You still seem to want to give them the credit instead of God. Jesus said; "I can do nothing without my Father." Undertsanding Jesus's words comes from the Holy Spirit, not a detached analysis of history.
Based on this thread alone, Heidi, there are several who have a different idea of what the words of Jesus mean. Obviously, you have the correct understanding, so that makes the others who also claim the same basis as either liars, or the Holy Spirit actually is giving many individual revelations today.
To determine if the Holy Spirit is active one must analyse history. The Holy Spirit, as per Scripture, those words of Jesus in fact, said that He would send the Comforter. He said this to the Apostles directly. He also gave them very explicit instructions to teach and instruct this Truth that they received from God. He also stated that He would abide with them until the end. He established His Church, His Body, here on earth by the Apostles, and it is ONLY within this Body, The CHURCH that the Holy Spirit operates (indwelling). Individuals acquire the Holy Spirit by Baptism into His Church and being annointed with Oil - chrismation.
The test to see if Christ, via the Holy Spirit has remained with His Church is to see where the original deposit of faith still remains intact as it was once given for all, to all.
If you cannot find anywhere in the world today that teaches as the apostles received, then the Holy Spirit failed and what you believe is a waste of time.
I can assuredly attest that many of the personal opinions that are very prevelent on this board are not the work of the Holy Spirit. Christ Body has never been divided, it has never been unholy, it is and always has been ONE. The TRUTH is CHRIST, not the Bible which is simply a partial recorded history of His interaction with man.
Further, the Bible is quite clear that Revelation is never given to individuals, as protestants have proven the point. Not only that but that what has been given is not for personal interpretation, see II Pet 1:20. Those are some of those clear words of Jesus, Heidi. Based on your own words, these must be some that God does not want you to hear.
I would gladly entertain any scripture references that you might have which shows that there are many faiths, many ways to Christ, in opposition of His stated words.