Oklahoma Howdy to BrownLamb,
Sister, you have already been a blessing to us also. That's what Christian fellowship is all about. I was just thinking about the ill and dying children of God. Our Heavenly Father hears them, even when they are unable to utter the words.
I also love your description of talking to God all day. Silently or out loud, at work or at play, our Heavenly Father hears us.
Thanks be unto GOD for HIS unspeakable GIFT!
Love In Christ,
First: I finally figured out how to qoute!!! Yes!!
But most importantly.....Thank you Blackeyedpeas!!!
You are so right! Praying is such a wonderful gift! It gives peace, joy, comfort, calm, whatever you are feeling when you begin to pray will be some degree better when your done! And no matter how you do it, you can be sure both GOD and you will be glad you did!
I am enjoying everyone here so much!! Thank you!
May GOD Bless You!!!