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1  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re: Bride of Christ & the Mid-Tribulation Rapture on: February 02, 2008, 02:23:40 PM
you're making no sense at all
i make no sense to the unstudied.  sorry mr. james, if you don't know about the archetype prophecies of the jewish feasts.  there were seven of them and four have been fulfilled by Jesus.  what's left after Christ comes at the feasts of trumpets (which happens in the fall, by the way) is the feast of atonement (tribulation) and the feast of tabernacles (the millenial reign of Christ).  oh, and by the way....they were all fulfilled on the exact day that they were celebrated on the jewish calendar so the remaining three will follow in kind.  study the Word to show yourself approved by GOD!
2  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re: Bride of Christ & the Mid-Tribulation Rapture on: January 30, 2008, 08:36:58 PM
well, we won't know the exact day or hour of the rapture but i think we'll know the month and year (how bout between sept. 15th and oct. 15th 2012....just to shake up all you date-a-phobics)  you have to understand that we are COMMANDED to discern the times and seasons, to not be ignorant of the coming of the Day of the Lord!  Jesus wants us with our noses in the bible, constantly searching scripture to gain understanding of this most blessed event.  i feel confident He will come for us on the Feast of Trumpets as He has already fulfilled 4 of the other Jewish feasts on the exact day they were celebrated.  what's left?....Day of Atonement and Tabernacles!
3  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re: Bride of Christ & the Mid-Tribulation Rapture on: January 30, 2008, 07:53:07 PM
Hello everyone, my name is Michael Hollner, a minister in Jacksonville, Fl. I just finished my book on the Rapture of the Church and the Bride of Christ. Before I send it to publishers, I should like to sharpen my sword a bit, and answer any questions regarding the timing of the Rapture. I want to give this book the acid test, the Word of God, and to satisfy any doubts that the Rapture will occur in the middle of the 7 year tribulation period.

We believe if it was important enough for the Apotle Paul to tell the Thessalonians about the timing, so do we.

With all due respect and humility, I honestly do challenge anyone to come up wih even one verse of scripture for a pre-tribultion Rature. After 20 years of research, we have concluded a mid-tribulation Rapture to be a "more sure word of prophecy."

My book is available for FREE viewing, even before it gets published, and any lettes of recommendation will be printed in the book, with your name and Church you attend.. Just email me at kjvbiblejax@aol.com, and I'll send you a free copy to critique. If you approve of the book, and send a nice letter of recommendaton, your letter, along with your name and Church will be in the forward of the book which is yet to be added.

If anyone has any questions regarding this great topic, please ask your questions, and I will respond. Let's do it all in a good spirit and be good Christians here.

I'll start it off with Acts 3:19-21 KJV. Jesus cannot come back to earth UNTIL the end-time Restoration takes place through God's two end-time prophets of Rev 11:3-13 and Elijah must also first come.

Yours in Christ,

Michael Hollner

4  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re: Bride of Christ & the Mid-Tribulation Rapture on: January 27, 2008, 03:01:53 PM
to all christians who believe they are going to be raptured before the tribulation starts, i just have a couple questions:  why would God take His Church off the earth at the very time this world needs us most?  why would He promise us a blessing for reading, understanding, and living the words of Revelation only to take us up before any of it happens?  the pre trib theory was started because preachers were too afraid to tell their congregation that they would have to experience 42 months of tribulation, even though Jesus clearly told us "in the world you WILL have tribulation".  God didn't promise a special blessing for understanding Genesis or Samuel or John or Corinthians; He promised a special blessing for ABSORBING The Revelation of Jesus Christ to John because He knew we were going to be down here for it for 42 months and we were going to be witnessing to the unsaved through it!  don't you think your witnessing power would have a little more credibility to it if you could point verse by verse to the unfolding events of the tribulation?  don't you think your unsaved acquaintances might take a little bit more notice if you show them the verses about the two witnesses in Jerusalem, the arrival on the world scene of the anti-christ, or the fact that 1.6 billion people are about to die in the 4th seal!  the first 42 months of the tribulation will see more people come to Christ as a result of our witnessing through the Book of Revelation than in all history combined!  Jesus Christ witnessed and preached to the world for 42 months before He was taken up in the clouds and so will the church!  the evidence is overwhelming for a mid-trib rapture and i just don't know how all christians don't see it.
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