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Welcome / Questions, help, suggestions, and bug reports / Re: Forums Upgrade
on: January 11, 2006, 12:06:01 PM
Hi Guys, Last night, as well as the night before, all night long, Yahoo's hotjobs spider was crawling the site at the rate of about 25 pages per second, (yes, per second) and requesting the same pages over and over again. The bogged the server down completely  , and even necessary server functions, like back-ups, devotional mailings, etc. couldn't be done. I have finally been able to ban them from the site. I did some searching on Google, and this isn't the first time that Yahoo has launched such attacks. I'm sure it won't be the last. And they haven't answered my emails. Ray
Welcome / Questions, help, suggestions, and bug reports / Re:FREE FORUMS??
on: February 05, 2004, 10:17:15 AM
Hello to everyone, First of all I want to thank everyone who wants to donate funds to ChristiansUnite. I am touched by your offer. ChristiansUnite started out as a part time, labor of love, 5 years ago, It soon became a full time job, and as the site got busier, it became necessary to raise some funds in order to keep everything free. The Lord has blessed my efforts, and the prayers of many who have held this ministry up daily before the Lord. Certain areas don't pay for themselves, but other areas more than do, so that overall, to this point, the advertising revenue has been sufficient to cover costs. Though some may disagree, I believe that it's all well and good for a ministry like this one, to raise funds through accepting ads from other Christian businesses and ministries, who in turn benefit from the visitors sent to them. These forums are one area that despite the trolls and troublemakers from time to time, I believe has blessed others, and I want to keep them absolutely free, and through God's providence, it can be. There are many other online ministries however, that are suffering from lack of funds. Most people don't realize that there are sometimes heavy costs involved, and expect everything to be free. SO... If you really feel that you would like to donate something to God's work, I would like to suggest that you direct your funds to the following ministry. the years, Wayne from In The Garden Ministries, has helped to reach many for Christ, with most of the costs supported from his own pocket. Believe me when I say, he can use the money, and the work you can help him do, will pay off eternally. I'm glad that you all appreciate these forums, and a big Thank You to BEP for the wonderful job he is doing in moderating. Ray
Welcome / Questions, help, suggestions, and bug reports / Re:subscription probs
on: September 16, 2003, 10:18:13 PM
1) Make sure your email address is valid. (That's probably not your problem)
2) If you don't respond to an email subscription, then you won't receive any more notices until you do. If that's the case, if you no longer have those emails, then check your subscriptions, unsubscribe to the offending one, and then re-subscribe again.
Entertainment / Movies / Re:Renting DVD Edited Movies?
on: September 05, 2003, 11:14:03 PM
My ignorance and pride thinks that maybe you and all the other users of this forum may profit more by helping this forum to survive, rather than wasting your time looking for beams.
Entertainment / Movies / Re:Renting DVD Edited Movies?
on: September 05, 2003, 10:54:11 PM
Well Jessica, you are very wrong. We'll let the people be the judge. Your only posts here have been to push your DVD site. Just a quick glance of your site shows that the prices are much higher.
By the way, blatant advertising here is not banned, but is not welcomed, especially when your only agenda here is to advertise.
Welcome / Questions, help, suggestions, and bug reports / Re:Not Notified of Replies.
on: August 11, 2003, 10:18:44 PM
If for some reason you don't visit the link provided when you receive a notification, then you won't receive any further notification of that thread until you do. That's to keep you from getting a lot of emails for a thread you have grown tired of.
That may have been the problem, but if not maybe the move and updates that I've done have corrected that problem.