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1  Entertainment / Sports / Re: Superdome reopens in New Orleans on: September 26, 2006, 03:00:59 AM
I am just a lone-ly trav'-ler, Thru this big wide world of sin.
Want to join that grand pro-ces-sion, When the Saints go march-ing in.
Oh! When the Saints go march-ing in,
Oh! When the Saints go march-ing in,
Lord I want to be in that num-ber, When the Saints go march-ing in.

All my folks have gone before me, All my friends and kin.
But I'll meet with them up yonder, When the Saints go marching in.
Oh! When the Saints go march-ing in,
Oh! When the Saints go march-ing in,
I will meet them all up in heaven, When Saints go marching in.

Come and join me in my journey, 'cause it's time we begin.
And we'll be there for that judgment, When the Saints go marching in.
Oh! When the Saints go march-ing in,
Oh! When the Saints go march-ing in,
We will be in line for that judgment, When the Saints go marching in.
2  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re: Actions by the UN/Kofi Annan on: August 30, 2006, 01:32:32 PM
Olmert hopes for "eternal covenant" with Arabs

Blair, Annan: Deploy international force

Europe Offers 'Backbone' of Peacekeepers

Whats your views on this?...
3  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re: Those Who Want Good Relations with the Iranian People Should Bow and Surrender on: August 22, 2006, 06:12:01 AM
Revelation 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
4  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re: Is the end near? on: July 28, 2006, 06:58:19 PM
ATC, I understand where you are coming from here.   And yes I hear the egg shells yet again crunching beneath my feet....lol

I apologize if I came across wrong, my mind and heart were else where. Yesterday I lost an Uncle and the last time I seen him we had an argument as he tried to tell me that the Garden of Eden was here in America.

Grant, we beg You, Almighty God, that Your people who rejoice in the name and in the protection of the most holy Virgin Mary, may by her intercession be delivered from all evil here on earth, and be found worthy to attain to everlasting joys in heaven. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
5  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re: Is the end near? on: July 28, 2006, 09:36:59 AM
If it is the end or not brother, only God knows for sure.....

I believe the same thing.

Yes we have signs, Jesus talked about in Matthew 24.  But we don't know the timing, God's time, is different then our time. So we need to live, as if Jesus could return at any time.

The first century and others thought the same way.

And yes today would be as great day, for His trumpet to call us home..............

Yes it would.

I am disturbed by the Priest's attitude.. "a crock"

Quoted from Rev. Kevin Bean: Theres a fiction being created here like a Steven King horror movie.

Lets look at Mystery Babylon as an example... It's been called Rome, Jerusalem, New York, Baghdad and etc... Another example... the rider on White horse in chatper 6. Its been said it's Jesus and others say the antiChrist. Or the beast that rises out of the sea in chapter 13. Some say its the EU and now others now say its Islam. About the only thing we(every Christian) agree on is "Jesus is Lord". The imagination of Christians and non-Christians on Revelation is open for their own interruption. While many look to others to understand its meanings and they get answers from others on their opinions instead of looking to God.

and then at the end the man says that it is about YOU.. YOU.. YOU focusing on YOURSELF to make this world a better place.

Change can only start with YOU, who even YOU IS. In the end(of a new beginning) YOU has made this world a better place. Because YOU IS a part of it.

6  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re: Is the end near? on: July 27, 2006, 07:40:59 PM
I say it's not to be used as a checklist.

Matthew 24:42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

How many times from the first century has it been the end?
7  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re: Revelation 6:2 And I saw a white horse whose rider carried a bow........ on: July 22, 2006, 09:20:48 PM


2:  Romans 3:23  NASB  for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

3:  Romans 5:12  NASB  Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned--

4:  Romans 6:23  NASB  For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

5:  Romans 1:18  NASB  For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,

6:  Romans 3:20  NASB  because by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified in His sight; for through the Law comes the knowledge of sin.

7:  Romans 3:27  NASB  Where then is boasting? It is excluded. By what kind of law? Of works? No, but by a law of faith.

8:  Romans 5:8-9  NASB  But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him.

9:  Romans 2:4  NASB  Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?

10:  Romans 3:22  NASB  even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe; for there is no distinction;

11:  Romans 3:28  NASB  For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law.

12:  Romans 10:9  NASB  that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;

13:  Romans 4:21  NASB  and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform.

14:  Romans 4:24 NASB  but for our sake also, to whom it will be credited, as those who believe in Him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead,

15:  Romans 5:1  NASB  Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,

16:  Romans 10:10  NASB  for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.


Thanks be unto GOD for HIS unspeakable GIFT!, JESUS CHRIST, our Lord and Saviour forever!

Amen. Whats know as the Roman Road and then some.

8  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re: Revelation 6:2 And I saw a white horse whose rider carried a bow........ on: July 22, 2006, 12:45:11 PM
Hi Zuluu! Welcome to CU
9  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re: Revelation 6:2 And I saw a white horse whose rider carried a bow........ on: July 22, 2006, 01:29:55 AM
Revelation 6:2 And I looked, and saw there a white horse whose rider carried a bow. And a crown was given him, and he rode forth conquering and to conquer.

I know, shocking way to start a post.  I was doing a little research, on the G8 meeting, in Russia.  Look to the top left of where it says "Russia Saint Petersburg 2006" and notice the official logo of the G8 Summit 2006: A rider sitting on a white horse.

I am not saying one of the members of the G8 is the Antichrist. The white horse maybe, just a sign for the return of His children.  Though we know He will not touch the earth yet.

Edited to add;  It maybe something, then again it maybe nothing.

I can remember when the UN was the white horse because had white vehicles.
10  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re: Current Mid East Crisis on: July 22, 2006, 12:56:03 AM
I have made extensive use of the study notes feature as well.  You can input html tags in your notes that will take you directly to a website of reference too.

Anyone thinking about trying it, stop thinking and get it today!


Oh, At_The_Cross, high-jack my threads anytime for sharing Gods Word with others!  Please!!!   Wink   Cheesy

Thanks for the information about url's.

Exactly what 2T said. http://www.e-sword.net/

I seen you use atc in an earlier post, what happened?  Cool
It wasn't planed to be a terrorist in high jacking your thread. But with our Lord's Grace your thread wont crash. Wink


We do have a sticky area for e-Sword in the Computers and Software area. There is a list there of the more common items one can get for e-Sword.

I found it now. Better late than never.


The link above is excellent, and you won't believe what is available from this single site. Make sure that you look at his links for e-Sword. They include 8 or more e-Sword User Groups on Yahoo that are all completely FREE, but you must register to use them. They even have groups for seminary students and pastors.

Love In Christ,

Added to Favorites, thank you so much.
11  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re: Current Mid East Crisis on: July 21, 2006, 06:21:33 AM
Sorry 2T for going off topic.

Hello At_The_Cross,

You mentioned that you just got e-Sword. I wanted to let you know that there are several excellent map packages for e-Sword that are FREE. First, there is a separate area on e-Sword for maps, and there is also a link for FREE modules made my e-Sword users. There is an outstanding map package in the "made by e-Sword users area. I must add that many of the "made by e-Sword users" modules are simply old and out of copyright works, and there are more of them popping up every day. You will also find many more e-Sword modules in other places if you do a Google search for "e-Sword".

If you installed e-Sword from a CD, you probably already have some maps on your computer that you don't know about. Look in the top right portion of your tool-bar. One will be labeled "Graphics Viewer", and the other one "Step Reader". I have all kinds of outstanding FREE stuff for both of them. As you probably already know, the material doesn't have to be new to be excellent. On top of that, several publishers authorized e-Sword to give away NEW material out of the goodness of their Christian hearts. Holler if I can help you with anything. I'm an addicted user of e-Sword and really enjoy it as an all-in-one outstanding Bible study package.

Love In Christ,

Philippians 4:7 NASB  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

In post 22 I made a link in Red for e-Sword were I Downloaded it from. I never knew you could buy the CD though. While downloading e-Sword and update, I notice a drop down with other great things for e-Sword. Like Classic(0.98MB), Mediterranean(6.73 MB), American Bible Society(3.06 MB) maps, but found Bible Atlas Maps(18.2MB) doing a Google as you suggested Tom. I did some reading on e-Sword and found out about what Graphics was. Moving the Maps around inside that window is awesome. Although I'm still unable to copy the map for Desktop.

Amen brother Tom, I tried many of the other Bible programs, even several that required money to purchase yet none of them stack up to e-sword with all of it's capabilities and reliability.

Really, I have a lot to learn like comparing other Bibles(KJV-New Standard-etc..) with just a click. This is better than a new car...well, you know what I mean, I'm sure.

Pastor Roger,

You just reminded me of something I said I would do for you recently: make a directory listing of the material I have for e-Sword and share with you on what you would like. I'll try to send that list to you today. I am also experimenting in making my own modules for e-Sword, and I don't think it will be nearly as difficult as I first thought. The first few things I would like to do is make some modules out of very old and incredibly beautiful sermons and Christian poetry. I recently joined several e-Sword user groups, and many of them are working on the same thing. The authoring programs for e-Sword are also completely FREE, so there is no investment except time. I was very surprised to find out that the authoring software is very easy to use. Watch your email today for a list.

Love In Christ,

Thats sounds great to hear, Tom.
BTW: You should make a "sticky thread" for e-Sword
12  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re: Current Mid East Crisis on: July 20, 2006, 11:10:09 PM
Thanks, I haven't seen anything from the UN for some now.


I found a 12 Tribes map at http://www.biblemaps.com/onlinemaps/12tribes.html. It's a really nice map, but your unable to save picture as.... They do have other maps at http://www.biblemaps.com/. I just remember I'm first post I made here at CU in a thread you made looking for maps.
13  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re: Current Mid East Crisis on: July 20, 2006, 09:01:33 PM
Thanks Brothers. I got a new computer and I have no idea what is wrong with the old one. Most of my notes, all my maps and addresses/links are on it. I downloaded a program called e-Sword that beats my 66 notepads of the Bible hands down.


Sorry I have no idea of who your talking about.
14  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re: Current Mid East Crisis on: July 19, 2006, 03:17:20 AM

Isaiah 17:2  The cities of Aroer are forsaken: they shall be for flocks, which shall lie down, and none shall make them afraid.

Aroer meaning ruins

Isaiah 17:3  The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant of Syria: they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, saith the LORD of hosts.

Ephraim is in West Bank if I'm not mistaken.
15  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re: Current Mid East Crisis on: July 18, 2006, 12:03:32 AM
I do find it currious that other than the news threads, there seems to be little discussion going on

I thought the same thing some time ago.

There have been many eruptions of violence in the ME in recent history.  I believe that Psalms 83 was largely fulfilled in the 1948 war, but the Syrian connection to the current crisis is coming to the fore front with every passing hour it seems.  I do have some ideas where I think this might be headed as far as scripture is concerned, but I will hold my tongue on those for now.

I thought about Isaiah 17 with Bush swearing about Syria.
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