English Letter Values
A=6 B=12 C=18 D=24 E=30 F=36 G=42 H=48 I=54 J=60 K=66 L=72 M=78 N=84 O=90 P=96 Q=102 R=108 S=114 T=120 U=126 V=132 W =138 X=144 Y=150 Z=156
We will start with the 666 findings first. Then we will look at the 444, 906 and the other match total patterns. IMPORTANT NOTE: All groups shown on this page are calculated by the same exact alphabet key shown above. None of these groups shown below use multiple alphabet keys. All word groups use the same exact alphabet system above. This is why these results are so profound. Only one alphabet key was used. It is also the only alphabet key that will produce these findings in the English Language. It cannot be done any other way with only one gematria alphabet key.
Here is the first group of words and statements that total 666.
Lustiger=666 (Cardinal Lustiger is deemed by most to be the next Pope)
Sorceries = 666
False Market=666
Mark of Beast=666
Book of the Dead=666
Son of Sin=666
A Perdition=666
New York=666 (United Nations ?)
Waco Texas=666
A Branch Davidian=666
First let me say something about the last 3 words, Monetary, Computer, & Calculation.
Obviously we all use each of these things. They by themselves are not evil. Their use good or evil is not determined by themselves but rather the one utilizing them. We know that Revelation 13:16-18 talks about buying and selling.
The word monetary can be directly related to that. The word computer is a word to describe the calculation tool that God is using to reveal these wonderful codes both in the Koine Greek and the Hebrew. It is also how a future Antichrist type of Government, or person could utilize the computer for world control and tracking through buying and selling.
Here are some links with information on the man most say will be the next Pope. His last name Lustiger which also calculates to 666 by the English Codes. I have no idea if he is connected to the future false prophet, or not. But I do know, you cannot know this by the Codes alone.
http://www.888webtoday.com/lustiger.htmlhttp://philologos.org/bpr/files/n001.htmhttp://philologos.org/bpr/files/Misc_Studies/ms083.htmhttp://www.centrexnews.com/members/bilderberg/shengen.htm Henry Kissinger Antichrist info links
http://www.prophecyandpreparedness.com/News/News3.htmKissinger Bush - Vaccination Connection
http://www.rense.com/general32/beast.htm Here are some links with information on the man most say will be the next Pope. His last name Lustiger which also calculates to 666 by the English Codes. I have no idea if he is connected to the future false prophet, or not. But I do know, you cannot know this by the Codes alone.
http://www.888webtoday.com/lustiger.htmlhttp://philologos.org/bpr/files/Misc_Studies/ms083.htmhttp://www.centrexnews.com/members/bilderberg/shengen.htm Almost 666 but not quite
Osama bin Laden = 660
Adolf Hitler = 660
There are some additional match patterns that were found in this program. They don't produce 666 totals, but they do produce same total matches using the same A=6 B=12 C=16 .. to Z=156 alphabet. These results below will amaze you.
Group 1
Jesus = 444
Yshua = 444
Messiah = 444
Cross = 444
Gospel = 444
Jewish = 444
Joshua = 444
Obedient = 444
Increase = 444
Forgave = 444
English = 444
Gematria = 444
Parent = 444
Church age = 444
Fruit = 444
Chariot = 444
Group 2
Jesus is Lord = 906
Jesus Christ = 906
Son of the Lord = 906
Lord's Prayer = 906
Holy Spirit = 906
Lord of Hosts = 906
Through Love = 906
Unconditional = 906
Healing Promise = 906
Group 3
Omnipresent = 888
Messiah Jesus = 888
Coming Truth = 888
A Holy Truth = 888
King of the Sabbath = 888
The King Jesus = 888
Finished Cross = 888
The Lion of Judah = 888
Scriptures = 888
The Trinity = 888
The Lord's Time = 888
The House of God = 888
The Doings of God = 888
It should be noted that the Koine Greek value of Jesus's name by the Greek values is 888. This is not debated by anyone it is a well established fact for centuries.
Group 4
Grace = 204
Free = 204
One = 204
Group 5
Holy = 360
Pure = 360
Word = 360
Believe = 360
Helps = 360
Group 6
Faith = 264
Hope = 264
Abraham = 264
Godhead = 264
Group 7
Satan = 330
Wicked = 330
Jailer = 330
Exile = 330
Judas = 330
New Age = 330