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2nd Timothy
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« Reply #30 on: July 20, 2006, 09:29:25 AM »

PR I agree with everything you pointed out in your well written post.  I still think that prehaps my question is not clear.   I too believe that war is acceptable, as is defense.  As a matter of fact, I did a word search on WAR in scripture, and didn't realize how many times it is used as acceptable, which even further confirms my initial gut feeling that a Just war is biblical.  However, I am more perplexed than ever with regards to separating Loving an enemy, and waring with him. 

Let me try to get to the meat of this if I can.

War under the right circumstances is Justified.   A just WAR!  I think we are all in agreement here.

We are also instructed in the key verse....Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you....[...]   Here again, I think we all understand this and agree.

My quandry!  Wanting to be correct on both counts, How do I do both?    Or simply stated, how do I rightly divide the word in this regard.    Maybe the answer is staring me in the face in a previous reply here, but I really am lost on this issue.    Huh

HELP!...lol   Cheesy


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« Reply #31 on: July 20, 2006, 09:51:17 AM »

Morning brother.

Perhaps it is I that am not sure on just what you have been asking.

As I said I can't give you anymore verses on this than have already been given but let me explain how I have dealt with this. Maybe that will help. During Viet Nam many of the soldiers got to the point of truly hating their enemy and displayed it frequently no mercy shown. Even after the war you could see it and hear it from them. They would call them all sorts of names, tell those that came to the U.S. for asylim to leave the country, they weren't welcome here. This is not to say that all Soldiers were like that. Many of us understood what it is like to love our enemy even though we had to kill some of them. Those of us in this category did not kill just to because they were the enemy. It was use minimum force required to get the job done. Those that were captured were treated well by us. I saw one young Soldier give up his meal to feed a hungry captive. We fed, clothed and gave medical treatment to them, we didn't abuse them. Those of us that believed in God witnessed to them. I saw one of these captives accept Jesus as his Saviour. The last I heard of him he had become a minister and was working still in Viet Nam trying to win more souls. That is what Christian love is all about. It is fighting the evil that is in them.


Joh 9:4  I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
2nd Timothy
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« Reply #32 on: July 20, 2006, 10:08:42 AM »

Morning brother.

Perhaps it is I that am not sure on just what you have been asking.

As I said I can't give you anymore verses on this than have already been given but let me explain how I have dealt with this. Maybe that will help. During Viet Nam many of the soldiers got to the point of truly hating their enemy and displayed it frequently no mercy shown. Even after the war you could see it and hear it from them. They would call them all sorts of names, tell those that came to the U.S. for asylim to leave the country, they weren't welcome here. This is not to say that all Soldiers were like that. Many of us understood what it is like to love our enemy even though we had to kill some of them. Those of us in this category did not kill just to because they were the enemy. It was use minimum force required to get the job done. Those that were captured were treated well by us. I saw one young Soldier give up his meal to feed a hungry captive. We fed, clothed and gave medical treatment to them, we didn't abuse them. Those of us that believed in God witnessed to them. I saw one of these captives accept Jesus as his Saviour. The last I heard of him he had become a minister and was working still in Viet Nam trying to win more souls. That is what Christian love is all about. It is fighting the evil that is in them.

Wow!  Now that hits the heart brother!    I do believe we are getting closer to home with my question here.   I believe that in the many places in scripture where God instructs Israel on how and when to war, there is a deeper spiritual layer I am missing.   I am sure that the many example given are in regards to our spiritual warfar with sin, AND bringing Glory to God even on the battle field.   I think the example you have given in your last post speaks volumes to this as well.

I suspect I am going to have to dig in, and do a deep study on this to walk away with the substance I am seeking.   

From one brother to another, may Gods blessings be rich in your life for living the walk, even during the horrors of war-time, and from a patriotic American, Thank you!, for risking your life for the freedoms I enjoy today friend.    I have not, nor will I even forget what you and thousands of other soldiers went through for us.

Love in Christ!


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« Reply #33 on: July 20, 2006, 10:17:57 AM »

Thank you brother now I am the one that is touched.

I hope and pray that you find what you are looking for.


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« Reply #34 on: July 21, 2006, 12:38:37 AM »

Brothers and Sisters,

This is an excellent and thought-provoking thread. It really should give everyone a glimpse of what any Christian serving in a capacity of life and death issues must deal with. The only thing that might have been lightly dealt with here is being subject to the rulers and those in authority over you. We have all volunteer military and police service in this part of the world right now. However, we did have drafts in the past on major conflicts. In the case of a draft, the conversation would include being forced into service where you would risk your life and probably take life. The vast majority of Christians drafted in the past served with great courage. Those who could not resolve the moral issues with GOD served in all kinds of capacities that also required great courage (i.e. medic, cook, etc.). These roles were mainly considered to be non-combat, but many of them were eventually in situations where they had a choice of kill or be killed.

I think it's almost a must to consider what happens if nobody stands in the way of individuals, groups, or forces determined to harm innocents and resist to the death anyone trying to stop them. Considering what is done to their victims raises another issue that is on the opposite side of the coin - how could we allow them to continue and not try to stop them? If you are already a volunteer or you are drafted into service by a lawful authority, you would also have the Biblical issue of disobeying the authority placed there by GOD. It really can boil down to something as simple as two basic situations: 1) what you will do or should do in the protection of your own home and family; 2) what you will do or should do if you are sent and/or ordered to go and protect someone else's homes and families.

Love In Christ,

Psalms 111:7-8 NASB  The works of His hands are truth and justice; All His precepts are sure.  They are upheld forever and ever; They are performed in truth and uprightness.

2nd Timothy
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« Reply #35 on: July 21, 2006, 09:52:57 AM »

Amen Tom!   

I Came across this verse just doing simple word searches....(remember the song?)

Ecc 3:8  A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

While this probably is speaking of the physical, I would say Spiritually speaking, we are most certainly in a time of war in this life as believers, with sin in our own lives, as well as snares and enemy's at every turn.  What a time of peace when we finally reach Home, and the war is won!!!

As I mentioned to PR, I think I'm going to have to dig in to get to the bottom of separating things.   Something that crossed my mind was the movie The End Of the Spear, where the missionaries refused to shoot the natives in self defense, knowing that those were not ready for heaven, thus sacrificing their own lives for the greater purpose of God, and the natives.   Granted, these missionaries felt strongly that God was with them, and felt led not to kill their attackers or defend themselves, dying in the process.  Of course Gods working through that entire true life story is absolutely incredible to me.    No question this is an outstanding testimony of how they were led by the Holy spirit in that particular situation not to defend themselves, which lead to their death, but also the salvation of an entire tribe.

Not that I believe this example nullifies a just war or self defense (because there is overwhelming evidence Just war is proper under the right circumstances), just that it highlights to me our pressing need to be able to hear and obey WHEN and HOW to proceed in every step of our lives, and different situations.  In some cases, God might lead us to fight fiercely, while in other cases, He might lead us to a more gentle approach to defuse tensions, and in some cases even martyrdom.   I'm still not totally clear on this, but I guess I will have to settle for this until I have more time to study it.

Outstanding converstation brothers!   When I get some time I will try to do some study on this so we can speak on it more.

Grace and Peace!
« Last Edit: July 21, 2006, 09:56:24 AM by 2nd Timothy » Logged


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« Reply #36 on: July 21, 2006, 09:59:56 AM »

Outstanding conversation brothers!   When I get some time I will try to do some study on this so we can speak on it more.
Grace and Peace!

Brother, please keep us posted on your findings.  I'm enjoying this thread immensely.

"The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it."  John 1:5
2nd Timothy
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« Reply #37 on: July 24, 2006, 02:52:15 PM »

OK, I've been considering all this quite a bit.   Here's some items I've been going over.

I think once we begin to view all these things in light of our called purpose, the answer starts rising to the surface for some of things we have been discussing here.

What is our called purpose as believers?
What is an authority or nations purpose?
What is Gods will for us, and how do we stay within those confines with Godly principles at times of war, defense, and our called purpose?

Keep these 3 things in mind as we barely scratch the surface.

Mar 16:15  And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

This is our mission as believers!   Once we believe on Christ and are adopted into the family of God, we are commissioned to preach the Gospel to the ends of the world.  Once God achieves this mission through us, the Church will be going Home!

Paul says he was called for a purpose....

Rom 1:1  Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God,
Rom 1:2  which He promised beforehand through His prophets in the holy Scriptures,
Rom 1:3  concerning His Son, who was born of a descendant of David according to the flesh,
Rom 1:4  who was declared the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, according to the Spirit of holiness, Jesus Christ our Lord,
Rom 1:5  through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith among all the Gentiles for His name's sake,
Rom 1:6  among whom you also are the called of Jesus Christ;

Not only Paul, but this group of Roman believers as well as us too.    Our calling as believers is to be set apart for the gospel of Christ.    First and foremost!

Now, what is the deal with nations and authority's?

Rom 13:1  Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.

Rom 13:3  For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same;
Rom 13:4  for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.

OK.  So authority's and nations are not necessarily called to spread the Gospel as individual believers are.  They are a minister of God, or an avenger who brings wrath on those who practice evil.   Even though, they might not be a Godly nation, God Himself has set up ALL these authorities to serve His good purpose.  We must include authority's here who are evil as well if we take Rom 13:1 at face value.   Even though the likes of NK would be considered Evil, They still exist according this verse for Gods purpose of avenging evil, even though they do not follow their God given authority.   Clearly they are wrong and disobediant, and are suffering in that regard, and will probably suffer a great defeat if they continue to not serve Gods intended purpose.   Throughout the OT, we can see how God used nations who were obedient to Him to avenge and destroy evil nations.   God used Israel for this purpose a few times.   I don't doubt for one second that if NK's government would start behaving with Godly principles, God would bless that nation, and use them in the pretext of Romans 13.   As it stands right now however, they exist outside of this pretext and not only suffer from their own government, but will suffer from some other nation God will use to avenge them.   At least this is how I am seeing this.

So God sets up all authority's, and they can either follow Gods purpose for them, (to avenge evil, or those who practice evil within its borders), or they might themselves become corrupt and fall out of the purpose God set them up for - thus bringing wrath on themselves from another nation.   Making sense here?

Lets be very clear about what scripture says regarding war and defending innocence.

Exo 22:2  "If the thief is caught while breaking in and is struck so that he dies, there will be no bloodguiltiness on his account.

This hits right between the eyes doesn't it?   Jews had the right, as I believe we do, to defend ourselves even to the point of killing if necessary to defend ourselves, and will be held blameless.

Deu 19:10  "So innocent blood will not be shed in the midst of your land which the LORD your God gives you as an inheritance, and bloodguiltiness be on you.

Protection of innocence is called for.   In fact, Israel was told here if they did not defend innocence within their borders,  they would be found guilty of the innocent blood that was shed.   WOW!   Think about that regarding NK or Iraq!   So there is no way to say War is never justified.  And there is no way to say the defense of innocence within the border of a God placed Authority is wrong.

The question is, where do we as believers fit into this whole picture, and love our enemy's, yet distinguish the time and need for war and self defense?

Our first and foremost objective as believers is to preach the Gospel.   With regard to all these other circumstances mentioned above, it is our job to find Gods will and be used by Him in each case as He calls us to be used.   Just as PR described in his case.   He submitted to that God given authority over him as a soldier, YET Lived according to Gods calling on his individual life (sharing the Gospel to fellow soldiers and enemy's), and fulfilled Gods Will within the GOD GIVEN authority to the nation he submitted to and served as a combatant soldier.   Summerized, God used PR in the entire scope of indivual Believer's calling AND by serving the same Godly authority given his nation.   PR served God, PERIOD!  Wink

Same with Tom.  He was a believer who was a police officer.   His first role as believer preaching the Gospel to other officers as well as criminals, yet he was still in submission to Gods authority by being part of that minister who God uses to avenge evil and wrongdoing.  Serving GOD period!

You will note that Daniel, even though he was a wrongly held prisoner by a wicked nation, was still a good prisoner and fulfilled Gods will by preaching Gods word.   Even though he was captive, he served God within the confines Gods authority OVER him.    Where that authority stopped, was when it called for Daniel to pray to other gods.  He did not pray and worship other Gods as demanded, but kept true to His first calling, the highest Authority!   Obeying this one authority above all others.   So I see here that we can be soldiers and officers and even wrongly held prisoners provided we remain true to the highest authority above all.   When God is overruled by a wicked authority that strays from Gods calling for them, we must stay with the one true authority and live in accordance to Gods word.

I think the key here is being able to yield to Gods will under any circumstances. There might be a circumstance where God calls us to martyrdom, and uses our death for his purpose.   In principle, our life is HIS, to do with as HE pleases.  Our job is to find His specific purpose and fulfill it, whether that be as soldiers, officers, prisoners or martyrs.  Our mission is to be in HIS will, and serve His ultimate Authority.

This seems to me the only way to answer my original question.   I must love my enemy and do good to them who hate me, but if God leads my nation to war (by His authority), I can still serve His purpose as that nations citizen, AND an individual believers on the battle field by living Godly and staying in the center of His will and purpose for my life.   So its not written in stone when, where, how, to do both....but it is written in stone for us to yield to God and God alone.   When we submit to Him, AND obey, we can find HIS way in any of these circumstance and be used by God in any way He sees fit to use us, for His Glory and purpose.   



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« Reply #38 on: July 24, 2006, 03:28:25 PM »

By glory I think you have it brother.  Wink Grin Grin Grin


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« Reply #39 on: July 25, 2006, 02:18:47 AM »

Hello 2nd Timothy,

YES, you do have it. I think there would be hundreds of examples, but I only want to mention one. For this example, you are NOT a soldier or a police officer, just a Christian citizen.

You see a young, strong man beating a helpless and elderly woman. I don't see a single moral issue that prevents you from helping her. As a matter of fact, I see the opposite - a moral issue if you don't help her. I'm not a young, strong man any longer, but I would put myself at risk in trying to help her. I think that I could at least get his attention with my cane, but I would have it in my mind that I would stop him or die trying.

Many of the situations in this increasingly evil world are much more complex than this example, especially when you consider that the terrorists of this world hide behind and among innocents. SO, it's a harder decision to make, but we have hosts of Christian soldiers and police officers put into this position every day. They are there with duty, orders, procedures, and methods that they gave solemn promises and oaths to do. I was never placed in a position where I unintentionally hurt or killed an innocent in my duty to stop the bad guy, but our soldiers have been. This would HURT, even in war, but the soldier would have to consider the consequence of not stopping the bad guy. FIRST, it might mean the loss of 10s or 100s of innocent lives instead of one. SECOND, it would be a violation of orders and duty. Please remember that I said unintentional. SO, now we have the problem of the terrorists hiding behind or among innocents. What do they wish to accomplish by using this tactic? They want to be untouchable and continue their terrorist acts. They don't have a conscience, BUT THEY KNOW THAT WE DO. Their primary targets are always innocents for the best shock and terror value. Out primary targets are the opposite, but they make sure that innocents fall if we try to stop them. I actually wonder how many of the innocents are being held hostage for this very purpose. WHY? - to stop us from stopping them. War is UGLY and it hurts those with a conscience the worst. The BIGGEST question remains: what happens if we don't stop them?

Love In Christ,

Galatians 4:4-6 NASB  But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!"

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« Reply #40 on: July 25, 2006, 02:47:32 AM »

The BIGGEST question remains: what happens if we don't stop them?



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