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31  Fellowship / Testimonies / HOLY SPIRIT CAME DOWN LIKE A DOVE! on: November 08, 2008, 01:06:35 PM
 Smiley  Another thing that has happened this past summer!  Praise the Lord!

This story happened on the evening my son-in-law , Ron got baptized in the river near my home.  One more exciting incident to add to my glorious memories.

I was talking on the phone to my daughter .  She mentioned that Ron was getting baptized in the river at 6 P.M..  It was already 5:30..  I didn't have far to go and I went just like I was.  A group sang several anointed worship songs.

I found a seat out of the hot sun.  I didn't seem to know any body.  Then I spotted my son-in-law's mother.  Talked to her for a little while and we walked over to where Ron was.  Jokingly I told him not to expect a dove to fall on him like it did on Jesus when he got baptized. 

I told this to Don a young man who was singing. He played the part of Jesus in quite a few of the Easter Pageant every year. You would almost think it was Jesus!  Played teh part perfectly.

Don whispered “Don't be surprised at what might happen.”

We parted and I found a seat closer to the baptism spot---a wonderful ring side seat!  I was amazed when I looked up toward the sky and saw a white sea gull flying low.  It dived into the river and swam around the very part where the baptism was to be.  All I could think of was that the bird was the Holy Spirit  blessing the water before anyone went in.  That water is filthy! But cleansed for the baptism.

After that one, another  flew in the opposite direction just above the spot where the frst one stirred the water.  To my amazement, four or five others circled around where the water was stirred up.

Don smiled at me and came over.  I started to tell him what I saw.  He saw it, too.
“Awesome, wasn't it?”  He believed the way I did about the Holy Spirit being there to bless all those baptized.   No one else even noticed it!

Yes!  In a different way, the Holy Spirit  was there to witness the ceremony.
And God let us know he was well pleased!  God is so awesome as to how He “talks” to us.  I'll never forget this.  God bless you.  May you have similar experiences.
32  Fellowship / Testimonies / 'M GOING HOME on: November 08, 2008, 12:37:07 PM
This is posted for all the friends I have made on several sites.  This is a dream God gave me but it is meant for all his children.  Written 02/09/2008 

Blessed morning, my friends.

Woke up at 5 with the most wonderful feeling! Something I never felt before! As I lay awake, more wonderful ideas came to mind.

I was dreaming that I was moving into a brand new home. Someone was putting new windows in. I just saw hands (the hands of Jesus finishing my mansion! One window had baby designs. Lovingly put in.

Other people were around. I didn't really know them but at the same time I did know them very well.

The scene changed. We were like in a church, also brand new! It wasn't a church like we knew it but more of a teaching and learning the things of God. We will understand the precepts that were once mysteries to us. There will be no denominations or different beliefs. All will be exactly God's perfect truth in His Holy Book, the Bible. Not man's interpretations. No arguing about who was right or wrong.

My TV was on and the Gaithers came in to sing. They were in Tennessee, a Campfire Home Coming.

I wasn't dreaming any more but the Holy Spirit was putting wonderful thoughts into my mind and spirit.

The house being finished with the final touches would be my new mansion. The people I didn't know yet was all my friends I met online---and in every stage of my life---every place I've been.

We were blessed to be part of the Gaither's home coming! Always singing praises to the Lord in perfect harmony---even me!

Just got Holy Ghost bumps! They had been singing something about coming home.

We were one big choir from all walks of life and places singing with the angels of the majesty of God.

Our bodies were perfect. No more aches and pains. NO more crippled bodies or failing hearts. We were glowing with perfect health.

I pray that all who read this will get blessed enormously. That you realize that our bodies will no longer be flawed.

God has blessed me by revealing this to me.

All the scenes were kind of hidden. It was like a curtain was covering it all. But I believe I got a partial glimpse of heaven.

Oh my friends, there is so many wonderful feelings going through me---like I never felt before.

We have much to look forward to and the sorrows of this time on earth will be forgotten.

I have had other glimpses of what God can do miraculously. I will post them, too.

God bless all of you.  I love you all.  You don't realize how much you have done for me.

33  Prayer / General Discussion / What Do You Treasure And Why? on: November 07, 2008, 08:18:30 AM
I hesitated on writing this but I knew I had to wait until God gave me the go ahead. I got it today when a heard someone on a Christian channel speaking along these lines. So please bear with me.

If you think I’m pointing a finger at you, remember when I point a finger at you, there are 3 pointing back at me. The thumb doesn’t say anything! You may not like what I am going to say but it has to be said to open our eyes. Some may be exempt but I am talking in general. If you are guilty, admit it. I know I am guilty. We need to ask God for forgiveness.

This topic has been on my mind for quite awhile. Then all the talk about the economy makes me realize that God is not happy the way this country is going financially. It is hard enough to owe someone for a loan for a house or a car. These are necessary.

The introduction of the credit card helped many to go buying things they didn’t need right away. Does it make sense to have an extra payment to make along with the high interest that will be charged.
It would be better to save what you would make as a payment until you have enough to buy it outright. Then what you do have is yours and not the one you owe it to.

I hate to admit it but I got in a jam because I didn’t study just how a credit card could get me (and you) trapped. I didn’t think of unseen needs of money coming up. I was handling my pay pretty good. MY payments were always on time. I even got more groceries than I ever got. That’s another story.

Then the bottom fell out. About a year ago, I realized there was something very wrong with me. I lost interest in everything. I didn’t even want to be around people. I got to the point every little thing was too hard to do. I just wanted to sleep. Then I heard of sleep apnea. I had the sleep test. I was told I was almost in a deep depression. I was living in a fogl Oxygen was given to me. (After two months I didn’t need it anymore! PTL) In a short time I felt like I was waking up from a deep sleep. My life began to be more enjoyable. And I became more energetic sociable. I look for people now.

Then I had a slight heart attack. More expenses appeared in my mail box. Bills started to come in like a flood. I had insurance but it didn’t pay for everything. I am making payments on a huge hospital bill that never seems to go down. Every visit to my doctors means another co-payment. I am sure many of you have or are experiencing all this. I wasn’t taking any medicines or seeing doctors often. Now I spend time and money going back and forth to doctors’ offices or somewhere for tests. Instead of a few vitamins I am now taking 6 meds. I didn’t look ahead for that rainy day. Now I am caught in it without an umbrella.

Matt 6-19 (NKJV)Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
6:20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
6:21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

How have we become a generation of “buy buy, buy”? Sure it’s great to have nice things but how much do we actually need? We women just have to have all the newest gadgets to keep our homes looking nice. At least that’s what the TV tells us. Some pretty girl or a handsome man demonstrates it for us to show us how easy it is to use. And we only have to make small payments. What a lie and we bought into it.
In a sense that is lust of the eye. If we didn’t see the gadget or hear about it, would we even think about anything like that. We’d be satisfied with what we have.

1 John 2:16 (NKJV) For all that is in the world; the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life; is not of the Father but is of the world.

We also get all kinds of catalogs along with other ads, to look at that make us think we need it. It makes it seem less time consuming as well as saving power. If we made do with the old one, we would be saving money by making the most use of it. I get it then don’t even know how to use it. I get tired looking at it. I give it away to get it out of my sight. I never sell anything. I am glad to give it away then I don’t feel so guilty spending money I don’t have to get it.

Next on the list is clothing for women. They look in the cupboard and say they have nothing to wear. The cupboard is packed! What some women wouldn’t give to have all of them or even some. This calls for a shopping spree. Off she goes and come back loaded down. Where did she get the money? From the credit card! It was such a bargain. Of course! What else is there?

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Did you see the magic word? I don’t need money. I have a CREDIT CARD! Not just one but two or three or more from different stores. Did you ever wonder how you would get it paid? I didn’t. Now I have three cards almost maxed out. I never planned on hospital and doctor bills. What a time I have trying to juggle my money.

Are men exempt from this buying binge? NO! Boy the gadgets they need. They are tired of mowing grass with the old push mower which would be much better for their health. They don’t just buy an electric mower. It has to be a riding one!

The “boys” get obsessed with owning the newest and best automobile to outdo someone else. MY hubby bought two every three years whether we needed it or not. We were always ahead of the neighborhood but at great expense. But I had to work to help pay for it! MY kids got neglected a lot. I was either working or too tired to give them all the attention they needed. They were very deprived of what they needed most.

Of course there is all kinds of tool gadgets. There are new ones coming out as long as people will buy them. “I just need it” is the well-known song. Our eyes and ears (TV) are bombarded with a lot of ads to blow up their necessity.

Radios were good enough when I was young ---born in 1930.It was nice everyone listening to it together. Wow! What a great thing when TV.s came in. The first one I saw was only 7 inches and in black and white. The whole neighborhood gathered around it! MY family didn’t even have one.

Now each home has several of them. All are in color and much larger sizes. I am overwhelmed with the ones that cover a whole room. There is just me but I had to have two but much smaller.

Technology took over. Then I needed a VCR, CD and DVD players. I have a computer but this was necessary. It is my ministry writing what God tells me to do. Some things are really needed.

I will wind this up for now. There are so many things the Holy Spirit wants me to bring out. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Do you wonder why our economy is bad? This should give you something to chew on. I dare you to take an inventory and find the stuff you bought and it is just sitting-quite useless-in the cupboard or garage. Did you need it or just want it?  I have clothes I never wear.  I have to pack them up and give them to Goodwill or another organization for teh needy.

Shall I go on? In time I will cover foolish spending. We want; we want; we want. I am guilty of this and now I suffer for it.

1 John 2:16 (NKJV) For all that is in the world; the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life; is not of the Father but is of the world.

Are we good stewards with what God has given us? I am not and I ask God to forgive me.
God bless you.

34  Fellowship / Testimonies / tWO YEARS LATER! on: May 23, 2008, 06:27:36 PM
 Smiley  How time flies!  Two years ago I wrote "A testing period"  I was genuinely surprised at what I wrote.  I said that I was pretty healthy and didn't really know how others really hurt.  My healings were emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
All necessary. 

Then I went through a slump period for 2 years and quit writing altogether.  Maybe did do one once in awhile.  I lost interest in everything.  I couldn't concentrate and hardly remember anything.  My son thought I was getting alsheimer and thought I should be put in a home.
All I wantd to do was sleep.  Last December I finally mentioned this to my doctor.  I had taken lipitor and weighed 250.  But it was water weigth.  I couldn't eat.  I was blown up all over like a balloon.  I lost my appetite and barely at a bite at one time.

First I had a blood test checking for anemia and thyroid.  Both were fine.  Then a sleep study was ordered.  It is strange but when  I read over the above article I mentioned apnea but didn't know what it was but a friend had it.

I had the test. I quit breathing 88 times in one hour.  The man who tested me said I was almost into a deep depression.  I couldn't use the masks because I have claustrophobia.  I pulled all the wires out and the plug.
I have been on oxygen (just when I sleep) since December 2007. 
I am gettin g my life back and even better.  MY mind is working better.  MY brain wasn't getting oxygen nor my heart.

Couple weeks later I had a slight heart attack.  NO pain but much dizziness.  I had been a pretty independent person.  I thought I could do everything myself.  God let me lose control when I was in teh hospital.  Now I understand better what others are going through.  And can have much more compassion.

Another thing I mentioned was having blood behind my eye and a hole in my macular. A hole in the retina too.  I forgot about that.
Last visit with teh eye doctor he told me teh same thing and had me tested to see if there was any blood behind it.
Thank God no.  I'm doing fine now with a few meds and exercises.

I have to go now but I will be back.  God is letting me visit all my old sites and getting reacquainted with old friends.
He is letting me see just what all He has gotten me through.  It all renews my faith.  PTL! God bless you all.  love you.
  God is a great and amazing God.  and He loves you and me .
35  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / I AM COMING HOME on: February 11, 2008, 04:56:05 PM
Blessed morning my friend,
Woke up at 5 with the most wonderful feeling! Something I never felt before! As I lay awake, more wonderful ideas came to mind. I am going to send this to all my friends.

I was dreaming that I was moving into a brand new home. Someone was putting new windows in---something I never saw before. I just saw hands (the hands of Jesus finishing my mansion! ) One window had baby designs. Lovingly put in.

Other people were around. I didn't really know them but at the same time I did know them very well.

The scene changed. We were like in a church, also brand new! It wasn't a church as we knew it but more of a teaching and learning the things of God. We will understand the things that were as mysteries to us. There were no denominations nor contradictory beliefs. Only the truths that God has given us in His Word. Someone asked if they could sit with me. Certainly. All are welcome wherever they want to sit.

My TV was on and the Gaithers were singing about the Amazing Grace of God. They were in Tennessee, a Campfire Home Coming.
I wasn't dreaming any more but the Holy Spirit was putting wonderful thoughts into my mind and spirit.

The house being finished with the final touches would be my new mansion. The people I didn't know yet were all the Christian friends I met on-line---and in every stage of my life---every place I've been.

We were blessed to be part of the Gaither's home coming! Always singing praises to the Lord in perfect harmony---even me!
Just got Holy Ghost bumps! They had been singing something about coming home.  We were one big choir from all walks of life and places singing like angels. I can barely give words to this.

Our bodies were perfect. No more aches and pains. NO more crippled bodies or failing hearts. We were glowing with perfect health.
I pray that all who read this will get blessed enormously. That you realize that our bodies will no longer be flawed.

God has blessed me with revealing this to me.

All the scenes were kind of hidden. It was like a curtain was covering it all. But I believe I got a partial glimpse of heaven.
Oh my friend, there is so many wonderful feelings going through me---like I never felt before.
Jesus is on his throne with Angels all around Him. They are joining in with our hallelujah songs.
No one is lonely; no one is sad. May all who read this continue with the thoughts I have given.

36  Theology / Bible Study / BE YE KIND, ONE TO ANOTHER on: February 05, 2007, 06:47:56 AM
 At the High Rise, two different groups of kindergarten kids marched into the High Rise where I live, to introduce us to the International Acts of Kindness Day.  At 10 A.m. a group of 67 little ones marched in to the High Rise Community Room.  They behaved very nicely---no shouting or shoving.  They put their whole heart in singing three songs.  I watched the expressions on their little innocent faces.  Theirbig smiles showed they really enjoyed what they were doing.

They presented us with a pot of beautiful lilac mums that can be planted and will bloom every year.  Then at random they gave colorful paper flowers (which they had made) to the residents.  I put mine---a whole bouquet---into a plastic container to remind me of the different colors any act of kindness can show.   In the afternoon, another group did the same. 

It was a lesson to be learned.  So many times kind acts are just passed over as something owed to us.  I began to look around and take note of any kindness shown to another or to me, whether big or small.  All sorts of people are gathered here in the High rise.  Some you like; some you don’t particularly care for. (Do something kind for them. They may become your friend.  They usually are hurting people.)   A good bit of the time, conversation runs to physical complaints, disagreements between individuals and mostly topped with “juicy” gossip. There is even some downright hatred of one another.  They can’t stay in the same room.  These are people at their worst and best and some in between. 

All through the Bible you read about the kindness of God.  Jesus also showed kindness.  We should try to follow in his footsteps and do the same.  This won’t be my usual writing but instances of kind acts I have observed. One little act of kindness can make a difference in another person’s life.   

I was doing my grocery shopping early in the morning.   A young man was stocking some shelves.  He greeted me with a big genuine
smile and a “Good Morning to you.  How are you today?”  Of course that brought a big smile to my face, a lovely way to start my day.  I stopped to talk with him.  I told him I bet he made a lot of people
happy for the day or even just  a few minutes.

I told him I lived in a High Rise and about our visit by the little folks.  .  He said his Dad had to put his mother in a home.  He visits her every day. He too has a kind word for everyone and especially those who never get visitors.  They all look forward to seeing
 him.  He talks to them and jokes with them.  That little bit of time where they feel as though they are important to someone, will see them through another day.  This is so pathetic, but true.  My daughter spends a couple hours visiting a few patients in a hospice.
They are getting to know her and look forward to her short visit. 

When you retire from a job, your life and work is not over.  Not unless you do quit. We have a couple women who were once nurses.  They still nurse.  When someone has an operation, they will tend to their nursing needs; wash the wound and put new bandages on.
They can check to see if anything is going wrong and have them call the doctor.  That is something I wouldn’t attempt.  I would not be a good nurse; I am so clumsy and may hurt them worse.

Some people here, like to cook or bake.  They share this talent to ones who can’t get around very well. Or even to me; one who does not like to cook.  The man next door cooks all the time.  That aroma always makes me hungry.  Once in awhile, he will hand me a jar of still hot soup or chili.  I really appreciate it.  Once I was very sick with bronchitis.  Another person gave me a big pot of soup.  I just had to nuke it. 

Someone else gave me a frozen salmon steak she got from the food bank and some cookies.  She is forever baking cookies and pies and distributing them to different people.  She is in her 90’s yet she never stops. 

There are others who just visit the lonely.  I can’t do that.  I’m just not sure if they really want me to stop by.  Might just be an excuse but I can’t get myself to knock on the door of someone I don’t know.  I had been kind of a loner and stayed in my apartment
most of the time.  Lately I am getting more sociable.  God has been changing me from an introvert to an extrovert.  He can perform miracles!!!  Even on someone like me.

To show what other acts of kindness you can do, I will say what I have done.  When I moved here 8 years ago, I had a word processor (and later, this computer).  I asked God to let me use it to help others.  I offered to type up papers for anyone who needed that
 done and give them copies of it.  It started out slow but more people have learned I would do it. 

I fill out rent rebate forms for a few people.  I now have a scanner so I can make necessary copies for the rebates and our yearly revaluation meeting with HUD.  I don’t charge for anything but some insist on giving me something---some more, some less.  It helps pay for my supplies. 

Every year I update the By-Laws of the Tenant’s Association and also of TOPS, which is held in our community room.  I make copies of the notes of our meetings.  Also, I make sign-up sheets for any doings in the building.  I get more out of it than any one else.
Ever since I could remember, I loved to go to a store and spend time in the office supply section.  I wanted to have an office.  Now years later, I do!  I love to do filing.  I keep files of everyone I do any work for.  I keep medical records up to date for the “soup” man.

Many here don’t have cars.  Some will drive them where they need to go.  I have been driven to different places when I didn’t have a ride.  Or I could give someone money and a list to pick things up for me.  One younger woman walks up town to pick up prescriptions or items at the grocery store for any one. I make up a birthday list of those
who want on it.  A good many give cards to those on each monthly list or to someone who is sick or in the hospital.  They look forward to the cards. 

That is just the tip of the iceberg.  Many acts of kindness can be seen everyday if we just look for them.  A High Rise is a good place to start.  There are so many people to study.  My favorite and I believe the favorite of everyone here is a 93 year old man.  He has a smile on his face at all times.  He always has a good word for everyone.  That is
what you call spreading cheer.  You, alone, know what your specialty for kindness it.  Use iit!!!  There is so much need for kindness everywhere.  Do your part.

I think you get the picture.  Kindness is free and doesn’t take much effort  but is worth a million bucks.  It’s a two way street.  It not only makes others happy but you get pleasure out of knowing you have obeyed God.  You can’t be kind without love.  Romans
12:10 “Be kindly affectionate one to another with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another.”   Just smile.  God bless you.

February 5, 2007 update.  The 93 year old man first moved to a nursaing home.  Not long after that he passed away.  We all miss him.

37  Welcome / About You! / Just curious---Is anyone as old as me 76 or close to it. on: December 21, 2006, 01:09:45 PM

Age doesn't matter to me.  I enjoy talking to all ages.  But I have been on sites when they learned my age, I was ignored.  In other places I have been accepted

In some ways I might seem like an old fuddy duddy (as old people are often called!  lol)
but in many ways I am young at heart.

I live alone and just like to talk to people from all over teh world.  Keeps my old brain working.  lol  I don't have a car so I am kind of stuck in a little town with no transportation.

I live in a hgh rise but don't have anyone to talk with there or just casually once in awhile.  I don't like to play bingo, darts, or cards.  Don't enjoy listening to their gossip or complaining.  Most aren't Christians.

Oh I do talk a lot when I get a chance.  rofl

What more can I say.

38  Theology / Bible Study / lAST DAYS---VERY MUCH IN EVIDENCE on: December 21, 2006, 08:37:44 AM
This was originally written September 8, 1993, almost 8 years before the twin towers suicide bombings.  That is not a long time in God’s eyes.  The same truths I wrote then are still the same truths for today.  I write now with little more insight and updated.  I forgot I had written this until I had some disturbing news this week; showing just how close it is hitting home.  I will not give details at this time. ( I don’t even remember now what that would be!)

   Without any forethought of my own, the Holy Spirit is leading me to Second Timothy.  Please pray for me as I write.  We will start with Chapter 3, verse 1:  “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.”  Perilous means dangerous, full of risk.  In the Greek, it adds the idea of reducing the strength or furious.  Is it dangerous when a young girl can go to her bus stop and be abducted into a car by a strange man, taken into the woods and tied to a tree?  Is it dangerous when a person can leave work, get in the car and be shot in a drive by shooting?  Is it dangerous when w woman can go into a variety store and have her throat slashed just for her little bit of money?  This was in broad daylight with other people walking around.  I can attest to that.  I was in that store just after it happened.

   Is it dangerous when an aged woman can be sleeping in her bed, only to wake up to find a rapist hovering over her?  She was so afraid of being alone and had invested in all kinds of protection gadgets.  What good can they do?  Only God and His angels can protect.  I, myself have had many incidents where I was protected against all odds.  Yes, Christians can sometimes be caught in the cross fire.  God will give you peace in the midst of it.  I have faced scarey situations.  Although they had still happened, God turned them around and used them for His own glory.  Someday, if I am so led, I will write about these as my testimony that Jesus will never leave us or forsake us.  He is in the fiery furnace with us. Verse 11-12 “Persecutions, afflictions, which come unto me---but out of them all, God delivered me.”

   The devil can not do anything to us that God does not permit.  Remember Job.  These things may be allowed to test our faith and teach us something.  I won’t elaborate on this. 

   Verse 2 “For men shall be lovers of  their own selves”.  This is the “me first” generation.  We love “me”; too bad for you.  Of course there are always exceptions.  All these “rights” people are fighting for cannot be from God.  Cults and other groups against God want to “worship” as they please.  They can do wicked things out in the open and no one can dare criticize them.  It doesn’t matter who they hurt in the process.  A woman can be a witch and practice her witchcraft on unsuspecting individuals.  In these times, 2002, Harry Potter is a good example, a kid’s book teaching children all about witchcraft and spells, very explicit.  Even younger Christian mothers don’t see the danger in the book.  Oh, that God would open their eyes to the truth.

   Self love is the witch’s creed.  She loves herself and her life style.  She drags whomever she can into her trap.  She pulls them away from God.  Christians don’t have rights, though.  They are taken away as fast as they can be.  We are not allowed to talk about our beliefs in public.  No prayer is allowed in school or any public place.  The Ten Commandments are taken down.  We don’t want to “offend” any one who doesn’t believe the way we do.  Christians are offended every day.  We just don’t count.  We are inferior to everyone else.  Students can’t pray or read and study their Bibles in the classroom but they can study about witchcraft and Eastern religions which have many gods or false ones.    These anti God groups want nothing to do with our God.  He has definite rules to follow.  If they believed, they would not be free to do their evil deeds.  Of course, the devil is in charge here.

More and more women have abortions. I am not writing to judge you.  I don’t know what I would do if I was in that position... Circumstances my cause them to have one.  One might be a young girl and the parents forced her to have one. Or the father was a married man and they didn’t know what to do.  The man might have forced her to get an abortion. Some women see nothing wrong with this.  This, too is “self love”.  They want to have “fun” and not be tied down with a baby who would hamper their “free” style.  The fetus is not a human being yet.  Get rid of it before it gets too far along.

What does God say?  The answer is in Psalm 139:13-16  “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”  It is all from the first seed to the finished product.

   Babies cost money.  The woman needs money to put on her back, her hair and her face.  She wants to travel, work toward her career.  You have to give up these things when you have a baby to look after.  I must come first?  Is this God’s way?   Yes, these are perilous times and they are getting worse and worse.  Do you love yourself more than God and before others?  Your desires and wishes?  Are we all guilty?  Modern precept---do your own thing!

   There is so much more to this scripture.  I will let this much sink in.  Perilous times can trap godly people into the ways of the world.  There are so many temptations.  We have to stay constantly in the Word so as to avoid them. “There is no temptation taken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you  are able; but with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.” (I Corinthians 10:13)

   Today’s perilous times are accelerating with terrorist attacks and threats.  Read all of  Luke 21:5-32.  Jesus is telling the apostles about the signs to look for before Jesus will return.  More and more is being fulfilled. Again God’s timing is not ours.  It is getting closer.  We may not see it but we should always be ready for we will never know when the time has come.  There are many wars and rumors of wars; earthquakes in different places; famines and pestilences. We get threats of germ warfare and poisoning of the waterways. 

Recently I received a forwarded email about free samples of perfumes, lotions and even baby diapers (another way of killing babies?) being sent to people through the post office.  When they were inhaled, some have died from poisoning.  Man is playing God with their cloning; trying to create beings that won’t be humans.  Will they be creating frankensteins?  Which way do we turn?  Only to Jesus.

Luke 21:26-28 “Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.  And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory, And when these things come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draws nigh.” 

ch me.  When the Holy Spirit got hold of me, I told him to get lost.  No one really took me in a beginner’s class to teach me doctrine so I thought I understood deeper things before I could swim.  The more I learned, the less I knew.  And I trusted too many people.  What is you thoughts on those two scriptures?

When I write I can only write under inspiration.  I only write when I let  the Holy Spirit teach me and I search the scriptures until I find the truth.  As a Catholic, I wasn’t allowed to read the Bible.  I might learn about the lies they were teaching.  Even as a child I would sneak and read the big Bible that was on the table just for display.  The first thing I read later that led me away was the one about heresy where they are forbidden to get married or eat meat.  Priests and nun weren’t allowed to marry---they were married to Jesus Christ.  We weren’t allowed to eat  meat on Fridays and most days during Lent or go to hell if we didn’t obey.  They changed the rule much later.  What happened to the ones who went to hell.  I thought if that was a lie, what other lies did they teach?

When I was young, I skimmed through the Old Testament.  All I got out of it was if you obeyed God all would go well.  If not, God would leave you..

I learned doctrine.   I have been reproved and corrected and I was instructed.  It took some time but it soon sunk in. 

Times keep getting worse.  Kids are killing kids and also their parents if they don’t get their own way.  We need to pay more attention and make sure we don’t getr caught up in the ways of the world.  Think about it.  God bless you.

39  Theology / Bible Study / Re: THE AXE IS LAID UNTO THE ROOT OF THE TREE on: December 21, 2006, 07:44:22 AM
Blackeyedpeas (Tom)

KInd of late in replying.  So much has happened since I wrote that.  Including computer trouble and not able to balance my check book and other petty little things in between.

When I have these times, it is a learning time.  Big thing I learned is the fact that I don't stick to things.  I start something and am going pretty good then I quit.  Then I go somewhere else.

But it is good!  I have a bout 20 sites I have something written on.  All since 2001---5 years ago.!  I forgot about the comments I have gotten on different articles.  I got the notion that no one was reading them but that was wrong.  Lately God has been reminding me  of the places I have been and people I have met.  Many wonderful people.

I had a serious memory block for awhile. I think it served God's purpose to rid IT of any wrong  misconceptions of what God is really saying.  I had been in cults and false teachings.  My mind had been filled with all kinds of fairy tales.  In 2000 I had a dream where God was going to heal me---physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  He has been keeping his promise  when I was ready for it.  He is working on my mind and spirit now. 

God is really expanding my ministry.  I hear from preachers in many countries including Pakistan, Kenya and even Macedonia.These are those who have become Christians and have large congregations with people eager to hear the Word.

God is taking me back to all the sites I have been on and reminding me of people I had met.

I am saying all this to say that it is time that I get down to serious business.  Time is running out.  I have about 100 articles written.  How much trouble is it to send them out to all the sites?  I have my own blog now but don't know how to link it to other sites.

It is partly the story of my life and how God has been with me all the time.  He is using all my experiences, good and bad, to help others.  Even when something bad happens now, I always get a message from it!.  We should all be like that instead of moaning about our "bad luck".  I have been guilty.

I guess you could say that what I am saying is God has laid the axe to the root of this tree.  He is cutting off all the useless branches.  Can you see that He might be doing the same with you?  What are you going through now?  Look at it closely.  Is there a lesson to be learned?

I didn't plan to say all that but I couldn't stop!  Guess I had to.

Time is running out.  I wrote an article about the last days so will post it.

God bless all of you.  God loves you and so do I.
40  Theology / Bible Study / THE AXE IS LAID UNTO THE ROOT OF THE TREE on: September 04, 2006, 11:43:28 AM
Hearing a lot of sermons, I may think they were great but in such a short time I forget what it was about. On rare occasions I hear one that really impresses me and I don’t forget it. Today I heard such a one. It planted a small seed in my mind which led to this article I am writing. One idea led to another until the Holy Spirit led me to this topic.

      I don’t try to copy the whole sermon but something he said struck me like lightening. It was about there being only two types of religion---one of works and one of grace. Many churches today think that by doing good works and lots of them, they will get to heaven. Grace is too high of a concept to grasp.

It is man’s ego and desire to be in control of his own life. He may say he believes in God as long as God doesn’t interfere in his own plans. God is only there to pray to when he gets into a jam he made for himself.

The meaning of grace (Hebrew) is “to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior, to bestow”. In Greek, it means “the divine influence on the heart, and it’s reflection in the heart”. Both are great meanings. This grace can and does change lives when we accept God’s gift. Some may take offense in the thought that they are inferior to any one. They elevate themselves high in their own eyes. This is why pride is mentioned so much all throughout the Bible; old and new Testaments.

One meaning of pride is another amazing thing. In Greek it says “to envelop with smoke or to inflate with self-conceit. Also “the verb: to make a smoke; that is to slowly consume without flame.” When we think only of ourselves and how wonderful we are,
we become slowly burnt up by our own importance that nothing can penetrate through that smoke. God can’t even get through to us. We just won’t let Him in.

Grace is God bestowing us with gifts He wants us to use for His glory, not our own. He is all kindness to give us all these gifts. None are worthy to receive them.
In Matthew 8:8, the centurion humbly realized just how inferior and unworthy he was that Jesus should even enter his home to heal his sick servant. When Jesus said he would come and heal the servant, “the centurion answered and said: Lord I am not worthy that you should come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.” He had no doubt at all that this could happen. Verse 10 “When Jesus heard it, he marveled, and said to them that followed, Verily, I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel”.

Where did this strong faith come from? Man does not receive it under his own power. It is a special gift from God. He did not give it to him because he was better than anyone else. The man used that gift. He probably never wondered where it came from or how great a gift it was. Just his declaration of his belief will be remembered by those who followed Jesus. Jesus made sure they did. Only one man of faith in all of Israel???

He was also given the gift of leadership. He could command someone to do something and they did it. I could tell someone to do something and they would just ignore me. I do not have the gift of leadership.

The greatest gift God has given anyone is the gift of Salvation. The other gifts are added as God sees fit. We get a touch of these gifts even when young. We all have a tendency to be able to do something special that others may not be able to do; no matter how little or big it is. He knows those who will use them and also those who will waste them. Yet he gives everyone a chance to do something special for Him. But using them for the world and without salvation is useless.

Ephesians 2:8-10 “For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourself: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man shall boast, for we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.”

We can’t boast about anything we accomplish. God alone makes us able to perform the job He planned for us to do from the beginning of time. We use these talents individually if only telling others, maybe only one on one, what God has done for us through His Son Jesus Christ. They should see in our life that we are different and want to know more about this wonder worker. Although a preacher stands in a pulpit in front of a few or many, he is no better than the individual nor any more worthy. He is just a man doing the work God gave him to do.

In Corinthians 12:1-11, Paul tells the congregation about the spiritual gifts God gives to His people that will benefit all. Some churches get so wrapped up about these gifts along with all the programs they think is necessary to please God that they forget the very core of “Church” at all and that is to make Jesus the Lord of their life. To give up their own rule and kingdom of self. Busy, busy, busy; too busy to stay with the basics (the roots) and they add their own ideas of what God wants. They may “talk” basics but their heart is not really in them. How many people are not getting “saved” because they think that they will get to heaven by their good works and many programs and much busyness.

In Luke 3:9, John tells everyone who would listen “Bring forth therefore fruits of repentance, and begin not to say to yourselves, we have Abraham to our father…And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees; every root therefore which brings not forth good fruit is cut down, and cast into the fire.” The good fruit is the souls that accept the gospel of Jesus Christ and abide by it.

He was mostly talking to the Jews who thought their relationship with Abraham would save them. John dispelled that idea when he said in the same verse “for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.” This is not just for the Jews but any one who believes in Jesus. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him, should not perish but have everlasting life.” We will be in the presence of the glory of God forever. And the Lamb is the light. Revelation 21:23

This is the core and full plan of God for our lives. Nothing else matters. God is all. God bless you as you think about this.

41  Fellowship / Just For Women / Re: Where is everyone from? on: June 23, 2006, 09:00:29 PM
 Huh  hMMM!  That is a good question.  I began life about 30 miles from Pittsburgh, Pa.
In 1953 I got married and moved to Falmouth, Mass. while my husband was in the air force.  Back to another town in Pa for a short time and moved 3 more times, same general area.

I'll boil the rest down to the fact that I have moved about 35 times in my 75 years.
I lived in different apartments in North Carolina a few times for short periods. 

Came back to Pa---again in quite a few different apartments.  12 years ago I finally settled down in a high rise in the town I was born in.

I am so glad I will be settled forever when I get to go to my new mansion in God's Kngdom.  I will never have to move again.  Praise the Lord!!!  What a day that will be.

God is so good. "Soon and very soon, I'm going to see the Lord"  etc---a song we used to sing.    I'll fly away!   Joan
42  Fellowship / Testimonies / GOD'S LOVE PEEKS THROUGH THE DARKEST NIGHTS on: June 06, 2006, 01:44:47 PM
        When my husband informed me to go to the court house to sign divorce papers he applied for, I was devastated. He did it this way so our six lovely children would not have to see a policeman come to the door to hand them to me.  Our marriage was not built on love or trust.  We didn’t even like each other.  We both married on the rebound.  I added “to get away from home” as another reason for the marriage.  God was not in it at all.
   He kept the kids because I worked and the area would not rent to anyone with children.  I had the three youngest one on weekends for awhile.  It got to the point they did not want to visit me anymore.  They had their friends and plans and that was more fun.   I wasn’t the best mother.  I worked a full time job; mostly split shifts.  My kids didn’t really know me.  I didn’t have much time for them.

   Although my home life with my Father and Mother wasn’t pleasant and the same in my married life, I was never alone.  I always had someone to protect me and make my decisions for me. To be out on my own was a scary proposition.  I had to look for an apartment in an unfamiliar territory, buy a car, get all the utilities turned on.  There was no one to help me do all this.  This was my first step to maturity!

   I even considered suicide as a way out.  I wasn’t up to all this responsibility. After talking to Suicide prevention for about an hour, I pulled up my boot straps and plodded on.  I made up my mind I would either sink or swim.  I went to dances by myself.  I joined a pen pal club and got about sixty replies. One was a man from N. Carolina.  After several letters, he invited me to go fishing with him, his Mother, Father and son. 

   I threw all caution to the wind, and took off on the most dangerous and long journey of my life.  I was scared when I had to drive seventeen miles to go to work. About five hundred miles was a gigantic
step for me to take.  Looking back, I can see all that I did from then on was the hard way I had to go to find God.  He knew where I was but He wanted me to come to Him.  After following everyone else’s rules all my life, I became rebellious and decided to do everything MY WAY.

   After a few years, my pen pal and I got married in Pennsylvania.  He decided he wanted to go back to North Carolina.  I walked off a good job, packed my few belongings and headed on to our destination in two cars.  In his car was his pet skunk sitting on top of his bald head.  I had a German Shepherd in mine.  Neither of us had a job so we slept in our cars near a cemetery for about three weeks. 
Eventually we both got jobs with poor pay and could barely make ends meet. 

   Of course, this marriage wasn’t destined for success.  I went my way; he went his.  I was fired from my job because of him.  The details aren’t important.  I had one pay coming and no rosy outlook in sight.  I was at the end of my rope in an unfamiliar land.  I was too proud to admit defeat and return home to ask for help.  One of my grown children would have taken me in.

   I had enough money to get a room in a motel for $5 a week.  I was at the end of my rope.  I thought I would die or worse yet become a bag lady.  I can be knocked down but I never stayed there.  I found a church on Sunday and asked for God’s help as I cried bitter tears at the altar.  For the first time in my life I felt love and peace.

On Wednesday I went to see the lady at the store near me where we owed money.  I told her my predicament and not even knowing how God works, I told her I would pay her when I got work I had no clue.  It would be O.K.  It was nine months before I got a job.  God was showing me how He will provide and always on time to fit the situation.

   As I was ready to leave, the store owner stopped me.   She said an eighty year old lady up on the hill needed someone to stay with her.  Her husband just died and she was afraid to stay by herself.  Immediately I went up to see her.  By Friday I was moved in just as my time was up at the motel!

   That began my story of my journey from the wilderness to the promised land.  Some of it was awesome; some was bad but I learned from it all.  Now God’s mission for me is to write about it to give hope to the hopeless. As the song goes “What He’s done for others; He’ll do for you.”  We just have to trust Him.  God bless you.
43  Theology / Debate / Re:Why dislike Mormons so much? on: May 15, 2006, 06:25:55 PM
I know, but a lot of people, here too, bad mouth Mormons. So I figured this might be a good place to come for answers. I don't want to spend the effort to become an expert in Mormonism just to find out if the claims of other Christians are valid.

There are thousands of Christian denominations, and they all differ to some degree. Some more than others. Some quite a bit. I'm not challenging the accusations that the Mormon beliefs differ greatly, or that they are considered strange compared to most Christians. What I'm simply asking for is some belief of their's that clearly is contradictory to the bible, backed up by proof that it's actually a belief of their's.



The doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) are very interesting. Most of the 'odd' ones are not initially taught to potential converts. But they should be. Instead, "they are are revealed later as one matures and gains the ability to accept them."  The LDS Church tries to make its official doctrines appear Christian but what underlies those Christian sounding terms is far from Christian in meaning.
     Following are the teachings of its officials throughout the years.  Please note that these teachings are documented from Mormon writers, not anti-Mormon writers. 
    Finally, many Mormons respond that most of the the citations below are not from official Mormon writings, as if that disproves the doctrines they teach.  If they are not official, fine.  But, if not, then why have the Mormon apostles and high officials taught them, written them, and why are their books sold in Mormon bookstores?  The truth is, the following is what Mormons are taught.

1. The true gospel was lost from the earth. Mormonism is its restoration, Articles of Faith, by James Talmage, p. 182-185
2. We need prophets today, the same as in the Old Testament, Articles of Faith, by James Talmage, p. 444-445
3. The book of Mormon is more correct than the Bible, History of the Church, 4:461.
4. If it had not been for Joseph Smith and the restoration, there would be no salvation.  There is no salvation [the context is the full gospel including exaltation to Godhood] outside the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mormon Doctrine, p. 670.
5. There are many gods, Mormon Doctrine, p. 163.
There is a mother god, Articles of Faith, by James Talmage, p. 443.
6. God used to be a man on another planet, Mormon Doctrine, p. 321.  Joseph Smith,  Times and Seasons, Vol 5, pp. 613-614; Orson Pratt, Journal of Discourses, Vol 2, p. 345, Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, vol. 7, p. 333.
7. After you become a good Mormon, you have the potential of becoming a god, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pages 345-347, 354.
8. God the Father had a Father, Joseph Smith, History of the Church, vol. 6, p. 476; Heber C. Kimball, Journal of Discourses, vol. 5, p. 19; Milton Hunter, First Council of the Seventy, Gospel through the Ages, p. 104-105.
9. God resides near a star called Kolob, Pearl of Great Price, pages 34-35; Mormon Doctrine, p. 428.
10. God the Father has a body of flesh and bones, Doctrine and Covenants, 130:22.
11. God is in the form of a man, Joseph Smith, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 6, p. 3.
12. God is married to his goddess wife and has spirit children, Mormon Doctrine p. 516.
13. We were first begotten as spirit children in heaven and then born naturally on earth, Journal of Discourse, Vol. 4, p. 218.
14. The first spirit to be born in heaven was Jesus, Mormon Doctrine, page 129.
15. The Devil was born as a spirit after Jesus "in the morning of pre-existence," Mormon Doctrine, page 192.
16. Jesus and Satan are spirit brothers and we were all born as siblings in heaven to them both, Mormon Doctrine, p. 163.
17. A plan of salvation was needed for the people of earth so Jesus offered a plan to the father and Satan offered a plan to the father but Jesus' plan was accepted. In effect the Devil wanted to be the Savior of all Mankind and to "deny men their agency and to dethrone god." Mormon Doctrine, page 193; Journal of Discourses, vol. 6, page 8.
18.  God had sexual relations with Mary to make the body of Jesus, Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 4, p. 218, 1857; vol. 8, p. 115. - This one is disputed among many Mormons and not always 'officially' taught and believed. Nevertheless, Young, the 2nd prophet of the Mormon church taught it.
19. Jesus' sacrifice was not able to cleanse us from all our sins, (murder and repeated adultery are exceptions), Journal of Discourses, Vol. 3, p. 247, 1856.
20. Good works are necessary for salvation, Articles of Faith, p. 92.
21. There is no salvation without accepting Joseph Smith as a prophet of God, Doctrines of Salvation, Vol. 1, p. 188.
22. Baptism for the dead, Doctrines of Salvation, Vol. II, p. 141. This is a practice of baptizing each other in place of non-Mormons who are now dead. Their belief is that in the afterlife, the "newly baptized" person will be able to enter into a higher level of Mormon heaven.
23. There are three levels of heaven: telestial, terrestrial, and celestial, Mormon Doctrine, p. 348.
Some Mormons may disagree with a few of the points listed on this page, but all of what is stated here is from Mormon authors in good standing of the Mormon church.

You will note that some is not accepted by various Mormons, yet much, if not most supplies the resource (book and author) for the teaching.  Not sure how much proof you need, but this should be proof enough.

I'm not sure about you, but I am hard pressed to find anything in this list that is not contradictory to the word of God.

Grace and Peace!

EDIT to add>>>> PS BTW, I don't dislike mormons, but I do disagree with their teachings.

I was in the Mormons for a short time.  Because I was so eager for answers they taught me much of the above.  Too many to list now.  I was very obedient to do my geneology so my dead relatives could become Mormons though it was harder than when they had a living body. 

I read all the books they suggested and at the time I believed them.  Then 2 things happened that made me realize I couldn't be a good Mormon for I wasn't exactly living the way they thought I should.  Then God gave me a dream that got me out of it along with another situation I was in.  They actually excommunicated me and that wasn't heard of too much.

Later I met other ex-Mormons.  When I mentioned some of the doctrines I have heard of, they didn't believe me.  They just weren't "mature" enough to understand these strange concepts.  In short, I must have been more gullible to believe everything they told me. 

Many years later and living in a high rise, many of us sat on the front porch.  Two Mormon young men walked by.  One later spoke to them so they came up on the porch and began the same spiel I first heard. I spoke up and told them I used to be a Mormon.  They got really excited.

I asked if they really believed that they could become gods and have their own worlds.  Or did they really believe Jesus and Satan were brothers.

I never saw anyone leave as fast as they did.  They walked by several times after that but never stopped.
44  Theology / Bible Study / ARK OF THE COVENANT on: May 14, 2006, 07:59:50 AM
Exodus 25:10 “And they shall make an ark of gotcha2tim wood; two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof. And a cubit and a half the height thereof.”

The meaning of gotcha2tim is “sticks of wood from the same as acacia which means scourging thorns.” Acacia is from an unused root which means “to pierce”. It is also from another word which means “to flog, goad or to scourge”.   The wood used, points to what Jesus would suffer. John 19:18 “Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him.” John 19:34 “but one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.” Revelation 1:7 “Behold, he comes with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.”

One soldier may have done the piercing but we are all guilty of doing the same when we don’t believe; and blaspheme him when we use his name in vain. Isaiah 53:5 “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”
Although the Israelites didn’t know Jesus by that name, he was with them everywhere they went. The whole ark made of wood represented Jesus and the protection he had around them just as the protection of the Ark Noah was instructed to build. Revelation 11:19 “And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in His temple the ark of His testament:”

 According to the dictionary, a cubit is equal to about 18 to 22 inches. This measurement is made from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow. From the lowest to the highest , the length would be between 54 to 66 inches, depending on who was doing the measuring. A cubit did’t mean a thing to me so I could, not imagine how big the Ark would be. The length would be the height of a man. You figure the rest of the arithmetic out.  Knowing this makes it all seem more real. We are all different heights. How tall was Jesus? Each of us could fit safely in that ark if it was to be so physically! Spiritually Jesus is the Ark of our covenant with God. We all fit.

God’s covenant with man began with Noah after the flood. Genesis 9:11: “And I, behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you.” That includes all mankind who has God as their Father and Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Verse 13 “I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.” Among all the problems we face in these evil times, God still reminds us that His covenant with man still stands.

When rain and the sun are hand in hand we are sure to see a rainbow. Some have reported as to having seen two rainbows; a double blessing. Of course we have the superstition that we can find gold at the end of it. Spiritually it is true because we do find the golden treasure of Jesus in the covenant.

God calls Abram to get out of his own country into a land He would show him. Read all of Genesis chapters 12-14. God again made a covenant with Abram in Genesis 18; “In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying , “Unto your seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates.”

Until the war in Iraq began, all the other wars fought in the little lands around that area, meant nothing to me. I was safe, so I thought. Then came the attack on the United States. That was a different story and a warning.

We live in an amazing age.  God’s promises are closer to becoming reality.  God’s WORD is always true.

In Genesis 17 is the story of Abram at the age of ninety when God promised him a son , Isaac.  This is when God changed his name to Abraham---“for the father of all nations have I made you.” (That includes us.”  Abram tried to take things in his own hand, by Sara’s insistence and bore a son to his concubine Hagar. He was called Ishmael. Because of Abraham’s refusal to wait for God to produce a son for him, that is why all the wars in the Middle East have been fought and still going on.  They are personal wars between Isaac and Ishmael and their descendent's over the land to this day.  They will go on until God’s promise that Isaac’s seed will possess it forever. And again God made a covenant with Abraham. Genesis 17:7 “And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your seed after you in their generations for an everlasting covenant to be a God unto you and to your seed after you. This is a continuing covenant.

This time, the covenant requires blood verse 10 “This is my covenant…..Every man child among you shall be circumcised. Males uncircumcised (Verse 14) …shall be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant.” This was a physical circumcision before Christ. After Christ, those who believe that the blood of Jesus saves us will become a Jew in spirit. Romans 3:29 “But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart (not of the flesh), in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men but of God.”

God never left us without a covenant. It is always between at least two people. The Israelites broke the covenant when they followed after false idols. Christ is greater than the Levitical system. The old tabernacle was just an “example and shadow of heavenly things. Hebrews 8:5a. Hebrews 8:6 tells about the new and better covenant; “But now, has he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant which was established upon better promises.” Hebrews holds a lot of gems for us to search for.

 There is too much more to write about of the Ark of the Covenant. I will end this with the items that the Ark holds to this day; if it can be found. There are many theories as to what has happened to it. No trace of it has been found. One theory is that God had it hidden until it is time to rebuild the temple. When it is found, that is a sign to start building. From reading and listening to different prophesy programs, I have heard that everything is ready to do so when God gives the signal. The time is up to God alone. We can't even begin to guess.   Even a red heifer has been found.  The significance of the heifer will be explained in a latter writing as the Holy Spirit leads me.

Hebrews 9:3-5 And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all; which had the golden censer, and the Ark of the Covenant overlaid about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron’s rod that had budded, and the tables of the covenant (the ten commandments). And over it the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercy seat: of which we cannot now speak particularly.”

God bless you as you read and study more about this.  The study is endless.

45  Fellowship / Testimonies / A TESTING PERIOD on: May 14, 2006, 02:13:29 AM
After a fruitful period, I got a testing period.  I'm not even sure when it started but it has been frustrating.  When this happens no matter how long it lasts, thenI know something really good is going to happen after I get a break.

I don't know if I told you I got a new computer in December.  It took me awhile to understand how to use some of the programs.  Last month after I got a little comfortable with it, it began to act up.  I kept thinking it was just my mistakes.  Finally I got a young lady who came and picked my 'puter up and took it to her to see what was wrong.  I don't have a car.

I had a Trojan virus buried deep plus a lot of adware and trackware.  She cleaned that all out and did much more for a fair price.  I know that God let that happen because of my old computer.  I dropped it and messed up my floppy drive.  My new puter didn't have a floppy disc installed so I couldn't use the floppies.

I had saved all my articles on both the hard drive and the back up drive besides the floppies.  The woman took the drives out and saved them all on a folder on the desktop!  I don't have to retype them all again.  As close as I can guess I have at least 200 items I thought I had lost.  I was told a long time ago to always keep a paper copy of everything.  Now I see why.  GOD kept my writings in His keeping!  He has everything under control even tho it seems like such a jumble.  She even got rid of the old machine for me.

She rearranged everything in a more convenient arrangement and neater than I ever did so the cords weren't showing everywhere and in my way.

I am taking all the "saved" items on the folder and saving them on a CD.  I just learned how to use them as a floppy!!!  It seems to be taking me forever but still a blessing.

A couple days ago, my printer went crazy.  I ordered a new one online and won't get it until Tuesday.  I have a lot to catch up with.


As if that wasn't enough, I was happily awaiting the birth of my 6th great grandchild.  The mother had a hard time the whole 9 months and is still in bad shape.  Her blood pressure has been out of control and still is.  A sweet little girl was born Monday, May 8th.  Yesterday she had to go to a children's hospital.  Her billy ruben dropped and she has yellow jaundice.

I am more concerned for her mother.  My son had the same jaundice.  They were going to change his blood but he came out of it on his own.  It is still a worry.  He fell asleep no matter where he was.  Once behind a parked car.

Wednesday last week I went to my eye doctor for a check up.  There was blood in my right eye.  I go back in 2 weeks.  He said that it seems like a weak blood vessel.
And will clear up itself.  If not, I have to see a retina doctor.  I also have a hole in both the macular and retina.  MY left eye is perfect.  Thank God for that.

A week before that I played bean bag.  I couldn't get near the hole in the box.  So I threw harder------- I suffered for that effort for about 8 days.  I thought that all kinds of things was wrong with my arm and shoulder blade.  It healed up with lots of bengay and advil.  I usually don't take pills but just for a short period.

I have to retract something I wrote in the article about the healing dream I had.
I said God was healing me in all areas and He can do the same for everyone.  I told this without thinking to someone who has apnea and can hardly breathe besides arthritis.  I was insensitive to the fact that someone always in great pain would appreciate the fact that I was pretty healthy.

God let me know that He did mean the dream for me and He can heal anyone but He doesn't always choose to. 
Just listening to a few people who have been in terrible pain for years, it seems this has brought them closer to God.  Since Jesus suffered so much for us, why can't we suffer, too?  I never really got much pain so I can't understand what pain really is.  I act like a big baby when I get just minor aches and pains. 

God did heal me of some minor physical problems but most of my healing was emotional, mental and spiritual.  To me those were more important than anything physical.  I don't know but what I may have to suffer physically as I get older.  But pain doesn't care who it hits---young or old.

It's getting late and I'm getting tired.  When I become more alert I will start to put more Bible studies on this site.  I don't remember what I have posted here.  I have a record of everything somewhere So I don't send repeats.

Sorry this has been so long.    God did bless me in the middle of all the turmoil.  With a brand new little girl angel.  He led me to the right one to fix my computer!  He saved my items for me.  and so on.  God is so good to me and I don't deserve it.  He loves me unconditionally.  Praise the Lord.

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