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Topic: Sports Fighting (Read 25286 times)
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Re:Sports Fighting
Reply #15 on:
June 03, 2003, 10:49:52 PM »
Exactly, now you get what I am saying. Power IS the problem, lack of power, that is. Take Sumo wrestlers, they are used to having guys just has big as they are hurl all there body weight at them, they are used to picking up and slamming over 300 lbs into the clay. Do you think you can produce the “power” to take him out? In kick Boxing, REAL Kick Boxing, not the cardio-crap, they take hits from guys who train daily to hit with the force to KO, do you think you can produce the power to take him out? TKD and Karate are great for Pro Warriors and fighters who spend all day training, but can the average person produce the power needed to defend against these monsters? Lets look at the UFC, the many of the Karate and TKD guys can’t even hold there own against the opponents in the octagon, and they spend countless hours training!
Don’t get me wrong, TKD and Karate have there place in a Fighters arsenal, but one of these styles alone… nah, not a chance, not against someone more powerfull.
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Re:Sports Fighting
Reply #16 on:
June 03, 2003, 11:41:27 PM »
I happen to like my TKD. And next time I meet a sumo wrestler with an attitude, I'll ask the Lord how I can use this situation to glorify Him, then hand the 300-lb. over to the Lord.
So thare!
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Re:Sports Fighting
Reply #17 on:
June 03, 2003, 11:47:41 PM »
sorry, didn't mean to upset you. All Martial Arts have there place.
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Re:Sports Fighting
Reply #18 on:
June 04, 2003, 12:06:43 AM »
Oh, that's okay. I just wasn't expecting the part about everyone under the sun hating TKD. BUt I do like your aikido idea. Tell me more about that.
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Posts: 2560
Re:Sports Fighting
Reply #19 on:
June 04, 2003, 12:34:17 PM »
You seem to be the kind of person who perfere the ART part of “Martial Art,” the kind of person that prefers kata to sparring, am I right? If so, then Aikido is for you. Aikido is a recently made Martial Art, the founder was born in the early 1880’s! The founder, who name I forget, took Jiujutsu and learned sword and spear fighting because he wanted to be the biggest, baddest dude around! He thought this would ease him, make him happy. While he mastered these arts, he did not find the joy he was looking for, so he turned to Spirituality. It mixes grappling and joint locking on Jujutsu what the graceful kata of Sword and spear fighting.
Aikido is like TKD in that a lot of Martial Arts think of it as a compete joke. The Aikido masters admits it isn’t the deadliest style on the plant, that isn’t their goal. Anyways, from I know of your, this sounds like an Art you would enjoy, if you can find a school.
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Re:Sports Fighting
Reply #20 on:
June 05, 2003, 02:49:58 PM »
That's really neat! I didn't know that.
Well, I'm not sure how to describe my perspective on TKD. I do think of it as an art, and I like the philosophy as far as the purpose I'd been given: protect the causes, defend those who cannot defend themselves, and finally self-protection, all only when necessary. I think that was so very important, especially given the power moves particular to TKD. I do like the katas, and I'm coming into a better appreciation of their ultimate practicality, although I do think sparring is more imminently useful. TKD is aesthetic, with the grace of well-restrained power. (Unless you're sparring with a white belt. Then you come home bloody every night!
By philosophy I don't mean eastern religion by any remote stretch of the imagination. I shun, fend, shuck, and reject every ounce of that. I just mean the reason for studying it. Because with any martial art that has to be taught. When the philosophy is well-received, I find it can help build character. I like that.
I do find it practical, but I want things to be well-rounded. I do want to study aikido because I want to have a full command over my fighting. I also want to have soft techniques available.
You're right. I do like the art side very much. And as a Christian, I only want to kick kiester when absolutely necessary. Aikido fascinates me. I'm certain I would enjoy it.
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Posts: 2560
Re:Sports Fighting
Reply #21 on:
June 06, 2003, 01:02:23 AM »
Yes, that is the idea of Aikido, defense of yourself and the helpless. I hear you about the white belts. Just tonight, I pulled a white belt down on my weight, and his accidentally palm smashed my lip. It is times like that I’m glad I did boxing first. Eh, hardly broke the skin, just a little swollen. They get freaked out, and the just haven’t learned safety. It is still fun. This is a MARTIAL art, we aren’t doing Yoga, people! Lol
Yeah, don’t rule out Eastern philosophy all the way. I LOVE reading the Tao te Ching, believe it or not, given to be my the right had man of the Bishop of this Dioceses! I think it helps me understand the bible. We read the bible with our Western minds, but we forget Jesus was Eastern Minded. If you have ever talked to or been with a Native Asian, you will see they think rather differently then us. Especially the older generations. The younger seem to enjoy copying the US. In Asian, they strive to be like us, in the West, everyone loves anything Asian. How ironic. Anyways, I enjoy studying Taoism and other such Philosophies, they are very interesting.
As a Christian, we want to be peaceful when possible, but there is a time for peace and a time for war, a time for talk, and a time to “kick kiester!” Give Aikido a try, you might enjoy it. If you can’t fine and schools locally, many you would enjoy Judo...
Was there ever a time when Common sence was common?
Re:Sports Fighting
Reply #22 on:
June 06, 2003, 02:04:43 PM »
Need some advice.
I'd like to get my 8 year old son involved in martial arts, but am not sure which one to do. I believe all martial arts can instill some sense of confidence and respect for the discipline, but am frankly looking for something with the most practical application for self-defense. My thoughts have been steering toward judo or aikido (Tibby?) only because most actual brawls/fights I've witnessed always wind up in some sort of grappling mode.
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Posts: 2560
Re:Sports Fighting
Reply #23 on:
June 06, 2003, 05:14:02 PM »
I had a nice long reply written, then the program crashed on me!!! Se la Vive :-D. So, this is a summary of what is said:
I have taken several Martial Arts, and I love Jiujutsu, the one I just started a little while back. It seems to be the most practical, and the most fun. We don’t just line up and do 1000 kicks. Now, we do plenty of that, but we also learn throwing and grappling and ground work and pressure points. Never a dull moment. On top of that in a court of law, if you get into a fight, even if you didn’t start it, you will go to court, no way around it, even if you didn‘t swing a punch, even if you don‘t know Martial Arts. Cops enforce the law, they don’t judge it, Their job is to bring you in if there is a disturbance, arrest first, ask question later. If you take Karate, the court will say you where just trying to be big and bad, but with Jiujutsu, you can argue that your chosen art has holds made just to restrain opponents with minimal damage so you DON’T have to fight them, and this argument will hold up in the court of law.
Look for these things in any school you go to:
1. Does the Master and Senior ranks help the Freshmen and Junior ranks when they are having trouble? Will they pull them aside and help them?
2. Are the Students respectful of the master and each other? In a Martial Arts class, there is chance for serous injury, you want the guy your training with to respect the master and do what he says, and you want him to respect you enough that he will not kill you!
3. Does the master allow for sparring. As the Master if you can see a few of the students spar.
4. Do the students break a sweat at all? Not a requirement, but it how can you even get better if you don’t push your body to the limit! I mean, those Gi’s we where are HOT, it is pretty easy to break a sweat in one of them.
5. How does he treat Tradition verses Modern training? Tradition is an important thing. It will give the student the feeling of a code, a system, it will help keep him in line, and teach him respect, because the traditions are all about respect. Bow before you fight, with the lowest rank bowing lowest, bow when you step onto the mat, etc. BUT, don’t follow Tradition and ignore Modern Training methods. Sports Medicine has advance so much in the past 100 years, it is important he consider that.
Don’t sweat it with the “mediation/Eastern Religion” stuff. Leston to the advise him gives the kids on the aspect. Does he say things like “You can do it, your mind is what is keeping you” things like this, that is simple sports psychology, no mysticism about it, it is proven. And there is wisdom in Eastern Philosophy. I’m a Christian, but as I keep saying, love reading the Tao Te Ching, the book of the Taoist. Knowledge is Knowledge. Most teachers will not FORCE the students the meditate. Just tell you son to pray, in the place of that. I know that worries you, it worried my parents, too, but many teachers don’t make there students Mediate if they feel that strongly about it. But, take an object look at it. It is just a way of relaxing, which sport psychology has proven will increase performance, to relax, to calm down and do your sport!
Now, as he contents with this, he may find his like one aspect over another. He may enjoy the throwing and ground art more, so you put him in a Judo class, or he may preferred the kicks, so you put him in a Tae Kwon Do or Karate class, or he may preferre the punches, so you put him in Kung Fu or Boxing. See what he likes the best and what he is good at. He may just like Jiujutsu and want to say in it! JuiJutsu is a parent Art, many arts stem from it.
If you want any question, I’m sure one of us would be more then happy to answer. Me personally I like taking about it, so I don’t mind at all. When you go to the classes, tell us about it, give us your thoughts, what you noticed about it.
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Re:Sports Fighting
Reply #24 on:
June 06, 2003, 05:32:10 PM »
Thanks for the advice!
Gold Member
Posts: 1441
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Re:Sports Fighting
Reply #25 on:
June 06, 2003, 11:47:02 PM »
Hi, Tibby. THought I'd check in. Yes, you can always count on the white belt to do the most damage--in fact, that's what I'd put up against that 300lb sumo dude, heehee!
Okay, let's have the rundown on judo.
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Posts: 2560
Re:Sports Fighting
Reply #26 on:
June 07, 2003, 01:09:26 AM »
Quote from: Whitehorse on June 06, 2003, 11:47:02 PM
Hi, Tibby. THought I'd check in. Yes, you can always count on the white belt to do the most damage--in fact, that's what I'd put up against that 300lb sumo dude, heehee!
Okay, let's have the rundown on judo.
Judo is a less violent version of Jiujutsu. No kicks or anything, just grappling, lots of throwing and some ground work. I enjoy it. It was made by a man who knew several different styles of Jiujutsu, around the 1880’s. Remember, Jiujutsu is a combat style, similar the that practiced by the armies today, the Samurai learned and used it. But that was the 1880’s, the Feudal Japan is Shogun’s and Samurai was dieing out, the Edo period passed. So, this guy made Judo, taking all the form of Jiujutsu he knew, and basically made a sport out of it. It resembles a mix of Jiujutsu, Sumo, and even American Wrestling in practice, but it is much more graceful. It, like TKD, is an Olympic sport.
I love sumo, btw, lol
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Re:Sports Fighting
Reply #27 on:
June 07, 2003, 01:23:36 AM »
I have this interest in Ninjitzu too. But I don't know as much about it as I could...I have found absolutely no one that teaches it or has any inkling about it other than what's in Hollywood. All the floaty prest magico stuff.
I want to know what it is really about, but I never have time to read because of all the other reading I have to do. I got my schedule all messed up last week and now I can't sleep even if I want to! LOL. THis would be ther perfect time to read, I suppose, but I don't know if Ninjitzu would help me sleep. So I'll gab instead!
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Posts: 2560
Re:Sports Fighting
Reply #28 on:
June 07, 2003, 09:24:12 AM »
Yes, I want to learn Ninjutsu, too. They are not the best grapplers, any Judo man could beter the average Ninjutsu guy, but if it was a fight to the death, the Nunjutsu man would win, hands down. One of my old sparring Parnters, Jared, who learned to fight in JuJutsu class, the Army, and the Prosin system(As a guard, not an inmate) fough a Ninja once. lol, it soundsl ike a bad movie, doesn't it? Let me rephrase, he was sparring with someone who knows Ninjutsu, and he beat him everytime. The onyl reason was the Ninjutsu man couldn't use his "death Moves" Ninjutsu isn't an art which "flash" or "sport" to it. It is the art of killing, but it would still be interesting to learn! Some say the Ninja's brought by some Chinese exsiles, Sholin Munks, Warriors, etc. Ninjutsu was an older art, made in Mid-evil Japan. The people of sevreal villages combined hand to hand combat, secrecy, and even a little psychological warfare. It was this secrecy which keeps me from tellking you any more, because NO ONE KNOWS! You've have better luck tracing the orgians of the Masions or the Lumanoti! We know for the first year, they didn't not call themselves ninja's. Ninjutsu uses all kinds of weapons, and also teaches there students stealth, how to walk so they are not heard, thing like that. Ninjutsu does not pratice Spinning back hook kicks for other such "flashy" moves.
But the schools are hard to find. I found a guy in town who knew it.That might me your best chance, ask around with your Martial Arts friends and see if they know a Ninja. If I'm little Baptist owned Southern Town of 15,000 people has one, I'm sure your town has a few of them!
Was there ever a time when Common sence was common?
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Re:Sports Fighting
Reply #29 on:
June 07, 2003, 12:18:31 PM »
The art of killing??? Now that's disgusting. I guess someone forgot to teach them the motto of the masters, and who ever tries to teach them, it aint gonna be me! Guess that explains why you can't just walk into a Ninjitsu gym and say, Hi, teach me some moves. I knew some of the peripherals, the quiet fighting, the endurance training, etc. But I've suddenly lost my appetite for it. That is really sick.
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