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1  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:Please Pray for pain to go away... on: July 14, 2004, 12:22:10 AM
Greetings Friends!
      12stone, Kristi, I pray this day that through your faith in Christ Jesus, you both shall be healed. May your prayer be as the woman that suffered of bleeding for twelve years in Matthew 9:21 "She said to herself, 'If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.'" May God bless you both, and may His glory be shine in your lives. Be blessed, and be loved.

Praise, and Glory, and Honor Be Unto The Father, and His Son Jesus!
2  Theology / General Theology / Re:"This generation shall not pass" Matthew 24:34 on: July 10, 2004, 11:46:21 PM
Greetings Friends!

    Nope, so time for fishing JN. We went to a boys school down there, and helped them with lots of things around the school. Plumbing, roofing, bats, painting, etc... But the best was watching those boys except Jesus Christ into their hearts. It was amazing! The whole experience was awesome, the scenery, the people, everything. That's the first time I've been out of the country, and I can't wait to go again. Well, Be blessed, and Be loved.

Praise Thy Father In Heaven!
3  Theology / General Theology / Re:"This generation shall not pass" Matthew 24:34 on: July 10, 2004, 10:48:29 PM
Greetings Friends!
      Hello everyone I'm back safe and sound from a missions trip to Belize. Anyways, back on topic. I think he meant simply the NT generation. I have no clue when, but I do believe it is sooner than most people think. Well, that's it for now. Be Blessed, and Be Loved.

Praise The Blessed and Loving Savior, Jesus Christ!
4  Theology / General Theology / Re:Your Favorite Biblical Quotes on: July 01, 2004, 12:34:35 PM
Greetings Friends!
     I'll list 3 of my favorites.
1. Jeremiah 1:7-8 "But the Lord said to me, 'Do not say, "I am only a child." You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,' declares the Lord."

2. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

3. Genesis 32:26 "Then the man said, 'Let me go, for it is daybreak.' But Jacob replied, 'I will not let you go unless you bless me.'"

Those are just 3 of my favorites, as with all of you, I have many more. Be blessed, and be loved.

Praise God, Through Whom Mercy Abounds!
5  Theology / General Theology / Re:HOW could God create us? on: June 29, 2004, 04:22:09 AM
Greetings Friends!
     God created us for the same reason we get married, to have a family. However he did not want to just create beings, and make them love Him. He wanted to give us free will to love Him, and obey Him because it was our choice. However, as is shown in our own families, if you do not obey, there must be punishment. Some would say that Hell seems a bit extreme for punishment, but I think God made it to scare people enough to not want to go there. So we see that God has given us plenty of warning as to what happens if we do not love and obey Him. God does not want any of us to go to hell, but then again does any true parent really want to punish their kid. As to why God created hell and satan, is because in order to have free will, one must have at least two choices. I myself think it's an easy decision. It is ok to have stumbling blocks, because once you get over them, you are that much closer to God. We all have have stumbling blocks, some are bigger than others, the bigger ones are usually the hardest to explain. But don't let anyone make you think you're weak for having them, and this is definitely a big stumbling block. I hope I have been of some help to you. Be blessed, and be loved.

Glory To God Most High, Whose Will Live Forever!
6  Theology / General Theology / Re:Questions (and yes, they're valid) on: June 29, 2004, 03:56:28 AM
Greetings Friends!

Some new questions...

10) Does submission mean that my husband can beat me or boss me around?  Where is the line drawn between abuse and "acceptable" submission?  If submission is supposed to exist, doesn't this mean Jesus loves women less than he loves men because he gives men control over women?  Why isn't the submission reversed?  

11) If women aren't allowed to speak in church, is this because God thinks they are stupid?  Does He think that they do not love Him enough to speak of Him?  Why are women considered inferior?

12) If I accept Christ, and then murder your daughter, do I still go to heaven?  Would you forgive me immediately?  What if God had told me to do it?  Would you accept that it is all part of God's plan?  

13) How much are Christians allowed to sin?  If they accept Christ, and then tear little animals to shreds, are they still Christians?  

14) What if someone was a Christian and was gay?  Isn't that the same as any one of you being a Christian and telling a little white lie?  Because isn't all sin equal?

15) Are there no scales of evil in God's mind?

16) Why doesn't God ever reveal himself to us beyond a reasonable doubt?

17) Does God hate gays?  If he doesn't, why do Christians hate gays?  Aren't they supposed to act like God?

That's it for tonight...thank you to the KIND people who respond to my questions.  

10) No your husband is not allowed to beat you, or abuse you in any way. God did not give men control over women, and neither does he love men more than women. Men and women are partners in life. Women serve and equally important part, because you keep the man stable. Submission is simply helping the man out as best you can, and he is also to help you as best he can. However, when it becomes physically, mentally, or spiritually painful that is when it is abuse. Also, just because you are called to submit to the man who loves you, doesn't mean you can't correct him if he is doing wrong.

11) Women are allowed to speak in church, and God does not think women are stupid. We see in the Bible that there have always been women prophetesses throughout history. He also considers a woman's love just as important as a man's. Some people have a misconception that women are inferior because they are not as strong as men, but there are things a woman can do that a man can't, for example give birth. However, men and women are equal, because we are all equally important to God.

12) We all sin, even after accepting Christ, but I believe that it is the intention behind the sin. So, if you murder my daughter, and intentionally go against God, I believe you have once again covered yourself in sin, and thus have renounced God, and would not be considered a Christian anymore, until you sincerely ask forgiveness, and accept Christ into your life again. I don't know why/if God would tell you to kill someone, unless it were war, or if that person were the antichrist. If it were my daughter that you killed, since we are all human, and I am no exception, I do not believe I would immediately forgive you. However, in order to obey God's word, I am supposed to forgive you. Everything happens for a reason, as we see in Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose." So whether I would want to accept it or not(which that would definitely be the case) it would be part of God's plan.

13) As I just stated I believe it is the intention behind the sin. If you deliberately sin, knowing full well what you are doing and continue to keep sining without remorse or intention of asking forgiveness, I believe you have turned from God, and he will not be able to recognize you as his child. Therefore, you would not be a Christian anymore. If your sin has no intention behind it and feal remorse over having committed that sin, you must still ask forgiveness for it, but do not lose your Christianity, because you have not turned your back on God.

14) This is basicly the same question you just asked. But to answer your question, no you can not be a Christian,  and a homosexual at the sametime. One person can not serve two masters. So, if you are a homosexual, you have given in to sin, and have turned your back on God. God sees all sin as evil, and God knows the heart of every person, so he knows the intention behind your sin, which may be a way he judges, but who am I to say.

15) God is the judge of all. He sees everything as it is supposed to be seen. The Bible says that even blasphemy of God the Father, and Jesus Christ His son can be forgiven, however, the only sin that can not be forgiven is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Therefore I believe God knows the value of every sin, and thus holds the scale.

16) Because blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe. God wants you to belive with your own free will, and not have to reveal himself and tell you to believe. Am I saying it doesn't happen, no, because I know beyond a doubt that God exists. However, God does reveal himself, maybe not physically, because if God physically revealed himself to you, you would die, thats why he doesn't physically reveal himself. However, God does reveal himself, one way is through answered prayers, another is through visions, and another way God reveals himself is the Bible.

17) No. God does not hate homosexuals. He hates homosexuality, but not the people committing it. I do not hate homosexuals, sure I think it is a horrible thing to do to one's body, but i do not hate them. However, I know there are "Christians" out there who hate many people, and things. By the way, I don't like to use the word "gay" to mean homosexual, I would rather come right and say it. Plus the word "gay" used to mean happy, and the Bible even says that people were "gay" meaning happy. Plus they use the word "gay" to make it sound more appealing. And I don't equate being in sin with being happy. But back on topic, yes Christians are supposed to act like Christ. Even if it is impossible, because Christ was born perfect, whereas we are born into sin. However, we must still strive with our whole being to be like Him.

Well, I hope I was of some help to you AAAA. Thank you very much for the questions, and I look forward to more of them. Be blessed, and be loved.

Praise The Lord, Whose Love Never Ends!
7  Theology / General Theology / Re:Questions (and yes, they're valid) on: June 28, 2004, 05:37:23 PM
Greetings Friends!
     Very good answers michael, I just want to clarify the question about the animals in heaven. I believe they don't because in Genesis 2:7 "the Lord formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living being." Here we see man, being the only creature to receive the breath of life. Therefore the only creature capable of eternal life. I know, I have two cats that are like family to me, but I believe that is what the Bible says.

Praise The Holy Name of Christ, By Which Men Shall Be Saved!
8  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re:Personal Prophecy on: June 28, 2004, 05:21:17 PM
Greetins Friends!
        I think all Christians have experienced that JudgeNot Smiley For the sake of those who are not ready to hear it, I will not put some of the more intense things that God has shown me. However, if you all truly want to hear even those more intense things, I will pray about it, and if the Lord permits, I will share those also. First off, I grew up in church, so while I was younger (I'm still a young person) people in church would prophecy over me through Holy Spirit, saying that God has a purpose, and plan for my life, which I am sure some of you have also experienced. Then about a couple of years ago, I began to see, and hear(yes i said hear) things from God. When I began hearing things from God, I thought I was becoming schizophrenic, but then realized it was God, because I could only hear Him when I was praying, or in an attitude of prayer. Since then, I have tried to be in at least an attitude of prayer as much as I can. Now on to when I realized I was seeing things from God. Through out my life I never really gave a second thought to things that went through my mind, because I have always had a very active imagination. Then one night I was praying and asked God if He would give me visions, because I was thinking about the verse Joel 2:28 "And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophecy, your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions." Then God responded and said as clear as day. "I have given you your imagination for a reason." Since that night I have seen many things from God, almost too many for me to remember all of them. Somethings about myself, and somethings about others. Then through both of those ways, God has shown me my ministry. Which is to be a missionary of sorts, in that I will be going to other countries, but will not be staying there for extended periods of time. Another thing that God has shown me, was an out pouring of the Holy Spirit, over our country and the entire world, which has already begun. Hear me on this though, I don't mean an ordinary move of God's Spirit, I mean I saw the Spirit reach even the darkest places(that means someone is going to have to go to those places, and I for one am willing to go) around the world. I saw the number of believers sky rocket to the point where Christians are the majority of the population. Well that's enough for right now. I truly want to hear things that God shared with you all.

Worship The Lord, For He Alone Is Worthy!
9  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:What is your faavorite food, for dinner. on: June 27, 2004, 11:52:07 PM
Greetings Friends,
       Definitely spaghetti. I'm not Italian, but spaghetti is just...yum... Smiley

Holy Holy Holy Is Our Lord and King, Jesus Christ!
10  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Re:Our duty as Christians....Pray for the Hostages Salvation on: June 27, 2004, 11:45:09 PM
Greetings Friends,
    The Holy Spirit will intervene, and will give them peace in the Lord. The Lord's deliverance is with them. Romans 8:35 "Who shall seperate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?" Christ's love is with them. May they take hold of the Lord's deliverance, and stand firm in God's promises. I will continue to pray for them.

Praise The Holy One, God Most High!
11  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Abortion Protest on: June 27, 2004, 11:04:31 PM
Greetings Friends,
      Four of my friends from church are going to Washington D.C. tomorrow morning for an abortion protest. They are taking baby booties with them to place on the lawn in front of the white house. This was a vision given to a girl about a month ago when she heard the chilling fact that there are nearly 3700 babies aborted everyday in the U.S. So God gave her a vision to take 3700 pairs of baby booties there, f.y.i. I live in about 30 minutes North of Tampa, Florida. So they have quite a ways to travel. Anyways, I would like for you to keep them in your prayers, their names are Cliff, Steve, Melissa, Chrissy. I hope you all understand why I am not giving last names. Please pray that they get there and back quickly, and safely. And that through this, many will be moved and come to know Christ as savior. Also keep in mind this will definitely aggitate the proabortionist there. Thank you for, and many blessings on you and your householr for your prayers.

Praise Jesus, The Sacrificial Lamb, and Forgiver of All Sin!
12  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Personal Prophecy on: June 27, 2004, 10:22:28 PM
Greetings all!
      I was wondering if any of you would like to share some prophecies that God has shown you about the end times, or just personal prophecies that He has shown you for your own life. If some of you want, I will share somethings that God has shown me.

Glory to Jehova, Our Lord and King!
13  Theology / Apologetics / Re:Is Love Selfish? on: June 27, 2004, 04:15:42 PM
If you truly give, you will not expect anything in return. Then if you do get something back it is not being selfish. However, if you give with a greedy heart not worrying about how you give, or what you give, or who you give it to, and just worry about what will get in return, that is being selfish. In the aspect of love, love is not selfish, so if you are truly in love you will care more about that other person than yourself, even if you do get something back. However, if you care more about yourself than that other person, it was not love in the first place. Love is a two part thing, so a man and a woman must love eachother more than themselves. If a man loves a woman, but she doesn't love him back, and visa versa, then it's not true love. But if the two are truly in love they can rest assured that they will get something in return, even if they don't expect anything.

Praise Jesus, The Lamb of God!
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