Brothers and Sisters,
I honestly believe there has been great hatred of Christians for some time by a portion of the Democrats. So far, I really don't think it is nearly all of them.
It should have been a pretty big clue when pro-abortion became a part of their official party platform in the last Presidential election. At this point, I think that the hatred of Christians is just the leadership of the Democratic party and the big money folks behind it who are far to the left. If you haven't already heard, Christians are supposed to be the ignorant and unwashed masses, and we are in desperate need of the intellectual left to care for us. ???
I'm really not surprised by this at all, but I would like to repeat that radical hatred of Christians does not represent all Democrats at least yet.
The ACLU, far left, leadership of the Democratic Party, and big money folks who are determined to shove God out of our society have one big problem that won't go away:
Christians Who Refuse To Sit Down and Shut Up!
I, for one, will NEVER sit down and shut up, and I know a host of other Christians with the same backbone and determination. They will have to kill us to make us sit down and shut up. We will never be ashamed of the Gospel of God's Grace.
I've actually been encouraged recently that more and more Christians are starting to STAND UP!
Love In Christ,
Psalms 34:9-10 NASB O fear the LORD, you His saints; For to those who fear Him there is no want. The young lions do lack and suffer hunger; But they who seek the LORD shall not be in want of any good thing.