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Author Topic: Cats are Evil!  (Read 156690 times)
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« Reply #390 on: October 13, 2006, 03:07:54 AM »

Tolorah, I am sorry to hear about your cat. My black cat died over a year ago, and I still think about him nearly every day. Some pets give more love than their people can repay.

Hello Willowbirch,

What you said is completely true. I was lucky to have many dogs during my life that lived to 12 to 16 years, and many of them did give unconditional love. Some folks might consider this silly, but I did cry when they died.

I don't know about fish loving us, but they do enjoy being fed.   Cheesy   I used to have a tank next to the chair that I studied in, and I would watch them when I took a break or my eyes got tired. They were beautiful and just another example of GOD'S Creation. Sister, I never had any fish that suffered from chronic gambling as you mentioned in one of your posts, and I must ask you about this.   Grin

I was told to put pennies, or other substances containing copper, in the tank to help Ick. Or maybe that was another fish-disease...chronic gambling, maybe, I don't know...

 Grin   I heard something about pennies, but I never tried that. I just tried to take care of the temperature and the PH. My fish did ask for a casino once, but I refused.   Grin

There is a way to make sure that your guppies have babies pretty quickly. You can look for a dark spot on the abdomen and swelling at the pet shop and buy female guppies that are already about to have babies. I used a plastic divider and sectioned off the tank to have a safe place to keep the babies until they got larger. Someone already mentioned that the little ones will be eaten if you don't do something to protect them. You can also have a smaller and separate tank for the babies.

I think that the point I wanted to make is you can have an aquarium that is beautiful without spending very much money. Children also enjoy them, and you can use an aquarium to teach them about being kind to animals and taking care of them. I did try the more exotic fish a couple of times, and one can spend a considerable amount of money pretty quickly. Money is something I never did have much of, so the experiments with the more expensive fish were short.

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« Reply #391 on: October 13, 2006, 08:38:37 AM »

Fish tanks and big beautiful aquariums are such a source of relaxation, but you are right BEP's it can become very expensive, I keep my fish tank as healthy as possible, and as much as I would love to have a BIG aquarium, it's expensive enough buying filters, fish food and other things for the tank I have. I would love to have more fish, but I'm just waiting till the ones I have now die off, they are used to each other and I don't know how they would react if I put more fish in with them.. There are fish that are very expensive, I rather just stick to the cheaper ones. I never did try pennies in the fish tank. Maybe I will if the need arises, for now they are just very healthy and doing just great.

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« Reply #392 on: October 13, 2006, 10:06:58 AM »

Sister Maria,

If I ever do the aquariums again, I will make my own filters. The ridiculous cost of filters and filtration systems is beyond explanation. There are ways to buy like filter material in bulk at a fraction of the cost if one is willing to cut and fit their own filter material. I also thought of numerous ways to build my own filtration system at a fraction of the cost, with better efficiency, and much easier change of filter materials. I've seen a few home-made filtration systems that worked great. They were constructed using very common items available anywhere. The last pump and filter system I bought was selected specifically so that I could use my own filter material. Cotton and activated carbon are extremely cheap unless you are forced to buy it packaged in a specific way just to make that particular filter work. Plastic tubing and various kinds of plastic containers that would hold filter materials are also extremely cheap. It would really be a matter of imagination to cut the costs significantly and actually have better efficiency. I've seen several plans to make you own that would be simple enough for anyone to make, including me.   Grin

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« Reply #393 on: October 13, 2006, 11:14:12 AM »

I made my own filters at one time. The material can be found in the sewing section of most stores. You do have to be careful though that it has not been treated with some sort of chemical that may be harmful to the fish. Most of the packages carry a label on those that have been treated that way so it isn't a real problem though.


Joh 9:4  I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
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« Reply #394 on: October 13, 2006, 11:40:02 AM »

We don't spend a whole lot of money on filters, we usually buy a box of 4 and that usually lasts about 8 months. I think if I started making my own filters I might hurt the fish, I'm not too crafty when it comes to chemicals and choosing the right stuff.  Undecided

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« Reply #395 on: October 13, 2006, 11:43:45 AM »

If you're not sure of which materials are right or wrong then you can look for a pet supply store that carries the supplies for the big outdoor ponds. Those will usually carry the materials (batting and charcoal) in bulk and it is usually much cheaper and they would be chemical free also.


Joh 9:4  I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
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« Reply #396 on: October 13, 2006, 12:04:05 PM »

I'll check it out next time I go for filters, we just put the last one in about 5 days ago, it should be good for a little bit yet.  Wink

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Rev. Belch
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« Reply #397 on: October 13, 2006, 02:28:22 PM »

Cat's are not evil they are one of God's beautiful creations. I love cat's especially black cats they have the best personality and have gotten a bad wrap cause some people think they are bad luck. Wrong! I have three cat's Delilah Anne is a Torteshell
and is the oldest so she's the queen of the house. Ebony Jewel is a black Manx special because she is a pedigree and has no tail. She's overweight and a real roly poly she the youngest cat so she's my princess. Samson is a black bombay and he was rescued from a very abusive situation as a tiny kittten. He's my Puddy boy. I named him Samson for 2 good reasons he survived being burnt with cigarettes and being used to play football. The kids used him as a foot ball Cry they also beat him up and poured chemicals down his throat. I was able to rescue him and he is treated like a king. Thanks to them he is retarded and can't meow properly but he's my boy and I love him so. Kiss I also named him Samson cause you can't have a Delilah without having a Samson Grin I also have a dog that is a Min Pinscher Beagle Mix and I call him Jack Blessings. I love him too I am an animal lover especially cat's. Smiley

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« Reply #398 on: October 13, 2006, 03:02:19 PM »

Hello Rev. Belch,

It's nice to see you on the forum again. Reference the name of this thread, I think that someone was doing some kidding. We also have a little bit of healthy rivalry between cat people and dog people. I'm a dog people.   Grin   In other words, my dog has adopted me as a friend.   Grin

I had a cat once, and I won't tell he whole story because it might already be in this thread. Briefly, the cat hated me and wanted to slice me to ribbons with those claws every day. He definitely didn't adopt me as a friend.   Grin

Rev. Belch
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« Reply #399 on: October 22, 2006, 10:28:35 PM »

^yes hi I had all of my cats declawed. I know that some people don't approve of this in fact they won't allow me to enter my black Manx in a cat contest because of it. Declawing has saved my window screens, furniture, and my self and others from being shreaded. Well actually I only have one of my three cats that loved to scratch people and her name is Delilah Cheesy Everyone's real glad that I got her declawed Grin

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« Reply #400 on: October 23, 2006, 11:57:50 AM »

That's the only cat I ever had in my life, and I didn't know about declawing, what to do, or what not to do. His mother had either abandoned him or was killed in traffic, so I rescued him by a major roadway. He was a tiny little thing and very sweet until he got bigger. As it turned out, he got feline leukemia and the Vet. said she couldn't save him. The Vet. said something about me probably adopting a feral cat and not making a good choice for a pet. Yes - I had to ask what "feral" meant. For those of you who don't know, that pertains to a domesticated animal turned to the wild for several generations or more.   Grin  I guess that I'm lucky that the cat didn't try to eat me in my sleep. There is additional irony in the name we chose for the cat, "Tiger".   Grin

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« Reply #401 on: October 23, 2006, 11:53:32 PM »

I'm sorry to hear about your cat Tolorah.  As a cat person, I know what it is like to loose a pet.

Kristi Ann
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« Reply #402 on: November 03, 2006, 05:14:40 AM »

Fish tanks and big beautiful aquariums are such a source of relaxation, but you are right BEP's it can become very expensive, I keep my fish tank as healthy as possible, and as much as I would love to have a BIG aquarium, it's expensive enough buying filters, fish food and other things for the tank I have. I would love to have more fish, but I'm just waiting till the ones I have now die off, they are used to each other and I don't know how they would react if I put more fish in with them.. There are fish that are very expensive, I rather just stick to the cheaper ones. I never did try pennies in the fish tank. Maybe I will if the need arises, for now they are just very healthy and doing just great.

Woo hoo, I have a 30 Gallon Fish Tank and my Loving Kitty Snowy Loves to watch them as much as I do, LOL  Cheesy

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« Reply #403 on: November 03, 2006, 11:52:43 PM »

Hello Kristi Ann,

Sister, it's great to hear from you. It's been awhile.

A 30 gallon is what our family enjoyed for many years. I still have it out in the garage and might put it back up. When you look at the enjoyment, they really aren't that expensive unless you try to keep really exotic and expensive fish. We probably had more fun and better luck with guppies than anything else, and I think that guppies are still reasonable to buy. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of putting it back up.

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« Reply #404 on: November 04, 2006, 05:49:34 AM »

You should BEP's. They are a source of relaxation and I just love to watch them when I pray, I am amazed at all the beauty God has provided for us to enjoy, just because He loves us.

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