Lately I've been getting this on a blank screen, sometimes, when trying to surf over here to CU:
Warning: Too many connections in /home/sites/forums/web/index.php on line 50
Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Too many connections in /home/sites/forums/web/index.php on line 50
Too many connections
I copied the above, so it's word for word.
Anyone know what this means?
Oklahoma Howdy to Symphony,
Brother, I know only because I got the same thing and reported it to ADMIN. ADMIN told me it was a spambot trying to collect email addresses from Christians Unite and his server stopping them, trapping them, and denying future access to that IP number. I think that ADMIN's server whips them pretty good in about 10 minutes and cuts that IP off forever. However, things do slow down or almost stop while the CU server is whipping the spambot. Spambots are used by advertisers to get mailing lists for their junk mail, and ADMIN decided they couldn't have any addresses from Christians Unite. The way I understand this is the CU server is actually processing and denying thousands of hits at once from the spambot, gets the information on the source of the spambot, and locks it out without giving it anything.
CU is the good guy in the white hat, and it whips the dark side every time.
I understand that many huge servers are almost shut down by these stupid spammers trying to harvest email addresses. It's the cyber war to fill your email at home with junk.
Love In Christ,