I keep seeing posts in various threads that read something like
“…keep your feet on the ground”
“…worry about what we know as true rather than speculating about things that don’t matter”
“…if it doesn’t impact salvation why waste time contemplating…”
It makes me believe there are some folks who may consider “curiosity” sinful.
Is curiosity a sin or is it okay to set your mind loose on what may seem to be “outwardly frivolous” contemplations?
Brother, let me see if I understand your post and give an example. I've spent a great deal of time studying Bible Prophecy, but I certainly don't consider this a waste of time. Maybe this isn't the best example. Bible Prophecy is a very difficult study, and there are unlimited numbers of opinions about the meaning and sequence of events. I also enjoy discussing this topic, but I don't enjoy a discussion that gets too hot and upsets someone or makes someone angry. I would say and have said that I want to disengage from discussions of non-Salvation issues
LIKE BIBLE PROPHECYwhere Brothers and Sisters in Christ are becoming upset and/or angry with each other.
Brother, I said this was probably a poor example, and it is. There are other non-Salvation issues that I would gladly debate, regardless of whether someone got upset and angry or not (i.e. abortion). I think that each person needs to decide how important a topic is to Biblical teaching, morals, values, and other considerations before going to war with another Brother or Sister in Christ. At least this is what I try to do and pray about doing. I have failed numerous times in the past and wished that I had simply said, "We'll have to agree to disagree" when things started getting too hot.
Brother, here's a better example, at least for me. I won't go to war with another Christian over which translation of the Holy Bible they use. It would be nice if fellow Christians could discuss just about any topic without becoming gladiators in the attempt, but we all know how easily and quickly a discussion can turn into a near-death match.
This really isn't funny, but it turns into reality far too often.
Brother, did I get close to the topic you intended? I really don't know.
Love In Christ,
Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: