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1  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re: I'm looking for someone who can help? on: December 25, 2007, 09:34:15 AM
I'll be more than happy to hold your situation up in prayer.

I knew someone who was also addicted to pain meds.......she had worked as a LPN and then a couple years later died from overdosing.  It was so sad to learn of this. 

Do be very careful and seek help from your doctor......maybe getting into a program that can help would be a good idea as well.  Just tossing out some suggestions.

2  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re: Possible Scoliosis on: December 25, 2007, 09:07:09 AM
My daughter does have scoliosis, but right now her doctor just wants to see her in 6 months for a follow-up.  If her backpack continues to be heavy all the time, I will be asking for a doctor's note so that she can have a backpack on wheels that she can pull instead of carry.

Thanks for the prayers......it's much appreciated.
3  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Possible Scoliosis on: December 15, 2007, 09:44:59 PM
I just got something in the mail from the school nurse. They want one of my girls (Kasondra) to be evaluated for scoliosis and for us to seek treatment as it's needed. I'm guessing this is why she has been complaining of her back bothering her lately. Something I didn't know until this year, but because she never was persistant with the complaints, I thought she was overloading her backpack for school......it's almost always heavy.

From what I understand, scoliosis runs on her dad's side of the family. There are relatives who have had surgery because of such issues.

I really don't need this to be happening right now. My daughter has enough issues that we need to seek treatment for and there are things happening that I'm going to put a stop to......now this.

Please keep her in your prayers. I'm not so sure how well she is going to deal with this when I tell her that she needs to be seen by a doctor because of it.

I'll update this post as I'm able to do so.

4  Prayer / General Discussion / Re: Should Christians be watching violent sports? on: December 11, 2007, 10:02:55 PM
Is violence in sports just entertainment?
Is violence in sports just violence period?

Opinions please, thanks

Note that I'm not quoting the whole post.  Because I have issue with long quotes for personal reason I chose to edit it to make it shorter.

I think that much is in the eye of the beholder.  Personally, I don't like violence there are also certain forms of humor that I do not like......the I find to be offensive.  However, I think that Christians need to take extra precautions.  They need to be aware of those around them and how they feel about things and are able to understand. 

If someone were to watch boxing or wrestiling around my children......I don't like that much, but I also have a special needs child that imitates what is seen on TV and who doesn't understand.  The same reason I don't think much of forms of entertainment that contain superheroes.  But that's me. 

It doesn't necessarly mean it's wrong, but caution is needed to repect personal limits and to avoid deliberately offend the the other person.  I don't see a problem with racing, football, and other sports themselves......sometimes that things that are shown at halftime or whenever the breaks are taken can be offensive and people need to be aware of that.  We are not here to purposely offend others.....we are here to encourage each other and to build them up in love........Christ's love.  What would Jesus do? 

There are forms of other entertainment that I do think Christians ought to avoid, but that is found more in the form of movies.  Things like horror movies and things that contain offensive sexual content.  But that isn't the question here.....the questions has to do with sorts.......so it's time for me to be quiet now.
5  Entertainment / Animals and Pets / Re: Aquariums on: December 02, 2007, 03:42:00 PM
Sounds beautiful.  Do you have to have a platform for the frogs to get out of the water?

These frogs don't need a platform.  They just go to the top of the tank as needed, then back down towards the bottom.  They will die if they get out of the tank.

Sorry for my delayed reply......I've been working nights and it's very hard on me.  I have to be able to function during the day and at night and I'm soooo very tired most of the time.
6  Fellowship / You name it!! / ***BIG CHEER**** on: November 23, 2007, 05:38:22 PM
Our living room is almost done!!!

Our mobile home was so cold in the winter that I decided to take matters into my own hands and have my living room walls redone.  We took out a total of 4 windows......3 of which really didn't do any good.  We left 4 windows in our living room that we are hoping to replace this spring.   We reinsulated the walls, put up heavy plastic, and are putting up all new paneling.  Our living room is almost done........just one small wall to go and it's so much warmer than what it was, plus we removed black mold that we found growing in the wall that was all water damaged.

We also found a really nice electric heater that looks like a fire place, but you can open it up, put your hand all the way in and never get burnt.  The heat comes from underneath.  I will be getting one in a couple weeks because they are currently out of stock.. 

The next project will be the kitchen, but I don't know when we will do that.  Bills will have to come first....then if I have some extra money this winter we work on doing the kitchen.
7  Fellowship / Just For Women / Re: Where is everyone from? on: November 23, 2007, 03:25:24 PM
I'm from Minnesota
8  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re: I'm back on: November 23, 2007, 11:59:14 AM
Thanks for the warm welcome back and thanks for the prayers.

Yeah, life has tossed some storms our way, but it's the storms in life that form us into who we are as people.  Kind of like a training course for what's coming up next......ya know?   
9  Entertainment / Animals and Pets / Re: Aquariums on: November 23, 2007, 11:51:51 AM
Does anyone Else Like Aquariums?

I have a 55 gallon aquarium with a variety of tropical fish.  Guppies, angel fish, serpae tetras, black fin tetras, high fin black tetras, an algae eater, platties, mollies, and more.  Even a couple abino african frogs.
10  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re: I'm back on: November 19, 2007, 12:19:16 PM
I understand what ADHD and the odd (odd i understand very little) but I was wondering if you could explain a little about what "sensory defensive disorder" is?  

Sensory defensive disorder is something that goes hand in hand with autism.  It affects being able to handle things that are very much related to the 5 senses

I love wheat bread, but I don't eat it because if I hit a chuck of wheat I will throw up.  Certain smells make me sick.....sometimes throw up.  To come down off of a ladder I have to focus my attention on one thing or I become instantly afraid, yet I can go up just fine.  Sometimes I can't even stand the feel of my own hair on my neck.  High pitched sounds hurts my ears.  I can see something nasty and gag or throw up.......and more.

ODD is oppositional defiant disorder.  It's different from ADD/ADHD in that the person who is ADD/ADHD doesn't willfully do things to offend people.  The person who has ODD will do things just to be mean and spiteful, will look you directly in your eyes and tell you no when you ask something of them, and more.

For more information you can type them into your search engine and get even more information.

11  Fellowship / You name it!! / I'm back on: November 18, 2007, 07:47:14 PM
There for awhile something had to give.  I had way too much going on at one time. 

On September 30th, 2007 my dad passed away from Mesothelioma and a bad heart.  My dad worked for many, many years as a sheet metal worker and during that time was exposed to asbestos.  Before he passed away, I've spent some time helping my parent's out as much as I was able between working full time and taking care of my own family.

New Year's Day 2007, I took a nasty fall as the chair I was sitting in suddenly tipped backwards.  My upper back hit a plywood stand that my dad built to hold his oxygen tanks.  It tore the skin off the upper third of my back, but my neck went through the stand.  I knew nothing about whiplash at the time, but got a "crash" course as I learned that what I thought was scrapes, scratches, and bruises was actually whiplash.  It's been nearly a year and I'm still having issues with my neck, shoulders, upper back, and now my right hip as well.  My hip was fine until it was adjusted too aggressively at one of my chiropractor appointments.......because at my very first appointment the chiropractor noticed the issues with my lower back, which at the time was way out of alignment due to an untreated back injury from years before.  There are moments of time missing from my memory.....especially when I get the severe headaches that are triggered by my neck injury.  I'm told that this could be a sign of a neurological problem.  Just another thing to have checked out.....maybe it's time for me to push for a MRI to be done to try to see the extent of the damage that was done that isn't showing up on x-ray.

I've also been having issues with my children.  I've been fighting for years to get them diagnosed.  My son is now on the waiting list (once again) to be officially diagnosed for autism and I now know that he is for sure ADHD as well.  My oldest is being tested for ADHD and ODD, and my youngest was tested for ADHD and I was told there weren't any concern for her.....yet.  I also want to be tested for something called sensory defensive disorder which goes hand in hand with autism, so because of that I will be tested for autism as well.....so I'm told.  I don't think I'm autistic, but I do think I'm sensory defensive.

My husband and I have separated.......not divorced.  I get along with him fine as long as we don't have to live together.  There are many reasons for this.  My mental health was at stake due to verbal and emotional abuse and other things that were going on as well.  He's one of the few who can push me beyond my breaking point and it has almost happened......I was right on the edge and almost pushed too far.  It was like I was in a trance of some kind.......barely knowing where I was and what I was doing, there were thoughts of death and dying, and more.  Much more.  I he was into porn and was seen with another woman......he even left 3 children ages 10, 9, and 6 home alone..........it was just too much.  Something had to give.

It has been one thing after another and there are people who have known me for awhile now who say I'm still on stress overload.  There just isn't enough time in the day to get all the things done that I need to do and much more that has taken place that I haven't mentioned.
12  Fellowship / Just For Women / Re: Where is everyone from? on: November 18, 2006, 07:13:04 AM
Some winters feel like we are living at the North Pole (I chuckled as I read that).  It's the winds that I don't like......I could handle the cold much better without the winds.  I live west of Minneapolis and St. Paul (the twin cities).

Last year was a very, very mild winter.  We had some snow just on time for Christmas, but December and January still produced mostly rain.  This year, it's the middle of November and we have seen very little snow(which melted right away), we still have some very nice days to be outside.  The Northern part of the state has snow, but not where I live.
13  Fellowship / Just For Women / Re: Where is everyone from? on: November 17, 2006, 10:40:12 PM
I'm from Minnesota
14  Entertainment / Poetry/Prose / Re: Please help, I need to be titled on: November 08, 2006, 09:11:40 AM
Thank you for your suggestions and for your kind words.
15  Entertainment / Poetry/Prose / Re: Would anyone like to suggest a title for my poem? on: November 08, 2006, 09:05:51 AM
Thanks and thanks for the suggestion. 

I sometimes write poems, but giving them titles is hard for me.......I don't know why, but it is. 

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