Top 50 Countries - With Highest Proportion of Atheists / Agnostics / Nonbelievers in God (Zuckerman, 2005)
Country - % Atheist / Agnostic/ Nonbelievers in God
Sweden - 46 to 85%
Vietnam - 81%
Denmark - 43 to 80%
Norway - 31 to 72%
Japan - 64 to 65%
Czech Republic - 54 to 61%
Finland - 28 to 60%
France - 43 to 54%
South Korea - 30 to 52%
Estonia - 49%
Germany - 41 to 49%
Russia - 24 to 48%
Hungary - 32 to 46%
Netherlands - 39 to 44%
Britain - 31 to 44%
Belgium - 42 to 43%
Bulgaria - 34 to 40%
Slovenia - 35 to 38%
Israel - 15 to 37%
Canada - 19 to 30%
Latvia - 20 to 29%
Slovakia - 10 to 28%
Switzerland - 17 to 27%
Austria - 18 to 26%
Australia - 24 to 25%
Taiwan - 24%
Spain - 15 to 24%
Iceland - 16 to 23%
New Zealand - 20 to 22%
Ukraine - 20%
Belarus - 17%
Greece - 16%
North Korea -15%
Italy - 6 to 15%
Armenia - 14%
China - 8 - 14%*
Lithuania - 13%
Singapore - 13%
Uruguay - 12%
Kazakhstan - 11 to 12%
Mongolia - 9%
Portugal - 4 to 9%
USA - 3 to 9%
Albania - 8%
Argentina - 4 to 8%
Kyrgyzstan - 7%
Dominican Republic - 7%
Cuba - 7%*
Croatia - 7% - nonbelievers in God refers to the existance of a "superior being" from any the world's major religions
- data for China, North Korea and Cuba was difficult to obtain
- it would appear that Europe, the early birthplace of Christianity (Catholicism, Orthodoxism, Protestantism) has the highest concentration of atheists/agnostics and nonbelievers
- in many cases the less affluent nations that have not been as "blessed" by God in terms of their standard of living tend to have a higher % of believers