This is a topic that can open a can of worms!
Nowadays..... No woman should marry a male that is 25 years oild or younger... period. The male has not matured enough to really grasp hold of what a marriage is all about.
Men are in love with sex.... women in love with the concept of *Luv*.
Men watch porn.... Women read porn. That is right ladies... you read porn.... how many of you have your romance pulp novels and read them? Some read 2 or 3 books on a weekend. No man can be one of those characters in one of those novels.
I know I am going to catch a flack about what I just said.... but really really contemplate what I said and there is a lot of truth there. SAD, but truth. Point is "we" have gone backwards. I do not think God had intentions on the way we do things now. Could be one reason why homosexuality is increasing.