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Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re: Pope baptizes Muslim
on: March 24, 2008, 07:18:27 PM
I don't understand your question -- Allam was brought up as a Muslim, but he no longer believes in it and has converted to Christianity. In the eyes of many --probably most-- Muslims, his apostasy from Islam and conversion to Christianity is deserving of death, so he will be under constant threat of assassination.
on: January 10, 2008, 10:31:16 PM
Hi Islandboy! I have been without a computer for nearly a week - ours crashed when my son installed some new software -so I haven't been able to thank you for answering my questions, about Jacob wrestling with the angel, until now. The explanations you gave were very helpful, Thanks! I'm still puzzled about the identity of the angel. Genesis 32: 24 says 'a man', but Hosea 12:4 says 'the angel'. And in Genesis, Jacob says that he has 'seen God face-to-face'. Where is the evidence that the angel was the second person of the Trinity? This is a very difficult passage, isn't it?
on: January 01, 2008, 06:21:41 PM
Hi Islandboy! Please don't think that I am not reading and appreciating this study. I haven't been aswering the questions because I haven't had a lot of time to really think about the study, I just read it when I can. I don't want to just throw in an answer when I might be saying something not very intelligent. Plus, I am a terrible typist, I never typed in my life until recently, so it is laborious and tiring for me. I love outdoor activities, and I would much rather weed an acre than type a page! That's why my posts are short and (i hope) succint.
But your Bible study is very interesting , and I hope you and Pastor Roger carry on with it, I will read every word.
Fellowship / You name it!! / Re: New year message
on: January 01, 2008, 05:43:46 PM
Thank you for that interesting comment! I don't even bother with resolutions any more, because I know I will forget them in a few weeks. But every day I pray: Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord.
With this prayer and the Lord's guidance, I feel I am at least on the right path.
Fellowship / You name it!! / Re: We need a new Lord Reith
on: January 01, 2008, 05:36:34 PM
Some people have a selfish interest in breaking down societal standards of morality and in attempting to destroy the Church and the family, so that they can indulge their love of sin. What better way for these sinners to change society than by taking control of the media and the schools? We see and hear filth on all sides, while decency, religion, and the traditioinal family are mocked as outdated nonsense.
This process has now come so far along in Britain that I don't know if there is any chance of turning back. What is very ironic is that many Muslims are repelled and disgusted by modern British society, and this has made them tend to become more devout, and in some cases, has radicalized them. The course of British society over the next 20 years is anybody's guess, but unless the churches have a huge revival they will not be playing much part in it.
Entertainment / Politics and Political Issues / Re: Michael Savage lawsuit links CAIR to 9/11 plot
on: December 31, 2007, 09:40:21 PM
In Canada the homosexual activists and 'minority' activists have generally gone after regular individuals and small businesses in order to impose their agendas through the courts and the ridiculous 'human rights tribunals'. Maclean's magazine and Mark Steyn are much bigger fish, with much greater financial resources to fight this kind of intimidation. Let's hope the whole thing backfires on the enemies of freedom.
Theology / Apologetics / Re: Is it a Merry Christmas?
on: December 30, 2007, 11:37:10 PM
I was sorry to read the 2 posts from the gentlemen who had nowhere to go on Christmas. Isn't this exactly what churches and Christian fellowships are for? My church is like a big family, we look out for each other,and always try to bring the lost and the lonely to church with us. I'm sure that is what the early Christians did, too, and they just met wherever they could. I hope these 2 brothers will look for a local group of Christians who will help them. I get such joy from worshipping in a group, and I try to take that joy and use it to visit the elderly, and that gives me even more friends, ones with very interesting stories and photos of the old days.
Entertainment / Politics and Political Issues / Re: Michael Savage lawsuit links CAIR to 9/11 plot
on: December 30, 2007, 11:01:45 PM
There is also something very similar going on in Canada. Maclean's magazine published excerpts from Mark Steyn's book, America Alone, which criticised Islam, and then 4 Muslim law students demanded that the magazine publish a long rebuttal, written by the students with no editing allowed. Of course the editor refused, so now the students have filed complaints with several --get this--Human Rights Commissions. The magazine will have to pay huge fees to its lawyers, while the complainants get their legal advice paid for by the government! For more on this, see Mark Steyn's website, SteynOnline. If the Muslims win this one, it will be the end of free speech and journalism in Canada.
Entertainment / Movies / Re: Whats the last movie you watched??
on: December 30, 2007, 10:33:08 PM
I hadn't heard of Dinotopia, so I looked it up on the IMDb. It sounds like it was an excellent mini-series, I don't know why I didn't watch it in 2002. Thanks for the recommendation, I will look for it now.
If you want links that will help you to get The End of the Spear, look at the website for the Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). They will also send you a free book about the main character in the (fact-based) movie, you just enter your name and address online and the book arrives in a week or so. There is another film on the same subject, it is a documentary and I first saw it at my church. It sparked my interest in the story of the missionaries in the Amazon, so I bought both the documentary, Beyond the Gates of Splendor, and the movie version, The End of the Spear. Both films are very well-made and it is shame they are not more widely known.
Entertainment / Books / Re: What is everyone reading?
on: December 28, 2007, 09:50:12 PM
I just think that he did not realize that Paul was not only Roman but also a Jew. I have heard many other Christians that have said the same thing. With the thought of him being only a Roman it would be understandable that he would think of him as a pagan. Then again there are those that consider the Pharisees as being pagans.
Perhaps people who grew up with pictures or movie portrayals of Paul in a sort of toga and with sandals confused him with being a Roman, when he was actually a Greek-speaking Jew who happened to be a citizen of the Roman Empire. I don't see how anyone could think that the Pharisees were pagans, surely a pagan is an idol-worshiper and polytheist. One of the most remarkable things about the conversion of Paul is that he was a devout Jew who followed all 613 commandments, but the Lord completely changed him in an instant. If he had been a pagan, the conversion would not have been such an amazing one, and also a pagan could never have quoted from the Hebrew scriptures as Paul does when he explains the Messianic role of Jesus.
Entertainment / Movies / Re: Whats the last movie you watched??
on: December 28, 2007, 09:34:29 PM
I'm glad you have seen The End of the Spear! I am surprised at how many of my Christian friends have not seen it. It is excellent for lending to non=Christians as it is such a well-made movie, and of course the main story is true, so no-one can say it is hard to believe that Christians could sacrifice themselves to save the souls of others.
The Astronaut Farmer sounds interesting! It's not often that a Hollywood film has 'only' a couple of curse words. Even TV shows use them now, which is why I generally just watch Fox news and Christian shows.
Entertainment / Movies / Re: Whats the last movie you watched??
on: December 28, 2007, 02:22:19 AM
I have been lending my DVD of The End of the Spear to everyone I can, and when I had it back last week I watched it again. It is such an inspiring story, and always gives me a good reminder that when among non-Christians (as I am daily in this 'multicultural' area), it is very important to try to be a credit to the name of Christ. Now I have loaned my DVD again, I really should buy another copy for home use.
Entertainment / Animals and Pets / Re: Cat and Dog poll
on: December 28, 2007, 02:06:30 AM
Only one!!! That would be no good for me at all. I have had dogs and cats around for so long that it would feel very strange without them. Also having pit bulls means that most of my friends and acquaintances won't even think of visiting me at home, so I am spared all the trouble of keeping an immaculate house, giving dinners, etc., which is fine with me. The dogs are actually shy and very affectionate, big babies really, but the breed has a bad reputation due to some idiot humans who abuse them.
Entertainment / Books / Re: What is everyone reading?
on: December 28, 2007, 01:55:12 AM
I am no theologian either, but to call Paul a 'pagan'! That surely demonstrates a minimal knowledge of the Bible. But the Lord uses people in His own way, and O'Reilly has been great for fighting the anti-Christian forces. I was wondering if O'Reilly was confusing Paul with some other NT figure, but I can't think of anyone that could be described as 'a Roman warrior and pagan activist'. Anyone have any ideas?