I get scared, as well as many other people when we talk about Jesus speaking to us. It's because outside of a Christian forum they'll lock you up if you think God is talking to You.
There's only once that I actually heard a voice, and it was the stillest smallest voice I ever heard. I can't even begin to explain the stillness and the smallness of it, it's like if it weren't for a miracle there'd be no sound at all.
I'm still not sure if it was God's voice because I was going through quite a bit at the time. It was enough to make even the most firm believer agree, it may have been me just crackin' up and losing it. But I never felt such extreme peace. It was so much peace that I got a whole new meaning about "rest in peace." Mostly, all the trouble that I was having was I thought I was going to die and then suddenly at the moment of this voice it wasn't about me going to die so much as me living forever with the Lord. So, death no longer scared me. But mostly, I thought for sure I was going to die and I couldn't come to grips with it. And so I began to plan my funeral and it made me feel a little better--the planning of it. It's so weird, but if I thought I could just make folks play Christian music at my funeral someone might be brought to the Lord while hearing it and facing mortality and then it would be worth dying over. So, the voice actually made sense to me because it said, "It's time for you to start writing down your plans."
The only reason I question the validity of it was that it made all the sense in the world at the time, but at the same time--if I consider the experts, and I'm not saying expert Christians, just the experts, they'll all agree that it's too weird to be true.
Anyway, I did what it said, I wrote down my plans and I felt much better even though it seemed to be the craziest thing to do. It wasn't anything against scripture so I figured it was okay. And it was. But the thing is I wound up not dying!!
I'm still alive. But I wont live forever, so my plans are in place just in case.
But I worry about folks that say they hear God's voice because my Father always thought God was talking to him. He attributed to himself the powers of the Pope. He said that when he spoke his words were from God and infallible. And he had a whole bunch of people doing whatever he said. Because clearly, my father WAS hearing a voice. And the voice KNEW about all sorts of things going on. And the people believed it because of the supernaturalness of the abiltity to know stuff and predict stuff. But that didn't mean it was from God.