Author: Woodrow Kroll, Tony Beckett
Source: Faith Walk
Scripture Reference 1 Chronicles 13 John 7:1-27
1 Chronicles 13-15, John 7:1-27
Key Verses: 1 Chronicles 13:3, 15:13
Two familiar adages seemingly contradict each other. One is, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." The other is, "When all else fails, read the directions." Perhaps if we combined the two we'd have the best advice--something like, "Read the directions, and if you fail, read them again and try again." That's not as pithy as the other two, but it's certainly more practical.
David had the right idea but didn't read the directions. He said, "Let us bring the ark of our God back to us, for we did not inquire of it during the reign of Saul" (13:3). But David disobeyed God, and in the midst of a time of celebrating, God's anger burned against Uzzah for touching the ark, and He struck him down. The right thing was being done the wrong way.
Later David did try again-after reading the directions. He said, "We did not inquire of [God] about how to do it in the prescribed way" (15:13). This time the ark was successfully brought to Jerusalem.
David could have just tried and tried again. Or, when all else failed, he could have read the directions. The good news is that he did not get to the point of "all else failing." After one attempt, he read the directions.
Think of how much better it would have been if David had inquired of God first. God's anger would have been avoided, the ark would have been moved, and the celebration would not have been ended in judgment.
God has given us "directions" for living-His Word, the Bible. Read the directions first and then follow them.
"God, help me to be learning and living Your Word. It is a guidebook to help me know You and know how You want me to live. Give me a heart to follow Your directions."
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