Saving your marriage is as important as knowing when to let go. When things are going ruff, and it seems nothing you say or do is working for the best. This is when you take your time to focus on what went wrong why it has come to this. When kids are involve its Much harder since you also have there feelings to consider. This is when you really have to sit down take a deep breath and really think “ok I’m in this situation now what do I do, what did I or my partner did wrong” also its important to be honest with yourself and not make excuses for what you or your partner did wrong.
Was there not enough communication, was it an affair, or just you was too young to marry and now you are seeing you really don’t want this life, or is he being abusive to you? etc…. no matter the cause, this is the time you take and think ok this is where I am now, and this is where I want to be. And also say to yourself, will it be worth it to save? Is there still sparks in both hearts? If so then its worth the fight. When your partner has decided the end all, this is because this person don’t think things wont get better and just gave up to fight.
If you want to fix the marriage you must give them time and make dramatic changes in both life. don’t expect you partner to change so you can change. Just be your self like you was when you both met, like the reason they fell in love with you in the first place. Also don’t expect to much from then at the beginning let them see you really in this for a long time and will fight until there’s nothing else to fight for. There’s much more to say about this topic, in all saving your marriage is not easy but not impossible to do.