.
Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Prayer and despair
on: December 27, 2003, 02:25:44 PM
Sorry, I see this differently. Sometimes we commit sins and forget about them Maybe they happened years ago - even before we began to study Christianity. Then we can't repent.
Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Prayer and despair
on: December 23, 2003, 01:43:26 PM
Thanks to all once again. It's great to find so many people willing to help. And I've found some od the replies most helpful. "Do I have any unrepented sin?" Well, I've repented in prayer of all the sins I know off - but they are just words. It's not now possible to repent and put things right. And I suppose there are other unrepented sins - don't we all have them - unless we're Saints? Thanking the Lord for His gifts I have done many times. But right now his gifts seem more like penances! That's my life at this moment.
Prayer / General Discussion / Re:Prayer and despair
on: December 20, 2003, 03:44:28 PM
My thanks to both of you who have tried to help me in prayer. I take on board all that you have written and will continue to reach a closer comapnionship with my God. Thanks again, and may God go with you both.
Prayer / General Discussion / Prayer and despair
on: December 17, 2003, 02:49:13 PM
Boy, do I need help with prayer! I am a life-long Christian and pray each morning and night - and sometimes during the day - but I can't get near to God or Jesus. I have never felt close communion with Him, and despite fervent prayer for another person, I have never received an answer. I don't mean the answer I wanted - I mean any answer at all. It seems lilke I'm just sending thoughts into empty space, and I often wonder if I'm wasting my time. That's probably Satan getting into my head, but he leaves a powerful message. Any suggestions would be welcome