I greet you in His matchless name,
I sympathize with you. And my heart goes out to you. Love is a hard thing to get over, especially a love that was torn from us by matters we don't understand. But have heart! God said, "For I have thought it, it will come to pass". That is wonderful news! Yes, better to have love and lost than never loved at all, but how it hurts! There are so many empty platitudes. "Buck up, it isn't the end of the world!" "God has a plan!" "God has the right one for you."
Hollow and empty to a broken heart. But, it is true. God has an ultimate plan. We finite beings cannot absorb what the Maker has chosen for us. We often see the negative side, the loss, the hurt. Why me?! What bearing does this season of life hold for my future?! Oh God, oh God! Yes, Oh God! You have given me a chance to share a love. You have had it taken away. He giveth and taketh away, thus is the power and glory of Christ! Thank you for the ups and downs. Even in dispair I praise your Holy name! For you are my provider. You are my hope, my strength, my love! You shall not abandon me, even though I may wrong you, slander you, forsake you, You shall be there as a father for a wayward son. You shall comfort me in times of crises. You shall fill me with an abundant spring when I thirst. Your love shall carry me for all times. Your love is not undying nor forsaking.
Yes, Matt, cry out to the Lord for thankfulness of His faithful love! Rest assured his love for you will not wilt like a seasonal flower. Rejoice He has your intrest well at heart. He hears your cries for love. He knows the comfort you seek. And yes, Matt, as he loves us, He too knows we crave human companionship. For, "it is not good man should be alone." And God created man a mate. The love the Father shows us encompasses us. It seeks out a soul mate for you to love and worship Him with. He will fulfill you prayers of love. First through Himself, then through a mortal companion.
I too, know first hand of love gone awry. I loved a young woman with my heart. Saw us married. We were together for two years. Foolishly, I sought out "my" love. I allowed her to see other people while seeing me, just as long as I could get a few minutes with her. A christian woman, but not without scrupuls. I begain distraught when we finally parted ways. I kept in touch, praying, hoping God would lead me back to her. And yet, even if I could capture her heart, I would not have found the wife I did marry. My wife is and was "God's" love. She is two-fold. God's love for me, providing me wife a selfless woman with a servant's heart. And God's love for me personally, magnified greatly through a woman He chose for me.
No man, Matt, can tell you to wait it out. To see how it unfolds. That it will all work out. No man can tell you another will be along, or that your former love will come back in time. All any man can do is strengthen you, encourage you to rejoice in God's faith and love. Pray with you that you will seek His love first and foremost. He will provide!
And now Matt, as I leave you, I pray...
"May God shine upon your heart. Strengthen where you are weak. May the Lord hold you tight in his arms as only a true love can. May God hold you upright and steadfast. Give you cheer instead of sorrow. Lord I pray you grant all these things on Matt. Lord, may Matt seek you out gather your love, rejoice that you shall never leave him. Give this man hope in you. Pour out your love on him and allow him to grow in the love you provide Him. I ask you ease his troubled and aching heart. I pray you will lead Matt on the path of righteousness and love. I pray you lead him on the path you have chosen for him and encrouage, strengthen him to see that you are his love, his way, his life. For you are the Maker of all love. You are love defined. For you are patient, hopeful; you hold no envy, your true love is blind. I pray all this in your matchless and full loving name, Amen."
In His Grace and Eternal Love,
Rev. Cal Wiggins