This will show how the mass media tries destroys peoples deeply held attitudes in an organized/planned out effort to further immoralize society with their corrupt values. You are a victim of it and you don't even know it! The powers that be are going to start brainwashing people into accepting pedophilia and the six step attitude change plan will show you how they will do it! (you read it here first keep an eye on the news)
The Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan
we will demonstrate a Six-Step Process by which people's attitudes are being changed permanently on a population-wide basis. This process was developed to change those most-deeply held attitudes, which naturally are traditional Christian values. Once you hear this process, and understand the examples of its use, you will realize it is being simultaneously utilized in many areas by the Mass Media.
The Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan works like this:
1. Some practice so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in public is advocated by a RESPECTED expert in a RESPECTED forum.
2. At first, the public is shocked, then outraged.
3. But, the VERY FACT that such a thing could be publicly debated becomes the SUBJECT of the debate.
4.In the debate, sheer repetition of the shocking subject gradually dulls its effect.
5. People then are no longer shocked.
6. No longer outraged, people begin to argue for positions to moderate the extreme; or, they accept the premise, challenging, instead, the means to ACHIEVE it.
Americans are being convinced that Individual Euthanasia is a right which society should protect and advance.
News Brief: Time Magazine, 11/4/91, "Last week Dr. Kevorkian... helped two more women kill themselves...Lawmakers and doctors may debate the ethics of euthanasia endlessly, but while that argument un-folds, the activists have again decided to take life-and-death matters into their own hands."
No one would argue that if a terminally ill person in a great deal of pain wants to commit suicide, they should be allowed to do so. How-ever, history in Nazi Germany demonstrated that it is a very short step from Individual Euthanasia to Societal Support For Individual Euthanasia to Governmental Selection For Euthanasia. After the Jewish Holocaust, many Jewish scholars studied German society to discover how the nation of the Martin Luther Christian Tradition could turn into one of the greatest mass killing machines in history. One study, The Nazi Doctors, by Robert Lifton, states emphatically the Nazi Holocaust could never have occurred if the intermediate step of Euthanasia had not first occurred. The individual's "right to die" very quickly became the government's "right to kill".
German Public Opinion was molded by films showing incurable people being "helped" by sympathetic physicians. Medical Committees were set up in local communities comprised of local physicians, to decide whether a person was medically incurable, and thus eligible for euthanasia. German public acceptance for Euthanasia was begun by activist doctors, was promoted by activist doctors, and throughout the Mass Death Camps, was directed by activist doctors. Now, does the activism of Dr. Kevorkian take on new meaning?
4. Reduce "Overpopulation" of the Earth
Item: Constance Cumbey's book, "A Planned Deception", quotes Friends of the Earth chairman, David Browder, discussing earth's over-population, "[There are] six billion people on an earth already overburdened by four billion." New Agers believe the earth can only support two billion people. This goal is to be achieved by the year 2,000, just 8 short years away!!
What are the New Age answers to this `horrible' over-population of the earth? We have listed just two of their answers; please understand they are utilizing the Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan to achieve their goal. Remember the supreme importance in this Plan of Point #4, creating a tremendous battle in the media and in the streets between opposing sides. This battle creates the sheer repetition necessary to erode people's opposing attitudes.