I was flipping thru channels tonight out of pure bordem waiting for dinner to finish, I turned on Primetime. It was about a 2 gay married men adopting 4 children! Im sorry, but I was LIVID, APPAULED & SADDENED by what I witnessed!
They glorified the entire thing! They played soft music behind the pics they showed of these 2 men on their wedding day! They made it into this complete Love story!! Now they have 4 babies to raise in that type of enviroment?! & expect those poor children to have a "normal" life?!
Ok, am I taking this to personal or going overboard? Does anyone else find this completely sick to air on national tv like this?!
It is so hard to not loath them...Im not perfect, I admit that....
((Lord, please soften my heart that I may "love" these type of ppl instead of hating them and pray for these lost souls that they might come to know you! TY Father~ Amen))