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Author Topic: Notes on Purpose Driven Life  (Read 6601 times)
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« on: November 14, 2003, 09:38:26 AM »

Just wondering...has anyone been keeping a journal while studying The Purpose Driven Life?  I'm keeping a journal and would like to share some of my soulsearching thoughts if anyone is interested.
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« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2003, 06:26:27 AM »

I have been reading, but not journaling. It would be great to hear (read) your observations!  Smiley

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« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2004, 11:37:29 PM »

There have been half a dozen threads here on that book; I never have found out what  it's about.

Are they like daily devotionals, or what??

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« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2004, 11:54:04 AM »

Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren is a book that has 40 short chapters on how to get your life on track, according to the Word of God.  Some people read it everyday for 40 days; some read a chapter each week; some join a study group.  I read a chapter each week and I have joined a study group via
internet.  Each member emails their comments on each chapter.  We are currently on chapter 24.  I am enjoying the fellowship very much.  This book has helped me to focus on God's purpose for this life and lay aside my own vain plans.
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« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2004, 12:00:02 PM »

Our pastor considers the book important enough to lead our Sr. High aged youth group through the book during their Wed. evening group meetings.  My daughter is fairly impressed so far.  (Hey - if a 17-year old is impressed with ANYTHING other than the latest cell phone technology that says something!)

I haven't read it YET - but I get my daughter's book when she is done.

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« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2004, 12:06:51 AM »

Is there a url for your internet study group? how did you find it, and how can i find something similar?
Thanks & God bless,

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« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2004, 09:05:53 PM »

Hello a.b.,

I have been using the Purpose Driven Life journal. I didn't use the journal the first time through. I am learning a lot about myself by journaling. I plan on referring to my journal for the rest of my earthly life. That book played a big part in leading me to Christ! Feel free to share your thoughts on journaling!

Yours in Christ,

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« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2004, 09:51:14 AM »

I'm soon going to become unpopular on this forum I can tell. Still I'll say what I have to say.

I was given The Purpose Driven Life by a friend as a present. I very much appreciated it when I read it initially, and thought it was helpful, and there are some good things in it. However, upon my second reading of it ( I always re read books numerous times) I discovered a few things that got my spiritual antennae twitching.

Upon closer insection of what was being said, I found an underlying humanistic theme running throughout the whole book. It is very much centered on self.

It involves the use of a lot of unbiblical ideas derived from human psychology, and refers to numerous people who are known to be in error. Some of which are/ were not even Christians, and were opposed to the truth. Here are a few:

Brother Lawrence—a Roman Catholic mystic who wrote Practicing the Presence of God, and advocated a "higher" form of prayer.

Aldous Huxley—an English writer who published an influential study advocating the use of mescaline to expand perception and consciousness. Huxley, a guru among California hippies, used LSD and became a proponent of New Age and Hindu philosophy

Madame Guyon—a 17th century French Catholic mystic

Anais Nin—a 20th century feminist writer of erotic literature

William James—a 19th century philosopher and psychologist of religion and an advocate of pragmatism and religious pluralism. James wielded a pervasive influence in American religious liberalism as he denied the reality of absolute truth.

Henri Nouwen—cited several times in The Purpose-Driven® Life, Nouwen was a Roman Catholic priest, ecumenist, educator and psychologist; one of the leading figures in introducing psychology into the Roman Catholic Church.

I don't think I need to labour that point any longer.

While still on the subject of humanistic teaching, Warren's views of worship are not accurate either. They seem right at first, and not all he says is wrong.

However he contradicts himself at times, at one point he correctly asserts, "Worship isn't for you. It's for God" (p. 66), while earlier in the book, he stated, "We worship God by enjoying him" (p. 55)—which is partly true, but he puts the amphasis on our fulfillment and not upon God Himself. Warren is basically saying that how you worship is irrelevant; and as long as you do  whatever "most authentically represents your love for God" you are worshipping. Subjective, self-styled and man-centered worship.

The Bible commands us to worship God in spirit, in truth and in the beauty of holiness (Jn. 4:24; Ps. 29:2). Worship is inseperably linked to glorifying Christ, and we cannot do this if we are not grounded in truth. Worship requires reverence and the fear of God! so many today lack the fear of God... and that is the reason for their continuing sinfulness. They don't want to make sacrifices, they want the world and God! He won't allow that, and it is a deception of the heart to think He will.

This brings me to what I consider to be the two most fundamental flaws in Warrens book. There is no emphasis on a holy life. Or correct doctrine. It is very sweeping and ecumenical.
But holiness and correct doctrine arer VITAL in order to please God. If one's faith is founded in a lie, then it is no faith at all. It doesn't matter how sincere you are, you can be sincere and wrong at the same time.

I can't remember where in the book, but Warren talks about the Judgement Seat of Christ. What he says about it is incorrect though.

Warren's claim that God will ask, "What did you do with my Son, Jesus Christ?" cannot be backed up by scripture. The purpose of this judgement is to determine the value of believers works. Not their salvation. That is already decided. The purpose of the Judgement seat of Christ is not to punish believers for their sins, they have already been forgiven! Why else did Christ shed His blood?!!
The Great White Throne Judgement is for unbelievers and relates to salvation.

Warren also says "God won't ask about your religious background or doctrinal views. The only thing that will matter is, did you accept what Jesus did for you and did you learn to love and trust him?"

While I agree that God has no care for denominations and teachings of men and may not ask about your doctrine.... OF COURSE your doctrine matters!! What you believe determines how you are. It determines your attidudes and actions. If you love a false Christ and do not know the true God, then you are living a lie. It may not be deliberate, but that does not make it untrue.

Warren also tells us this:
"God uses circumstances to develop our character. In fact, he depends more on circumstances to make us like Jesus than he depends on our reading the Bible" (p. 193).

"God is always more interested in why we do something than in what we do" (p. 265).

This is a part truth. Mixture of truth and a lie is very dangerous. The Judgement Seat of Christ proves that our works are important to God, not just why we do them, our motives if you like. This whole way of thinking is part of the spirit of this age. The spirit of compromise. How many times have you heard someone say: " Don't judge me, you don't know my motives?" "God looks at the heart, he knows my heart, you don't". Again these statements contain truth, but are not entrely true. These are simply excuses to allow a believer to continue in sin unchallenged. Anyone who attempts to point out the flaws are branded as "legalistic" and "judgmental". Well we are commanded to judge with righteous judgement, how can we be discerning or avoid error if we never asses whether something is right or wrong?! We are also commanded to rebuke our family in love. Not allow them to continue in sin and become useless to God.

While I agree that God uses circumstances to bring us into a deeper relationship with Him. This is not more important than our reading of His Word.

Romans 10:17  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

I don't need to say more on this point.

Basically I will sum up my opinion of the book as follows:

It is a humanistic book that contains partial truth. It emphasises our fullfilment, and attempting to please God by methods that seem good to us, not to God. It promotes love and unity at the expense of truth and holiness. In reality God requires all of these.



Romans 8:28  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2004, 11:14:37 AM »


I have not read the book and i will not for the just reasons you stated so very well. A church i was attending would not have bible studies but wanted to study the book (Bible studies cause to much conflect) i do not need to burn my self to know fire is hot. You are not alone here.

If your views are a bit different, still holding to TOS, BUT you present them politly and with scripture back up you will not be hasseled by the moderators.  

This is the most fair forum i have found. Welcome aboard Smiley
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« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2004, 01:03:08 PM »

Thanks for the non flaming reply Reba. Smiley I don't expect people to agree with what i say, but I do expect them to examine everything in the light of God's Word. There are many false teachings out there today, and most are very subtle. But like a wedge... the angle of deviance at the tip is very small.. but the further up the wedge you go, the further apart its edges are. So it is with the false teachings today, there is only a small grain of error initially, but it leads to wide deviancy from the truth in the end.

I have many friends who have fallen into deception and it saddens me so much to see them gradually departing from God.

But I'm not all doom and gloom! Its great to actually find a forum where the basic doctrines of salvation are adhered to, and error is not widely promoted.


Romans 8:28  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
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