The ACLU needs to keep it's nose out of Federal and Federal Defense business, someone has to stop them they think they are above everything. They don't know when enough is enough. They are overstepping their boundaries and they should be disbanded, tried, penalized.
Sometimes it makes me wonder exactly how many anti-Americans and how many anti-Christians are actually prominent leaders of our Democracy, and leaders of the ACLU.
Actually some very good points, Sister. Our government already has the appropriate checks and balances set into it by our founding fathers. We do not need a non-government entity being a watchdog over our government, especially one that is filled with terrorists and supporters of terrorists.
The other point is how many of them have infiltrated into our government positions. I am not sure of their affiliation with the ACLU but I do know for a fact that just two years ago there were 57 democrats in the house that were active members of the DSA, Democratic Socialists of America. That does not include the unknown number that may be in our Senate.
The DSA is an organization that has been attempting to instill socialism into our government one law at a time. How many CAIR members/supporters are there in our government also?