Yeah that statement has always bothered me, too and for the same reasons you mentioned.
Willychuck had mentioned that word ("guideline") first and I shied from it initially and then used it myself so I have to take at least partial blame. I agree with you, Roger and Jerry, the Bible is the final Word and is implicit and explicit leaving no question as to what we need to accomplish God's will. So allow me to say the choice of the word "guideline" was a poor choice.
But I was getting at was that sometimes we have to go to different places in Scripture to find the whole truth. The best example I can think of is a pretty direct one. Scripture says we are to follow the law of the land since governments are instituted by God and leaders are sovereign choices of God Himself. But what if a national leader or governing body says that Christianity is not allowed inside the borders of that nation. We then have to go to Acts where Paul reminds us that God's commandments supercede the laws of man when there is contradiction.
This is why it is so important to STUDY His Word, not just read it for the sake of something to read. While reading Scripture for the sake of reading is not a bad idea, there is so much more to gain by true STUDY. That way, when an issue comes up that requires more than one verse or chapter for direction in addressing that issue, we have knowledge of the Word as to how that issue should be addressed and stay in His will.
Finally, I believe that God's Word is complete and lacking in nothing that we need, no matter the circumstance in practical application. Of course, prayer and wise counsel are also extremely important.
If Holy Scripture is a "guideline", it is a "guideline" to be adhered to without compromise or variance and right down to every "jot and tittle", to quote a Scriptural phrase. If we do this, we can stand blameless before our most Holy God.