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Topic: Two Minutes With The Bible (Read 461449 times)
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May God Lead And Guide Us All
Reply #105 on:
April 10, 2005, 03:59:27 PM »
Apr 10
By Cornelius R. Stam
Prayer to God manifestly must hold great importance to those who would be truly spiritual. While God’s Word to us is always to have first place in our lives, prayer must certainly have second place; indeed, we must even study God’s Word with prayer for understanding and willingness to obey.
The Scriptures everywhere exhort God’s people to pray, and in the Epistles of Paul we find greater cause, greater reason and greater incentive than ever to pray -- to pray "always," "in everything," "without ceasing." The example of our Lord and of His apostles -- particularly Paul -- is a call to prayer. Every need, every anxiety, every heartache is a call to prayer. Every temptation, every defeat -- yes, and every victory is a call to prayer.
Yet, merely praying, or even spending much time in prayer, is not in itself evidence of true spirituality. Many carnal Christians, still "babes in Christ," and even many unsaved people, spend much time in prayer. But the truly spiritual believer will join the Apostle Paul in saying: "I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also" (I Cor. 14:15). "With the spirit": earnestly, fervently, pouring out to God my adoration, my supplications and my thanks. And "with the understanding also": intelligently, with a clear grasp of what the Scriptures, rightly divided, say about God’s will and His provisions for my prayer life in this present dispensation of grace.
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Reply #106 on:
April 11, 2005, 04:15:07 PM »
Apr 11
By Cornelius R. Stam
In Romans 8 St. Paul points to two great truths which every true believer knows. The first (Verses 22,23) he knows by experience; the second (Verse 28) he knows by faith.
Rom. 8:22,23: "For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves,
waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body."
The words "until now," in this passage, are significant, for our Lord came to earth healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, making the blind to see, the deaf to hear and the lame to leap for joy. But He was rejected by sinful men and nailed to a cross.
After His resurrection and ascension His persecutors were given another chance, however, as Peter called upon them to repent so that "the times of refreshing" might still "come from the presence of the Lord" (Acts 3:19,20). But again the King and His blessed kingdom were rejected so that, in the words of Paul, the whole creation continues to groan and travail in pain "together until now."
But in this passage the Apostle points out that even God’s children are not exempt from this suffering, for the most sincere believer, the most consecrated saint, must still partake of the sufferings and sorrows of the world while he waits for "the redemption of our body," when "we shall all
be changed" (I Cor. 15:51).
But while every believer knows about suffering and sorrow by experience, there is something else he knows by faith. Verse 28 speaks of this:
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." The true Christian is not a mere optimist; he is a believer in God’s Word, and God has much to say about how He is working all out for the good of His own. We have room here
to quote but two passages:
II Cor. 4:17: "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory." Rom. 8:18: "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."
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Reply #107 on:
April 12, 2005, 03:36:47 PM »
Apr 12
By Cornelius R. Stam
In strong language the Apostle bids Timothy to "charge some that they teach no other doctrine"; no other doctrine, obviously, than that which he had taught them. In 1 Tim. 6:3-5 he closes his epistle by saying:
"If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ... from such withdraw thyself." In these passages the Apostle emphasizes the importance of fidelity to that heaven-sent message committed to him by revelation; that message which he says in Tit. 1:2,3 was "promised before the ages began" but made known "in due time... through preaching which is committed unto me..."
Ever since Paul’s day religious leaders have substituted other messages for that committed by the glorified Lord to Paul. The law of Moses, the Sermon on the Mount, the "great commission," and Pentecost have all been confused with God’s message and program for the dispensation of grace. This is what has bewildered and divided the Church and ripened it for the apostasy.
With all the confused thinking about the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount fifty years ago it was little wonder that modernism swept so many off their feet with its teachings about Jesus of Nazareth, the Man of Galilee, following his footsteps, social betterment, political reform, etc. Multitudes were so taken up with the social gospel, so eager to help make the world a better place to live in, that they did not even notice or believe that the modernists denied the very fundamentals of the Christian faith.
But the new evangelicalism of our day is still more dangerous. It is big. It is well financed. It is popular. It is subtle. Perhaps its greatest danger lies in the fact that while claiming to be "conservative," it minimizes the importance of the fundamentals and the danger of apostatizing
from them.
Thus the inspired words of the Apostle Paul: "Charge some that they teach no other doctrine," are more urgently needed in our day than they were in his.
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Reply #108 on:
April 13, 2005, 08:52:50 AM »
Apr 13
By Cornelius R. Stam
"...the gospel... is come unto you, as it is in all the world, and bringeth forth fruit, as it doth also in you, since the day ye heard of it, and knew the grace of God in truth" (Col. 1:5,6).
How wonderful to see the gospel of the grace of God do its work! Paul had never even seen the Colossians. He had only sent missionaries to them from Ephesus with the good news of the grace of God, but this had produced amazing
Wherever the gospel of the grace of God is preached in its purity it produces results. No one hearing that message can go away the same. Either he will consider it utter foolishness and be hardened by it, or he will see its vital importance and be softened by it. Ultimately he will either be eternally condemned, or eternally saved and justified by his response to that message.
"The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are saved it is the power of God" (I Cor. 1:18). "Christ crucified... unto them which are called... the power of God and the wisdom of God" (I Cor. 1:23,24). "The power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth" (Rom. 1:16).
Mark well: it is "the gospel of the grace of God," the "preaching of the cross," that produces such results. The law of Moses never did, "For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh," God sent His Son to accomplish for us (Rom. 8:3,4). This is why Paul proclaimed, at Antioch of Pisidia:
"Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this Man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins; and by Him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses" (Acts 13:38,39).
God’s message to us is a message of love, proclaiming to even the vilest sinner that he may be "justified freely by [God’s] grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus" (Rom. 3:24).
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Enemies of the Cross
Reply #109 on:
April 14, 2005, 01:17:03 PM »
Apr 14
Enemies of the Cross
By Paul M. Sadler, President
Scripture Reading:
"For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the Cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things." -- Philippians 3:18, 19
During the Apostle Paul's visits to Europe he had frequently warned the Philippians about those who were nothing more than deceivers. It is apparent that the problem in the assembly had greatly intensified for Paul writes, "I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping." These men are labeled by the apostle as "the enemies of the Cross of Christ." They may have appeared outwardly religious but in reality they were ungodly, self-seeking, arrogant, sensual men who were destitute of faith.
There are three indictments that are handed down against these workers of iniquity: First, in the order of enumeration is the statement, "whose end is destruction." Surely this cannot be said of the saved. On the other hand the unsaved will experience everlasting destruction as foretold in II Thessalonians 1:7-9. Secondly, notice the object of their worship. Were they worshipping the true and living God? No! their god was their belly -- sensuality, which produced the insatiable desire to satisfy the appetites of the flesh. Thirdly, we are told they set their affections solely on worldly things such as:
philosophy, intellectualism, power, popularity, fortune, etc.
Little wonder Paul calls them enemies of the Cross, "they had a form of godliness, but denied the power thereof." These emissaries of Satan had no desire to understand the preaching of the Cross, whereby they could be justified from all things. Things haven't changed very much, today these imposters brazenly substitute the gospel message with the doctrine of positive thinking, which has led many to a false sense of security in thinking that they are right with God. Sad to say, that even some believers have fallen under the spell of this insidious teaching. Sir Walter Scott said of those who are given to deception:
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave,
when first we practice to deceive."
Thankfully, even though the gospel is sometimes hindered, it continues to be the "power of God unto salvation." Beware of the enemies of the Cross, they are among us even at this hour.
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Reply #110 on:
April 15, 2005, 12:08:18 PM »
Apr 15
By Cornelius R. Stam
Romans 1:18-20 declares that God has revealed Himself to man in creation. Not that we can learn His plan of salvation from creation -- far from it. But the creation: the glory of its star-studded heavens, the beauty of its flowers and sunsets, the sun and rain and crops to supply us with food, and the unchangeable laws of nature, all show forth, not only the existence of God, but His power, His love, His justice, so that man is a responsible being and, as Verse 20 says, "without excuse" for the deplorable condition in which
he finds himself.
A believer, talking with an atheistic evolutionist one day, took out his watch, looked at it and put it back into his pocket, saying: "I have a wonderful watch; it keeps perfect time; never misses a second."
"What make is it?" the atheist asked. "Oh, no make," answered the Christian. "Well, who manufactured it?" "Oh, nobody; it just put itself together somehow."
"Nonsense," said the atheist, "A watch can’t just come into existence. Somebody had to design it and somebody had to manufacture it."
"True," said the Christian, "yet you expect me to believe that this universe, with its billions of stars and planets, all working together in perfect order, just came about by itself; that it had no Designer, no Creator and no one who keeps it running? Isn’t that nonsense?"
No wonder Paul says that the godless are "without excuse," including even the vast majority of "religious" people, who salve their consciences by giving a small part of each week or each day to the performance of some religious rite but keep God out of their businesses, their politics, their social relationships -- their hearts.
But thank God, as He has revealed His power and glory in creation, He has revealed His mercy and grace, His plan of salvation, in the Bible, where we read how "Christ died for our sins" (I Cor. 15:3), so that we might have "redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace" (Eph. 1:7).
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Reply #111 on:
April 16, 2005, 05:54:41 PM »
Apr 16
By Cornelius R. Stam
Most of us remember the drugstore product which swept the country like wildfire years ago and netted one man more than $3,000,000.00 in one year. It was called Hadacol. Whatever was wrong with you, Hadacol could cure it! Radio commercials and newspaper advertisements acclaimed its healing powers. Some small drugstores displayed signs over their doors reading, "MAIN ENTRANCE FOR HADACOL."
One humorous story was told at that time about a woman who was supposed to have testified over the radio: "Before I began taking Hadacol I couldn’t read nor write; now I’m teaching high school"!
Some people seem to think that Christianity is like Hadacol was supposed to be. In fact, some evangelists give the erroneous impression that if one accepts Christ everything will suddenly go right. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The Christian life is a battle, and we cannot win this battle without much diligent, earnest Bible study and prayer. In fact, it is this battle that makes the Christian life rewarding. Formerly we were "taken captive by [the devil] at his will" (II Tim. 2:26), but now God provides us with complete armor, including "the sword of the Spirit" and "the shield of faith" (Eph. 6:16,17), and says, "Stand fast." Indeed, James 4:7 says:
"Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
God has enlisted every true believer in His "armed forces," as it were, and He encourages us each one to be "a good soldier of Jesus Christ" (II Tim. 2:3). Indeed, He expects this of each corporate assembly of believers as well, for Paul, by divine inspiration, wrote to the Philippian saints:
"Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ:
that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel" (Phil. 1:27).
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Reply #112 on:
April 17, 2005, 04:05:32 PM »
Apr 17
By Cornelius R. Stam
When John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus Christ appeared on earth, God’s people had been under the law of Moses for fifteen hundred years. Little wonder John and his Master looked for fruit among them.
When the hypocritical religious leaders came to join John’s growing audience and asked to be baptized, John called them a "generation of vipers" and bade them "bring forth... fruits meet for repentance" (Matt. 3:7,8). True repentance, with fruit to prove it, was the basic requirement of the kingdom John proclaimed. This is evident from his declaration:
"And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire" (Matt. 3:10).
Our Lord appeared, proclaiming the same message as John, and also sought for fruit among His people (Matt. 7: 16-20; 21:33-43). We know, however, that John the Baptist was beheaded and Christ crucified. The fruit produced under the Law was meager indeed. Even after the resurrection of Christ the majority of His people refused to repent and failed to bring forth the required fruit.
But what the Law requires grace provides. It was at this time that God raised up the Apostle Paul, whose "preaching of the cross" showed that Christ had not died an untimely death, but in infinite love had come into the world to die for sinners so that they might be saved by grace, through faith (Eph. 2:8,9). Paul’s message was called "the gospel [good news] of the grace of God" (Acts 20:24), and where the Law had failed to bring forth fruit, grace brought it forth abundantly.
God’s grace in Christ, when accepted in true faith, always brings forth good fruit. Thus Paul wrote to the Colossians that his good news was going forth into all the world, adding: "and bringeth forth fruit, as it doth also in you since... ye knew the grace of God in truth" (Col. 1:5,6 cf. Rom. 6:
Accept God’s message of grace, trust in Christ as your Savior and He will help you to produce the fruit.
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Reply #113 on:
April 19, 2005, 03:06:39 AM »
Apr 18
By Cornelius R. Stam
Paul’s Epistle to the Romans is the foundation book of Christian theology. It brings us face to face with facts we ought to know and must know to be saved.
In the 16th and 17th verses of the first chapter the Apostle declares that he is proud of the gospel because therein the "righteousness," or rightness, of God is revealed. God had to deal righteously with sin before He could offer salvation to sinners. Sin is not merely an affliction; it is moral wrong and kindles the wrath of a just and holy God. The wrath of God is too little discussed by modern evangelists and preachers. They like to talk about the love and mercy of God, as though He were a Grand Old Man with a tolerant attitude toward sin. But such never fully appreciate His love and mercy because they do not understand His infinite wrath against sin.
Much evangelism today has become sort of a "try God" gimmick. The pleasures of the world don’t satisfy? Try God. You can’t shake off some terrible bondage? Try God. When all else fails try God! But this humanistic approach is foreign to Scripture. God, His holiness, His wrath against sin and His love in providing salvation -- these are central in Scripture rather than man, his condition and his needs.
We are not to look upon God as our servant, who will help us in time of need, but as the Holy One whose justice we have offended, but who in infinite grace, paid for our sins Himself so that we might be redeemed. This is why the Epistle to the Romans begins its mighty argument with almost three chapters on the subject of sin. Then follows the good news of God’s grace in settling the sin question so that we might be "justified freely by His grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus" (Rom. 3:24).
And thus the same inspired writer declares in Eph. 2:2-4 that we were "the children of disobedience," and therefore "the children of wrath," but then goes on to show how "God, who is rich in mercy" and "great" in "love," saves believers by grace, giving them eternal life in Christ, who died for our sins.
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Reply #114 on:
April 19, 2005, 03:22:10 PM »
Apr 19
By Cornelius R. Stam
Hebrews 2 states that unbelievers are, "through fear of death... all their lifetime subject to bondage" (Ver. 15). How often they must ask themselves: "What will become of me: finally become of me?" The best they can hope is that God will be merciful to them and accept them at last, but God cannot do this without a just basis, and since unbelievers have rejected His gracious payment for sin, they must remain under its condemnation. Many hope that physical death will be the end for them, but they fear that the Bible
may be true and that death will not be the end.
This writer once talked with a profane barber who had boasted that he was his own "God," and would be until they put him "six feet under." To this we replied: "The Bible says that ‘it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this is the judgment.’ You may not believe this, or accept it as
the Word of God, but you can’t prove it isn’t so, and I would urge you to look into it carefully, asking God to give you light."
Here we ask the reader a very personal question: Are you saved? Have you accepted Christ and His payment for your sins, now standing before God "justified from all things," and "accepted in the Beloved"? If not, we beg you: do not delay. These are serious times and who knows how
soon God will take His own away and bring this dispensation of grace to a close. Then it will be too late, so we urge you, face up to your sinful condition now, and place your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ who, in infinite love and grace, bore the burden of your guilt and condemnation at Calvary. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved..." (Acts 16:31).
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Reply #115 on:
April 20, 2005, 04:41:24 PM »
Apr 20
By Cornelius R. Stam
It is wonderful to have the full assurance of salvation, and it is God’s will that every one of us enjoy this assurance. Toward the close of his life the Apostle John wrote by divine inspiration:
"These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, THAT YE MAY KNOW that ye have eternal life..." (I John 5:13).
There are three bases upon which believers in Christ may enjoy the full assurance of salvation:
First, God urges every true believer: "Let us draw near, with a sincere heart, in FULL ASSURANCE OF FAITH..." (Heb. 10:22). This is the full assurance that results from simply believing God; much as a child implicitly believes what his father has said and is absolutely sure that it is true. God says: "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life" (John 3:36). We may simply -- and with good reason -- believe His Word and enjoy the full assurance of faith.
Second, we may enjoy what Heb. 6:11 calls "THE FULL ASSURANCE OF HOPE." The hope of the Bible, however, must not be confused with wishing. The Christian’s "hope" is "an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast" (Ver. 19). It comes from having proved God. Thus the full assurance of hope is the confidence that results from having accepted God’s Word.
But third, and best of all, is what Col. 2:2 calls "riches of THE FULL ASSURANCE OF UNDERSTANDING." This full assurance is God’s reward to Christians who study His Word and His purposes, beginning with His plan of salvation as revealed in "the gospel of the grace of God." When one not only believes God’s Word, but begins to understand it he cannot but be gripped by its sublime reasonableness, its powerful logic, and its provision for his deepest needs, and thus he comes to enjoy "all [the] riches of THE FULL
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The Ministry of Comfort
Reply #116 on:
April 21, 2005, 11:14:11 PM »
Apr 21
The Ministry of Comfort
By Paul M. Sadler, President
Scripture Reading:
"Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort." -- II Corinthians 1:3
Since the entrance of sin into the world, the way of man has been anything but easy. Job seemed to have his finger on the pulse of the matter when he wrote, "... man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward." It is interesting though, that when calamity strikes, men are quick to blame God, or to ask why He allows such occurrences in their lives. But shall we blame God for what man has brought upon himself? God forbid! Man is a product of his own folly. "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned" (Rom. 5:12).
Some claim that if they had been back in the garden everything would have been different. I certainly have no reason to doubt them. In all probability, they would have pushed Adam aside to reach the forbidden fruit before he did! You see, God saw the entire human race in Adam, as only He could do. So when Adam stretched forth his hand to partake of the forbidden fruit, each of us were reaching for it as well -- we are his posterity, thus we share in his guilt. God could have condemned the whole human race to the Lake of Fire and have been perfectly justified in so doing. Thankfully, we did not receive what we justly deserved, for "The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy" (Psa. 103:8).
"Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God" (II Cor. 1:4).
Here, of course, the Apostle refers to believers. Our heavenly Father knows that we are frail creatures of dust, overwhelmed with sorrow, sickness and even death; not to mention the spiritual upheavals that come our way. Always sympathetic to our plight, He walks with us every step of life's journey comforting us in all our tribulations.
The tribulation cited here by the Apostle Paul is not a reference to the Tribulation Period known as The Time of Jacob's Trouble. Paul is speaking of the personal tribulations he had encountered due to spiritual conflicts and poor health. Personal trials come in all forms: criticism, rejection, financial setbacks, sickness, bereavement, etc.
When sorrow overwhelms us like an ocean tide the Lord in His goodness is always present to comfort us in our time of need. But exactly how does God comfort us in the dispensation of Grace? We know for instance that the heavens are silent and that neither the Lord nor any of His angelic host visibly appear to minister to the saints today. During the administration of Grace the Lord, first of all, comforts us through His Word.
For example, some years ago death took my great-grandmother. She always held a very special place in my heart and even to this day I get choked up sometimes when I think of her. My sense of loss would be difficult to bear except for the consolation I have received from the Word of God. The Lord has shown me that I need not sorrow as others who have no hope. Some day soon the trump will sound and the dead in Christ will be raised. Then we will be caught up together with all those departed loved ones who were saved, and so shall we ever be with the Lord! Little wonder Paul says, "Wherefore comfort one another with these words."
Another way the Lord comforts us is by bringing someone into our lives at just the right moment to encourage us in those times of despair. Surely we have a precedent for this in the life of Paul himself. The intensity of the spiritual warfare at Ephesus and Macedonia had taken its toll on the Apostle, both physically and spiritually.
"Nevertheless God, that comforteth those that are cast down, comforted us by the coming of Titus" (II Cor. 7:5-7). The arrival of Titus was a direct result of Divine intervention to not only encourage Paul, but also that he might lend assistance in the work.
Finally, God does not comfort us to make us comfortable, but rather that we might comfort others. It has been given to us to carry on a ministry of encouragement to those who are in any trouble. Think of it, having already been the recipients of God's consolation, He uses us to put our arm around that dear Christian friend who is perhaps facing his first surgery and tell him, "we too had this same surgery a few years ago and the Lord saw us through it." With hope we can face any thing. That's why God has revealed to us the Blessed Hope that one day soon we shall be with Him. Truly He is the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. AMEN!
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May God Lead And Guide Us All
Reply #117 on:
April 22, 2005, 04:13:14 PM »
Apr 22
By Russell S. Miller
"Giving thanks unto the Father, Which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son..." (Col.1:12-14).
When Adam and Eve partook of the fruit of "the tree of [the] knowledge of good and evil" (Gen.2:9) they fell into sin themselves, and plunged the whole human race into sin (Rom.5:12). Having been warned, "for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die" (Gen.2:17) they were disobedient, and so, we are no longer perfect, but sinful, and in need of the Saviour. While it may take 70 or 80 years, from the moment we are born, we begin to die, and "dying thou shalt die". Consequently mankind, that's all of us, was blinded by the devil's lie, and as such, walks in darkness.
"In whom the god of this world [Satan] HATH BLINDED THE MINDS OF THEM WHICH BELIEVE NOT, lest the LIGHT of the GLORIOUS gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should SHINE unto them" (IICor.4:4).
If a man is dying, and you have the means to help him, would you let him die? So God, Himself, places a "very high value" upon us all. We are of "eternal worth" to Him. He sent His "Eternal Son" to pay for our sins, Himself, at the extreme cost of His own life's blood (Rom.8:31-34; Eph.1:7) that we may now, by faith in Christ, walk in the Light of His Word. Why else would God have sent His "only begotten Son" into this sin cursed world to die on a cruel cross for our sins? Therefore God will not, and cannot, accept your "good" works in substitute of Christ's "finished work of redemption" on Calvary's
It's not "good works", then, but rather a matter of whether or not we believe God's Word. It is what Christ did on the cross that God accepts (Rom.3:25), and as we accept Christs redemptive work on our behalf (Eph. 2:8,9), God "accepts" us (Eph.1:6). Do we believe the truth of the Word of God or the devil's lie? God loves us, each and every one of us, with an everlasting, an eternal, love. How MUCH He loves us:
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May God Lead And Guide Us All
Reply #118 on:
April 23, 2005, 03:41:13 PM »
Apr 23
By Cornelius R. Stam
Significantly, it was to Paul, not Peter, that "the secret of the gospel" was first revealed. (See Eph. 3:1-3; 6:19). It was he who was first sent forth to proclaim the doctrine of salvation, and to reveal all that had been accomplished at Calvary.
The Old Testament Scriptures had predicted that the sins of others would be laid upon Christ, but they had not explained how Christ’s death would be the basis for the sinner’s justification.
Many a criminal has gone free because his crimes have been "pinned on" another, but this has by no means justified the criminal! Some sincere Christians seem to think that substitution is the very acme of Bible truth, when in fact it is but the beginning, for substitution in itself does not imply the sinner’s justification.
It is also true that salvation had been offered before Paul. Men were told what to do to be saved -- though the terms varied from time to time -- and were even instructed, upon Christ’s arrival, to believe in Him for salvation. At that time sacrifices, circumcision, water baptism, etc., were still required for the remission of sins -- and any believer would approach God in His way. This is why these religious rites were observed throughout our Lord’s earthly ministry and even through Pentecost.
The Apostle Paul, however, was later raised up to make known "the secret of the gospel," and to proclaim the glorious accomplishments of Christ at Calvary. All the rich blessings so thrillingly set forth in Paul’s epistles flow to us from Calvary. Ours is a heavenly position because He came to earth to die for our sins. Ours is "the hope of glory," because He suffered our shame. Ours is the blessing of "peace with God" because He bore God’s wrath upon sin.
Ours is relief from the load of sin because He bore that load. Every one of our "all spiritual blessings" comes to us from Calvary. Paul’s "secret of the gospel" centers in Calvary. Little wonder St. Paul calls his preaching "the preaching of the cross."
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May God Lead And Guide Us All
Reply #119 on:
April 24, 2005, 07:37:24 AM »
Apr 24
By Cornelius R. Stam
"My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God" (Psa. 42:2). The recent "God is dead" theory had little true comfort or satisfaction for men in trouble or sorrow.
For years we supposed that the term "the living God," in the above passage, had reference to God’s power to help, in contrast to the impotence of dead heathen idols. A careful examination of the context, however, leads us to believe that it has rather to do with His ability to respond. The gods of the heathen, by contrast, were like children’s dolls; they could not even change their countenance or respond in any way.
"The idols of the heathen are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands.
"They have mouths, but they speak not; eyes have they, but they see not;
"They have ears, but they hear not, neither is there any breath in their mouths" (Psa. 135:15-17).
But the true God is a living God. He does see, hear and respond. The Psalmist, in Psalm 42, compares himself to a stag, panting with thirst. It is sometimes supposed that the scene is one of a stag pursued in the chase, but the passage says nothing of this. Palestine is a dry land and entirely apart from being hunted down, a deer might well pant for streams of running water.
Be this as it may, the stag, in this passage, is not seeking for help; he is thirsting for refreshment, and so did the Psalmist long for the refreshment of fellowship with God, the living God.
How wonderful it is that we may know the living God through faith in Christ! This is why the Apostle Paul declares in Heb. 10:19:
"Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the
blood of Jesus... a new and living way, which He hath consecrated for us through the veil, that is to say, His flesh. "
By His death at Calvary our Lord tore away the veil that kept us from entering into God’s presence, and now in response to our need He says:
"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need" (Heb. 4:16). Yes, God is a living God!
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