Hello MusicMedic5150,
We are very happy to have you with us. This is usually a slower time on the forum, but things have really been pretty busy this year. I don't know how much of this is due to people not being able to travel because of snowed in airports and frozen roads. So far, it still looks like we will be able to go on our little trip tomorrow. I have brothers in Colorado and Oregon, and I doubt they will be going anywhere - maybe not even across town. I simply pray it will be a safe and happy time for those who are stuck in rough weather.
Fellowship with friends, family, and other Brothers and Sisters in Christ is wonderful at any time of the year, and Christians already have the Greatest GIFT - JESUS CHRIST! Most people have a few extra days off around Christmas, so we have more time to gather with our friends, families, and churches. Many Christians simply have special times in the LORD.