Oklahoma Howdy to All,
Well, I'm shocked to see American television sink to new lows. "Wife Swapping Show"
?? Are there enough American people with no morals for a show like this to make money?? OK, I'm naive, I don't get out much, and I rarely watch network television.
Someone mentioned TVLand, and I do like that. It's like opening a present from the past when nearly everything was completely clean. Christians should have no problem in supporting a channel like this. It's a shame that one must have cable or a satellite dish to find clean family programs. We've probably got a dozen or more basic channels that are always clean completely.
I think that I heard something about Sky Angel, but we can't get it in our part of the country.
In terms of what children see on television, I like the analogy of a computer. The computer is only as good as the information you put into it and how well you organize that material. SO, garbage in always equals garbage out. Maybe this is a poor analogy, but the same is true for children. There is always a negative price to be paid for filling them with garbage, and the price may be paid for their entire lives. I think it's better to say "NO" and explain why they can't watch that show. If they don't like the answer and ask WHY, one can always fall back on the tried and trusted "Because I told you so."
When they start raising their own families, you will see those knowing looks of understanding. If not, "Because I told you so" will have to do.
Love In Christ,