Thanks felix102! - PROMISES We must always remember huh? and thanks for reminding me as we all need to do for each other.
I do trust, and those are the verses I base my life on, yet, I am also patient. The thing is , is that I am willing to go in the way of the Lord's will, and I am continuing not in worry but seeking what His will is. I am in that fuzzy place and think I am missing something, yet know that when necessary, God will provide. I guess I just am asking for a little prayer on everybody's part because I know at times it takes a little more than what we had before and can't seem to focus at times.
I witness to people as I go through these things and give God glory saying well, I sure am thankful for all the blessings God has touched my life with. I love to be able to do that. It has opened up several times this last week. But, it seems to be an urgent thing, whatever it is right now.
I believe the verses will help me to continue to focus once again. Maybe this is where if I am the weakest, God will be the strongest, to more a degree than I have been.
Sometimes I think that I have practiced Matt.6:34 too much. We do have to be responsible, and being the only provider is not easy, therefore, at times, we escape responsibility where we thought it would be better to do the other thing. Yet, the other thng, I believe was a movement so deep that all I could do was stay home more until my daughter could see the light once again. I don't know if that makes sense.
Anyway, thank you for all those verses,
I will meditate and pray once more for this situation and what God wants me to do, I am so open and really want to use my talents, go where we are needed by God, or stay here if it's His will. I just will let it go in prayer I guess. God Bless, iconHis