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1  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:Length of Hair! on: February 11, 2004, 12:13:41 PM
Well, the Bible does say women should have their hair long. It just...does. *shrug*

What scripture says that?  Not trying to be argumentative, I've just never read the scripture that says women should have long hair and if it's there, I'd like to see it.  Thanks  Grin
2  Entertainment / Music / Re:Musical Styles on: February 09, 2004, 05:14:40 PM
Country – the new guy Josh Turner "Long Black Train".
I like Toby Keith’s patriotic country songs.
I really miss Tennessee Ernie Ford.  
Jimmy Dean.
I really miss Jim Croce.
Pink Floyd “Dark Side of the Moon” may have been one of the greatest (secular) albums ever made.
No one could sing gospel like Elvis.
Waylon & Willie and the Outlaws
ZZ Top - the old albums.
Leonard Skynard (pre-plane crash)
Johnny Cash

Judgenot...ahhh, someone after my own heart (musically)!  You named off most of my favorites, too!!!  I especially agree with the fact that nobody sings Gospel like Elvis!
3  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:Length of Hair! on: February 09, 2004, 04:50:05 PM
We are living in the end times

Looks like someone's been reading too much of the Left Behind books...

No, just reading enough of the Bible to recognize the signs.

Like I said, of all the things to be worried about, THIS is a topic?
4  Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:Length of Hair! on: February 09, 2004, 02:56:04 PM
Maybe I'm way off base here and if so, just tell me...

We are living in the end times, the last years to win souls for the Kingdom, and THIS is what we're worried about, how long or short or what color our hair is?

Sorry, I just don't see the relevance.  The Bible says that a woman's hair should be her crowning glory, that means neat and clean folks, not long or short or purple or pink.
5  Theology / Debate / Re:Abortion: Right or Wrong? on: February 09, 2004, 12:04:07 PM
Ok, a little story to tell...

My mother got pregnant with me at 14.  She was 15 when I was born.  This was 1977 and abortion was legal, however, it was NEVER an option.  Her parents said she could (a) have the baby (me) and give it up for adoption, (b) have the baby and give it to them to raise as their own, or (c) have the baby and raise it herself.  Well, she chose option "c" and married my biological father and with the help of those strong Christian parents raised me as best they could.  Was it a sin for her to lay with a man and get pregnant in the first place?  YES!  Was she a Christian?  YES!  Has she been forgiven?  YES!  But you know what...EVEN FORGIVEN SIN HAS ITS CONSEQUENCES.  You dance, you pay the fiddler.

Abortion is 100% wrong...the Bible says "choose life"!  We are "fearfully, and wonderfully made", "knit together in the secret place".

Christians and pro-lifers need to take a stand, take action wherever and whenever you can.  There is a movement to get these great new ultrasound machines in pro-life clinics, if your church takes up a special donation for that, think about sending them your tithe.  

We need to remind these abortion-minded women that even if their child is born retarted, handicapped, hiv-positive, no legs, no arms, deformed, blind, deaf, drug-addicted...there is a family that will rejoice in having those children.  Adoption should be the alternative to abortion (aka murder in the 1st).

Don't kill the innocent!  If my mother had done what was legal, I wouldn't be here.
6  Entertainment / Television / Re:My Big, Fat, Obnoxious Fiance on: February 09, 2004, 11:56:30 AM
My fiance and I love it (sad to say).

I hear people saying that they feel sorry for Randi and that she should get some cash out of it even if they can't pull off the prank.  I say what goes around comes around and she isn't getting any more than what she deserves.  I think her family should get a big payday even if they can't pull it off.  However, that's one uptight family, do y'all agree?  And little Miss Randi is about as shallow and stuck-up as they come.
7  Entertainment / Movies / Secondhand Lions on: February 09, 2004, 11:51:45 AM
Saw this movie this weekend and it was FABULOUS!!!

Starring:  Robert Duvall, Michael Cain, & Haily Joel Osment

No gratuitous violence, not one single cuss word, no sexual content!  Hurray, why won't Hollywood make more like this one?

The story of a young boy (Osment) who is dumped on his two uncles (Duvall & Cain) by his loser of a mother.  Throughout the hijinks of Osment and his uncles, there is an underlying story of the uncles' lives.

This movie is one for the whole family...enjoyable from start to finish!
8  Entertainment / Movies / Re:Radio on: February 06, 2004, 04:35:22 PM
Starring:  Cuba Gooding Jr. (who should have been nominated for an Oscar for his role...absolutely stunning)


Ed Harris

I gave my review, but didn't say what the movie is about, so here goes:

A young mentally handicapped man (Cuba Gooding/Radio) is befriended by the local football coach (Ed Harris/Coach Jones) after being mistreated by some of the high school football players.  Coach Jones becomes Radio's mentor and protector.  It really shows how simple kindness can change a person's life.

Like I said before, this is a real family show.  It opens the door to talk to your kids about how to treat those that are different than we are.  I can't wait to watch this show with my fiance's daughter (who is almost 9) and talk with her about it.  I find that the most normal things (watching movies, reading books, even grocery shopping) can open the door to starting your kids on the right path Biblically.  You teach them theology one small step at a time, right?

Really, though, check this one out if you have the time.  
9  Entertainment / Movies / Radio on: February 06, 2004, 12:06:46 PM
Absolutely F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C movie!  I enjoyed it from beginning to end.  No sexual innuendo, no violence (other than the smacks involved in football), and only 1 curse word in the entire thing.  This was a truly moving movie...if you have the chance, check it out with your family!
10  Welcome / About You! / Re:Waves HI to everyone! *Newbie* on: February 03, 2004, 05:06:53 PM
Hi and welcome!!!
11  Theology / General Theology / Re:It's All About Ecumenism on: February 03, 2004, 10:04:31 AM
Could the restrainer be the Holy Spirit?

The restrainer is the Holy Spirit indwelt church.  After the Rapture, the Holy Spirit will remain, but the church (the true church of born again believers) will be snatched away.  The Holy Spirit will still be around to minister to the Left Behind, otherwise, how could anyone come to Christ during the tribulation?  Just my two cents.
12  Theology / General Theology / Re:Can you "know" God? on: February 03, 2004, 09:59:56 AM
You come to know the nature of God by studying His Word and by letting Him lead you in life.  However, no matter how close your walk with God, no matter how well you may think you understand Him, His awesome power, grace, and love are much more than we can ever begin to fathom.  

Frankly, I sometimes find myself overwhelmed before Him because of His mighty glory.
13  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re:A PBS show I saw on: January 30, 2004, 05:52:42 PM

I've gotten to where I take everything with a grain of salt (eat the meat & spit out the bones).  Also, the more I study, especially lately, the more God opens my mind and my heart with discernment as to what is relevant and what is not.  I guess you could say He's sweeping out the ignorance!

In Christ,
14  Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / A PBS show I saw on: January 30, 2004, 05:26:55 PM
I watched a show on PBS last night called The Secrets of the Dead - Catastrophies about how catastrophies (like earthquakes, volcano eruptions, big storms, etc...) change the world.  This particular show was about a huge volcanic eruption in 500 (or so) AD and how that event probably aided the spread of the plague and ushered in what is known as the dark ages.

Watching this made a Bible verse make complete logical sense to me for the first time.  I had always accepted it on faith, of course, but this made the "why" part of my brain understand.

Mark 13:20
If the Lord had not cut short those days, no one would survive. But for the sake of the elect, whom he has chosen, he has shortened them.

Matthew 24:22
If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.

Of course, these verses are talking about the end times.  It finally made sense to me that the Wrath of God will be so great and there will be such geological destruction that unless God made those days short (the Tribulation only lasts 7 years) no one would survive until the Second Coming to populate the Millenial Kingdom.

I'm sure to a lot of you this is very elementary, but to me, it was an "Aha" moment.  I just wanted to share!

In Christ,

15  Theology / General Theology / Re:Prenuptials? on: January 30, 2004, 05:20:21 PM
Prenups...if you can't trust the one you're planning to marry pack up and run away as fast as you can...just my two cents, y'know!

My mom used to say to my dad (being facetious, of course, pulling his leg) "What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine anyway".  

In marriage, that should be "What's yours is mine and what's mine is yours."  And now, you've had your daily dose of down-home country sayings!
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