I have to give the following survey to at least 30 people for my Research Method's class. Thanks!
Using the scale please answer each question with a number.
Scale: 1=Extremely Untrue 2=Very Untrue
3=Somewhat Untrue 4=Unsure 5=Somewhat true
6=Very True 7=Extremely True
1. I feel that all persons are welcome at my church regardless of age, race, income, or status.
2. I frequently participate in church fellowship activities other than worship services.
3. My pastor knows me
4. I feel that I fit into my congregation.
5. I know that first name of many people at my church.
6. There are certain people at my church that I can and do talk to about personal concerns.
7. I frequently pray for specific individuals in my church.
8. If I miss a church service, people notice and care that I am not there.
9. Many people greet me by name each time I arrive at church.
10. I feel that people care about me at my church.