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1  Theology / Debate / Re:The Traditions of Man, the Demise of the Church on: March 15, 2004, 02:37:09 AM
While I am NOT RCC, I find myself very uncomfortable when reading or talking about a specific denomination's practices or problems.  

I, personally, would rather obey the scripture:
1) lift up the name of Jesus
2) Preach the gospel
3) Make disciples of all men/women
4) answer questions concerning the hope within me.
5) discuss the Bible with accuracy, as best I can...

I have discovered that persons who really read and study the Bible, generally reach a point where they either begin working hard to 1) reform the fellowship they are attending and the denomoination of attendance OR 2) move to a different Bible-teaching fellowship.  

When I read the Scriptures, I see the local church is simply an assembly of the local believers who work and fellowship together to share the gospel with their community.  I see absolutely nothing in the scriptures supporting the building of mass denominational organizations that soak up money, manpower, resources for things that are NOT Gospel oriented.  If the hierarchy of the denominational organization does not place the maximum $ of persons and resources/money "on the streets," I begin to suspect the organization of losing its focus. this description includes RCC and many old line denominations.  when those same denominations begin to preach and spend their efforts at social change and ecology, instead of preaching the uncompormising message of Christ Crucified and Risen, the soon and coming Lord of Creation, I begin to suspect a severe loss of focus.  

The purpose of the Church is to be salt among the society of rotten unbelievers, slowly changing some of the unbelievers NOT changing the society of unbelievers...  the Church is mandated to change society one new birth at a time.  What good will it do someone to make them a more honorable and more productive member of society IF I NEGLECT TELLING HIM/HER ABOUT THE NEW LIFE CHANGE THAT IS FOUND IN CHRIST???  Mathew 7:21-23

The PawnRaider
2  Fellowship / For Men Only / Re:A WISE WALK FOR HUSBANDS on: January 19, 2004, 07:53:36 PM
I find much of your post and the originating sermon found on the link to have some very interesting Bible teaching.  When the sermon (and your quotes, below) branches to modern "psychobable," is where I become very uncomfortable.   Shocked  

the semon has taken the position that most men are inately violent and aggressive because they are internally flawed in a manner that women are not...  Folks that espouse this state that high achieving men or "driven men" are sublimating or transferring their aggressive streak to their business or their sports, etc.  

Combining this with "need for father's approval/love" and "wounded by one's father" as a source of this violence is also part of the postion espoused by many: "Men are inately evil & violent."

I find this interpretation for the reasons why MEN do evil (in their marriages & business and to their children, wives and friends) to be a simplistic and ERRONEOUS insult!  

To use obviously limited valid points ("many men...") coupled very general broad truths ("struggle with feelings of inadequacy...") to justify this theoretical position ultimately discredits the sermon and the attempted counseling.  

If your position is that all males are inherently evil, there is no hope for them to change.  

The BIBLICAL reality is that we all are broken people in need of a healer, male and female.  WE ALL struggle with feelings of inadequecy BECAUSE we truely are inadequate, in & of ourselves to deal with the problems in our culture, our world, our spouse's needs, our family's needs, etc.  

While a few men have taken their frustration out on their loved ones, branding all of us is unfair as well as confusing the issue.  When one confuses the real issue, one CANNOT provide any valid solution to the problems.  

I, for one, do not seek my natural father's love and approval, as he has consistently reassured me of his love.  His approval depends on the honor and ethics of my behavior.  This seems to mirror the Heavenly father.   I, however, am well aware that I "do not have what it takes," and am NOT more violent because of my inadequacy.

I do not accept the position that all men who were deeply wounded by their earthly father seek to replace this loss and fill the wound /need with a wife's love.  A man that would do this will seek a dominant woman and be relatively comfortable being obedient.  

My interpretation on Men's reasons for abusing those around them (family, friends, associates, strangers, etc.) is:

Men are sinful creatures who are subject to sinful desires.  We are broken spiritually.  We are also weak and crippled in spirit, soul and mind.  We can only do what we have been taught, what we learn and what we choose to beleive.  Many have risen above tough childhood situations to become rich & powerful.  However, we all are limited to the choices we make and the results of those choices.  

many of us have been taught by our culture that our maleness (i.e. testosterone) that we will be prone to violence and aggression.  Many, today, have been taught situational ethics, secular humanism, sexual-oriented Darwinism (males are evil but necessary), and other reasons for our mistakes.  These are all the WORLD's ideas that DO NOT PROVIDE anything constructive, only justification for continued mistakes.

the bottom line is that each male needs a savior to begin the process of healing our inate brokenness FIRST.  Second, we each need to follow Christ's example and live each day in fellowship with Him to continue the healing process and to begin learning a new way of life.  

If I follow the example of Christ as shown in the Bible, New Testament, Old Testament and the Gospels, I will treat my wife and children much better...  My behavior will change as Jesus changes my heart.  My heart will change as I read and study the Bible and live in fellowship with Jesus.  

3  Fellowship / For Men Only / Re:I would appreciate any advive or counsel about this. on: January 19, 2004, 07:18:00 PM
Hey bro:

A couple of additional comments:

1) Sometimes we find ourselves in tough situations where NO ONE appears to have violated any of the 10 commandments and no one appears to have sinned...  If the young lady discovered that her affections for the "other man" were stronger and more enduring that her feelings for your, she may have made the Godly decision to break off the engagement to you.    (Just a thought!)  If this is so, do not bear them any ill will, because she may have prevented a much more serious betrayal after the marriage!!!  However, the why's and wherefore's do not really matter anymore:  Your primary task now is to work with Jesus to begin and complete the healing process.  

2) Those of us who are walking through life With Christ find out that we are beset by many of the same problems the rest of our culture are going through.  We are not promised deliverance from the problems (interpreted: no problems), we are promised that He will accompany us through them.  Sometimes the only appropriate comment that I can make to my own difficulties is: "life is tough, thank you Jesus for carrying me through this...!"

3) You are most definitely NOT alone.  Christ has promised to accompany you everywhere you go.  He has also promised His HOLY SPIRIT to remain with you, to comfort & guide you...

4  Theology / General Theology / Re:Am i going to hell? on: January 09, 2004, 12:56:49 AM

The fact of your post tells me that God is calling you to be with Him forever in Heaven.  This is good, for no one can come to Jesus unless the Father is calling him.  

however, if you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are not, yet, going to Heaven.  

This IS far more important than your choice of tonight's sexual partner.  

The Bible states very clearly that Homosexual acts, as well as several other sinful acts (hate, adultery, et.al), are an abomination unto God.  

However, in Christ's death on the Cross, God has made complete payment for the eternal punishment for our sins & sin nature.  

God asks us to choose to serve, obey and worship his Son Jesus who died on the Cross.  

In choosing Christ, we trade our life for His, our death for His and our future for His future.  

In doing this we begin a relationship with God who will make his choices for us known.  we find the bulk of them in the Bible, hence the Christians' emphasis on knowing what the Bible says.  What happens after this is that God will change my desires, my wants and my needs.  

(since the bible says "No sex with anyone other than one's spouse, who must be of the opposite sex," neither you nor I can practice adultery, fornication, homosexuality, or any other "recreational" sexual activity...)

I would suggest you contact a local paster of a good Bible teaching church... in your neighborhood.
5  Theology / General Theology / Re:Do I love God? on: January 09, 2004, 12:35:40 AM
Very good question!

Do I love God?  

Remember the Bible says "the one who was forgiven much loves much."  

I am fully aware of my old man and how trashy I would have been had God not called me from a very young age...  I love Him more now than I used to when I was younger.  I have found the reality of "transformed from glory to glory" in the continuing relationship with Jesus, the Living God...  

However, My wife is well aware that, that while I love her very dearly and very intensely, she holds a distant second place in my heart.  the One who died on the Cross has first place.   He has not asked me to die for Him, yet HE asks me to LIVE for Him every day...  this, I think, is the true test, and it appears to be the more difficult challenge.  Dying well would be a single successful incident, while living well is an unending series of challenging incidents and opportunities for compromise.
6  Theology / General Theology / Re:Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation? on: January 09, 2004, 12:27:03 AM
hello folks:

I voted NO, "cannot lose salvation," but would prefer the answer: "do not care!"   Wink

Permit me to explain BEFORE you brand me a heretic or infidel!   Cool Grin

While I believe the Bible says that I cannot "lose my salvation," I find I am really not very concerned about the subject.  [should I be: Embarrassed  ?]

Many good Christian folks that I know who are serious about "cannot lose it" seem to want to use this position as an excuse to continue in a "secret sin."  Functionally, they really are hoping they cannot lose their salvation, because they really like ________.  (fill in the blank with any sin: sex, anger, malice, greed, hypocracy, fear, et.al.)  

However, many folks who are very serious about "might slip up and lose it" are using this as a goad to control their attraction to sin.  they are forgetting that Jesus said, "if you lust after a woman in your heart, you have already..."  and "if you hate your brother, you are guilty of murder..."

I find the debate to be badly focused.  my focus ought to be on how to increase the clarity, intensity and closeness of my relationship with Christ, not on some theoretical limit to HIS power or on the result of some potential weakness in my character.  the reality is 1) My character is W*E*A*K!  2) Christ is ALL POWERFUL! and 3) He wants to spend the rest of eternity with me!  4) He has guaranteed that If I "endure to the end," He will show/give me the fullness of the salvation He has set in store for me!   That's all I need!

If everybody would use the time and energy spent on this subject working on their intimacy with Christ, their brokenness before Him and their love for Him, their lives might be enriched far beyond their dreams...  

Even if there is nothing in store after this life, Serving Him here is far better than any other optional way to live.  

remember the commandment concerning questions the engender more questions?

7  Theology / General Theology / Re:Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth on: January 09, 2004, 12:08:13 AM
 Cheesy  go for it Ollie:

Old Testament: Jews and Non-Jews, Male vs. females

New Testament: Believers and unbelievers, sheep and goats.
Col.3:8-11: In Christ is neither Greek, nor Jew, circumcision or nuncircumcision (denominationalism...), barbarian, scythian, slave or free...  This works only when we "put on the new man, who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him, where there is neither..."   another place adds: neither male nor female.  

after Revelation is finished:
Heaven or Hell.  the final and irrevocable split.  

However, since I am living in the Church Age, I like to make the present split this way: True Believer (TB), Wannabe Believer (WB), soon-to-be believer (SB) and "I'm a committed unbeliever" (ICU). WBs hope their works will earn them a place or hope they make it to Heaven "some way or some how" or "by hook or by crook..."  SB's? ONLY God knows who these really are: I may classify them in any other group, until God Calls each one to HIM!  When SB's receive God's call and respond, they become TB's.  and last but not least: the folks who have grouped themselves AGAINST CHRIST are in the ICU group, needing lots of attention and healing!  

Me?  I am a TB and am hopefully VERY infectious!  Wink

8  Theology / General Theology / Re:Who is Benny Hinn? on: January 08, 2004, 11:47:59 PM
I find that Paul had two things to say about preachers like Benny Hinn:  1) I thank God that Christ is preached even if from wrong motive.  and 2) Children, do not have fellowship with the ungodly workers of iniquity and lawlessness.  Additionally, Christ talked about being careful about the false shepherds coming among the sheepfold.  

I find that B.Hinn and the others of the "Word of Faith Movement" have, at their basic source of theological problem:  They elevate me to ruler in my relationship with the MOST HIGH GOD.  They tell me to ask for things and miracles with a few specially chosen scriptures that I can use as an open-ended contract to MAKE the Creater of the Universe into my houseboy!  (I think NOT!)

In addition, they will teach me to exercise My Faith, (aka the "faith of god" from Mark 11: 22-24).  However, as my preacher says, "Anything taken out of context is pretext."  The context of the scriptures around the fig tree cursing (from Mark 11:1-33+) is a very clear commandment to compare and judge the spiritural effectiveness and fruitfuless of the ministries seeking my attention and support.  This passage is comparing the reality and consistency of Christ with the falseness and thievery found in the Jerusalem temple.  Christ is telling us to have the courage to call the preachers that have leaves but no real godly fruit exactly what they are.  (Also remember the magicians from Pharoes' court, who, by their spiritual power, could turn their staffs into snakes.  Their "house of mystery" survives to this day!)  

A friend (A TRUE-BELIEVER Word of Faith-er) once asked me how Christ would fulfill all the hundred-fold return on all her giving before His Second Coming.  She was aghast at my response:  I think His coming to take me home would be far better than the measley return on my cash.  She was like a dog looking at a new dish!  She is a pretty lady and fun to be with, but she is thoroughly deceived!  

I have read lots of their early books and listened to lots of their early tapes.  It is all about MONEY, Miracles, MONEY, Free Things, MONEY, Status, MONEY, and.... (did I mention money?)  Their answer to whether God is blessing (or not) is whether your stuff is more valuable today than last week/month/year/decade...  Last time I checked, the Bible says to set my focus upon storing my treasure in Heaven, for where a Man's treasure is, there will be his heart.  

On their advice and using their methods and patterns, I asked God, "IN FULL FAITH", for a car with no payments.  did everything they said to do.  quit school to serve the church, etc...   However, when I checked with God, He would not confirm the answer to my "prayer of faith."  I finally decided that the Living God really did not fit into the "word of faith" BOX, quit their stuff and returned to school (US History degree from secular college.)  guess what my graduation present was: my dad's old honda, with no payments!  [I have Good Parents!  Grin)  I now have two more cars with no payments and have had several others: All by making payments until the loans were paid off.  This is the Bible way: either save up and pay cash or make your payments.  

Like BlackEyedPeas, I am normally very shy and reserved.  ON THIS SUBJECT, I could find a soapbox VERY comfortable...
I find these people to "feel" just as slimey as the moneychangers in the temple who caused Christ to clean it out twice!

A good resourse is Christian Research Institute.
they research their articles very exhaustively...

9  Fellowship / For Men Only / Re:I would appreciate any advive or counsel about this. on: January 05, 2004, 09:49:06 PM

I would advise you to consider this:

If you really COULD win her back, could you trust her to remain faithful to you?  How long before someone else wins her attention/affection?

This is the world's style of relationships:  one can only be true until someone younger, cuter, smarter, richer of more athletic comes along and takes him/her away... Competition: Phoooey!  everybody loses!  

God's intention is for you to meet one of His daughters who will be faithful to GOD in her behavior and performance in the courtship and marriage, JUST AS you will be faithful to GOD in your behavior, comments and actions during the courtship and marriage.  If she is faithful to God in all and If you are faithful to God in all, the relationship will work out quite well...   Smiley

Faithfulness, Friendship and Trust are three of God's best foundation materials for a wonderful marriage relationship.  Romance will ebb and flow, come and go, but these can continue to increase forever...

Remember that as you serve Christ, you will get closer to God in relationship and closer to the physical location where HE wishes you to be (include job, home, hobbies etc. in the list of things He wishes you to do!)  in the same manner, as your future female gets closer to Christ, she will get closer to HIM both in relationship and in her physical world.  guess what happens when you both get closer to the same Person?  picture a triangle with two sides diminishing...  If you seek HIS will and ways, He will add all that you need..., including companionship...
10  Fellowship / For Men Only / Re:This is a test--a challenge on: January 05, 2004, 09:33:46 PM
two tries to make a solid 100%

interesting test

11  Fellowship / For Men Only / Re:Being a Man. on: January 05, 2004, 09:29:49 PM
Hello folks:

in answer to the original question: "are you glad god made you a Man?"

I am very glad God, in his infinite wisdom, made me a "manly man."   I like the fact that I can improve my appearance by being lazy: forget to shave for several weeks!   Grin  In addition, I do not have to worry about the Glass Ceiling...  On the subject of shaving, I like the fact that, for a man, shaving is generally optional AND I only need to shave where I can see and easily reach!   Smiley   I am glad my haircuts are still less than 15 dollars including a generous tip.  I am glad my clothes are more comfortable and are of much higher quality for same $$.

On the other hand, I am glad that I do not have to put up with my own monthly emotional swings with the accompanying physical discomforts... I do not have to wear pantyhose or bras!  Cannot see them being comfortable at all...  I am glad I do not have to deal with the physical problems of pregnancy... However, I am very sure that God has provided counterbalancing stuff to the women that make it all worth while, like watching men do insane things to get a woman's attention...  Smiley  

However being God's Man does have some drawbacks:  following Christ's example as a servant leader is real tough at times.  His treatment of the Church is a real difficult example to follow when I want to treat my wife properly...  Courteous, respectful and helpful is a good beginning...  

When God is discussing things that went wrong, I still am the first one He calls on the carpet...  sometimes that is NOT fun...  

And Yes, I have my wife's permission to say these things!  I ALWAYS get the last 2 words in EVERY one of our conversations:  Yes Ma'am.  (tee hee, tee hee)
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