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Author Topic: The End Is Near By twobombs  (Read 9956 times)
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« on: April 30, 2003, 04:14:49 PM »

The End Is Near By twobombs

70th week: Spring 2004

mid week: 13 September 2007 at 8.00 CET

2nd Coming: January 2011 (Solar eclipse)

I will be starting my countdown after May 7th  Grin



Galatians 4:16   Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2003, 08:41:38 AM »

I'll buy that.  If I had to take an educated guess (which is all we can do), I would say a year or so left till we are "flying" sounds reasonable (given the current state of the world, all things considered).  Any other opinions out there on the timing of the rapture?  John Hagee is saying about the same thing on the timing of the rapture.  It's getting very close.  That's hard to argue with.

                              Jon Amos

                               John 3:3
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« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2003, 07:42:04 AM »

Excuse me?  What do you mean "It's bad enough it might be so"?  What's bad about a true believer being transformed into his heavenly body and living for eternity with the Lord?  And looking back at my post I didn't say I wished anything.  The only thing I "wish" for is the Lord's will.  I never said "I wish the rapture would happen in the next year".  I said that A4C's prediction on the timing of the rapture seems reasonable considering all things.  Last time I checked it was called "The Blessed Hope". Grin  So why would that be a bad thing?  If you are walking with the Lord that "blessed Hope" should be anything but bad.

                           Jon Amos

                            John 3:3
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« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2003, 02:07:01 PM »

Sorry man.. I made a knee jerk reaction.  I deleted that message.

I just dont think its particularly helpful to dwell on the fact that when the end comes, Christians believers will be saved and everyone else is going to hell.  I dont think it endears people to us.  
« Last Edit: May 02, 2003, 03:44:07 PM by Sammy » Logged
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« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2003, 04:33:57 PM »

     The truth should always have a higher value than offending someone when it comes to Salvation.

     "Live and let live" is really "live and let die" in disquise.

     Jesus is the only way to Heaven. Anything else is false hope and a curse. Salvation can't be politically correct. Theres no sugar coating it. Jesus is either your Savior or your Judge. It all depends on your personal relationship with Him.

     The Gospel is a blessing to those who accept it, but a curse to those who reject it. The truth must have priority over the issue of Salvation. You do nobody any good by not telling the truth, but you do damage. You give false hope which ensnares many people, just look at the mormons...

     Tell it like it is, the truth is what sets us free. False hope keeps us in bondage, blinded to the fact we require a Savior, Jesus Christ.

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« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2003, 04:42:57 PM »

    The truth should always have a higher value than offending someone when it comes to Salvation.

     "Live and let live" is really "live and let die" in disquise.

     Jesus is the only way to Heaven. Anything else is false hope and a curse. Salvation can't be politically correct. Theres no sugar coating it. Jesus is either your Savior or your Judge. It all depends on your personal relationship with Him.

     The Gospel is a blessing to those who accept it, but a curse to those who reject it. The truth must have priority over the issue of Salvation. You do nobody any good by not telling the truth, but you do damage. You give false hope which ensnares many people, just look at the mormons...

     Tell it like it is, the truth is what sets us free. False hope keeps us in bondage, blinded to the fact we require a Savior, Jesus Christ.

Paul2 I like it and I like you Bro  Grin



Galatians 4:16   Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2003, 04:47:07 PM »

Indeed.  The truth is important.  Whatever it may be.  
It's worth mentioning that there has never been a time in human affairs where it didnt look as if the end might be just around the Corner.  
The thing is.  Who will be saved when the end does come?  Will it be only people who believe in Christ?  What about people who believe in Christ but not most of the Bible?  What about people Who believe in Christ, and follow his word, But dont believe he was ressurrected.  What about people who dont believe in Christ but are good people anyway?  What about good people who have never had access to Christ?  What about bad people Who would be good if they found Christ but never have?  What about people who believe in Christ but are bad people?  What about good people who were raised in another religion?

Is it a Sin to delight in the destruction of all those who wont be saved, weather it is their own Fault or not?

Look at what hapened last time God cleaned house and "ended sin"  with Noahs flood.  Namely not much of a reduction of Sin in the long run, just a lot of dead people.  If human beings are inherintly Sinful I think it's pretty self defeating to pray for cleansing fire.  suicidal I should think...  To all of us.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2003, 05:10:14 PM by Sammy » Logged
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« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2003, 05:54:10 PM »

How I pray Jesus comes SOON!
This whole world sucks like a gallon of very sour lemon juice. I miss my family (Mom, Dad, ect., all who have gone before), and I have no close friends. I attend church but if you're an older single man you don't really fit in. I pray Jesus comes SOON! (And I pray God will have our beloved pets who have gone before waiting there for us as well! The book illustrated is lovely, BTW.)

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« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2003, 10:04:43 PM »

Yes, tis true, the general season does appear to be at hand, the increase of knowledge, the hurrying to and fro, the wars, and the rumors of wars. There is a hint that the numbers of earthquakes have been on the rise during the past few decades, and there are the political players, almost all of them are where they are supposed to be when the final act begins. However, there are still a couple three pieces who have not been placed where they need to be.

And too, America is still a super power - with the lack of hard evidence that America is a key player during the tribulation in the Bible, we must assume that America has to be reduced in power. This has yet to happen, of course we can assume that we are closing in on that eventuality, just because of 9-11 and the political changes that have taken place since then. And then there is the economy to consider, not a pretty picture and does hint of a coming season when America will cease to be a major player on the Global Scene.

This Generation is a very wide span of time. Do we call the generation from the reestablishment of the Jew in Israel (1947-48)? Or do we go with the 6 Days war of 1967 were Israel (the people) came into complete control of Jerusalem?

And what is a generation? Is it 20 years, 40 Years, 50 years? Or the span of a human life, according to the bible as much as a promised 120 years?

Setting a date is a tricky thing.  I personally set the date for the Return in 2014 to 2018 - and then that is just an educated guess (at best) and could be off by a decade or two. I firmly believe that the Anti-christ is waiting in the wings, but I do not believe that the whole world is weary of war to take peace at any price - not just yet.

The Timepiece of God's Plan is Jerusalem. Once a 7 year peace treaty is made for Israel, then and only then can we ascertain the exact date of the Glorious Return of Jesus Christ.

« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2003, 10:12:34 PM »

The temple has to be rebuilt, and Babylon has to become an econimic and religious powerhouse again.
I understand the pieces are all in place for the temple to be built, and Saddam has (had) begun to rebuild Babylon...seems like there's a few years yet.
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« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2003, 10:35:11 AM »

Let's not forget.  A LOT can happen in the course of a year.  I believe that one year from now, the U.S. may not be a super power.  Some terrorist attacks, an economic crash, and war could definitely accelerate the fall of the USA.  I'm not wishing it, but we have to admit that world conditions are favorable at this point.  In my far less than perfect "human" thinking, I personally see twobombs time frame of the end time events as being reasonable.  I think it's coming a lot faster than most people think.  I consider John Hagee to be one of the most prominent end time teachers.  He has recently been saying that he believes that we are down to a matter of months before the rapture.

                                 Jon Amos

                                  John 3:3
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« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2003, 12:47:01 PM »

I guess it's human nature to try to figure out when the end will come.  There have been people who have been guessing the end time for generations, and we're still here.
     Hagee and others figure that God has given them some advanced warning,,,, considering that Jesus admitted that He was not privy to this information, I think it is a little self grandizing that we thing we do!!!
      Our job is to spread the good news, and to be ready ourselves for the big day, no matter when it is..... God bless,   Joy   Grin Grin

Love in Him,  Joy
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« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2003, 12:54:21 PM »

The temple has to be rebuilt, and Babylon has to become an econimic and religious powerhouse again.
I understand the pieces are all in place for the temple to be built, and Saddam has (had) begun to rebuild Babylon...seems like there's a few years yet.

The temple will be rebuilt and opened 3 1/2   years after the Rapture.  Grin



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« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2003, 10:05:13 PM »

and Saddam has (had) begun to rebuild Babylon...

Had is the key word. His plans sort of fell through after the Gulf War. Here is an interesting peice of trivia...Saddam claims to be a descendant of King Nebuchadnezzar! Go figure.   Roll Eyes


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« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2003, 02:12:27 AM »

Hagee and others figure that God has given them some advanced warning,,,, considering that Jesus admitted that He was not privy to this information, I think it is a little self grandizing that we thing we do!!!
      Our job is to spread the good news, and to be ready ourselves for the big day, no matter when it is..... God bless,  Joy    

Yes I concur, stick with our jobs at hand.

Hagee and others like him will just end up like Chaz.

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