The rich elites are very unique and it is difficult for us to understand their thinking. However, we know that Jesus said that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get into heaven.
This implies that they develop a great love for their riches........and riches become their God. The parable of the rich young ruler demonstrates this.
As such most of them are children of the devil...........and under his influence.
They are also Malthusians and feel threatened by population growth. See also "The Georgia Guidestones." They want the world's population to return to under one billion people and have no problem with murdering large groups of people. They also create policies such as birth control, legalization of abortion, etc. to help manage the numbers.
The rich elites gather together at various times of the year to discuss such the Bilderberg meetings........Bohemian Grove........CFR meetings,.........etc. etc. about why lead news stories recently are on the deposed Libyan leader............rather than the leaking radiation from Japan.........or the famine catastrophe in various African countries........or the crumbling world economy........etc. They decide what you should see......and what you should not see.