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1  Theology / General Theology / Re: Sexual immorality on: December 12, 2007, 02:23:21 AM
If I understand you correctly I can't believe you said that.  Sexual urges are not wrong..  Sex and the urges that go with it are beautiful, God-given gifts.

ahmen brother

to say these urges that were given to us by god is wrong ,  is saying gods own creations are immoral. If jesus died for our sins i think he would be very conserned if they forgot to take sexual imorality off the list. 

2  Theology / Apologetics / Re: What Is Faith ? on: December 11, 2007, 04:00:01 AM
We put our trust in Christ and His word, not the word of men. To disagree with scripture is to disagree with God.

Good Point , but the thing that confuses me , Dosent man write scripture , weather it be through devin wisdom or implementing it through the conclave. Matthew, Mark , luke and John were simply men ?. so is your advise not to listen to them ?. i think not.

So now what men do you listen to ? .  for what reason?   and why dont you listen to others ?. Can you now see my delima in what i ask ?
3  Prayer / Prayer Requests / Pray For My Cusins on: December 11, 2007, 01:19:09 AM

One of my cousins has returned from a lengthy trip from England, to be diagnosed with some drug induced mental disorder, witch is causing his family some grief as he seems quite normal to mental health authorities, then has episodes when nobody is around but close family.

The other female cousin is currently coming out of a bad relationship; witch resulted in two pregnancies from a father that caused domestic violence, plus a list of other criminal related issues

I ask the members of this community, if they could pray for Martin and Kimberly and pray they receive some clarity, protection and some good fortune and hope they become happy in their life’s and that Kimberly’s partner find his path in life and becomes a working member of society and can support his family or have enough courage to let somebody else do what he cant.
4  Theology / General Theology / Re: Sexual immorality on: December 11, 2007, 01:08:41 AM
Well no , it tells you what is Unclean period , that we can not be natruall sexual and that sex is a natrual bi product of beeing human , it tells me that every sexual urge i have is wrong 
5  Theology / Apologetics / What Is Faith ? on: December 11, 2007, 01:03:23 AM
A question of faith and how to practice it?

Is faith simply a matter of following doctrine and the bible or is faith just a matter of believing in something greater then yourself?

I often ask my self this question and find myself repeating the question , to find a answer, witch is why I posted it in this room as I would like to gather a array of responses from all sides of the fence.

Even though I’m a Christian , just because I disagree with some scripture or doctrine , dose that make me any less of a Christian and to further add  fuel on this fire , who are we to judge , isn’t their a saying ,Do not judge , unless  ye be judged  and their is only one final judgment ?

Naturally their will be some people who say, to question scripture is to question god and that is forbidden? However how are we to improve our faith and our belief, if we do not ask the difficult questions? Are we so narrow minded we can not discuss the issues such as Organized Religion and the complacent hierarchy.

I guess, what I’m trying to say, dose thinking anything of this nature, make you any less of a believer then the next person?


If the answer is , yes it dose make me less of a beliver , without giving biblical reteric How do i become a better christian , by simply accepting certian aspects of doctrine without question ?, How dose one develope stronger faith ?
6  Theology / General Theology / Re: Sexual immorality on: December 11, 2007, 12:42:05 AM
So what is considerd natruall sexuality and un clean sexuality ?
7  Theology / General Theology / Re: What Is Charity? on: December 11, 2007, 12:38:51 AM
Amen, sister. That is the key.

This often reminds me of the biblical parable of The Old Lady giving her last copper coin , to the charity box inside the church , while their are business men standing around throwing gold and silver coins showing off and Jesus asks who is more charitable and if any other is less charitable then the other.

Is it all as simple as chairty of the heart , because depending on the inderviual that can vary on the degree of chairty and its value.
8  Theology / General Theology / Re: Cloning and the Virgin Birth on: December 01, 2007, 06:33:29 PM
Cloning and the Virgin Birth
by John D. Morris, Ph.D.

Many essential doctrines of Scripture hinge on the virgin birth of Christ. To fulfill prophecy, the Messiah had to be both man and God, without genetic or personal defect, and be the rightful King of Israel in the line of David. Only such a One could fully atone for the sins of all mankind and assume the universe’s throne for all eternity.

As far as science knows, there has never been a virgin birth of a man or a mammal under natural circumstances. Such life comes only from the union of a male and female. But now cloning technology seemingly provides an alternate explanation for Christ's miraculous conception. For the first time it is scientifically possible for Mary to have borne a child without a man. Is spontaneous cloning behind the story of the virgin birth?

Reproduction without sexual union has been observed in some fish, amphibians, birds, and reptiles. In recent years, cloning in laboratories has even been successful with several mammals, although great care and advanced technology is required. Progress is being made, and we can expect cloning to become mainstream practice before long. Even human cloning, while discouraged by many governments, is being aggressively explored by several labs. (I suspect the strident insistence for embryonic stem cell research has human cloning as an unstated goal.) Unless God intervenes, advances in cloning technology may lead to a brave new world of human clones, with Pandora's Box opened wide.

But is this the same thing as the virgin birth? Would human cloning equate to the fulfillment of the biblical prophecy "a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son" (Isaiah 7:14)?

No, it would not. In humans, the DNA in each egg's nucleus contains 23 chromosomes, with the remaining 23 usually supplied by the father. In cloning, the original 23 chromosomes are stripped from an unfertilized egg, and a full complement of 46 from a donor is inserted. The child would possess identical DNA to the donor, with a minor exception--a small segment of DNA present in the cells' mitochondria is passed from mother to child, undiluted by the father.

Is cloning a possible explanation of Christ's birth? If Mary's nuclear DNA was used, the resulting child would have been female. If another source was used, the offspring would have carried Mary's imperfect mitochondrial DNA, mutated over the generations since Adam, and thus could not have been the perfect "lamb without blemish and without spot" (1 Peter 1:19).

Cloning is not the answer. While much remains a mystery, the birth of Christ was a miracle in every regard. He said of God the Father, "...a body hast thou prepared |for| Me" (Hebrews 10:5), free from any genetic defect and thus qualified to be a perfect sacrifice. And then, "when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman...to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons" (Galatians 4: 4-5).

At this Christmas season we have so much for which to give thanks, especially that God "gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). Our thankfulness will continue throughout all eternity.

Their are lots of flaws  to this claim as their has been through out the ages , but where to start is the problem , Pastor even though my biblical quotes may not be up to the same standards such as yourself  or the people who wrote this article. May I just say since when has the church ever listened to science?

The church has condemned the practice of science and the liberal arts for some time now; witch is why people have had such a hard time accepting faith. As the church says one thing and doctrine says another and so on, so by this logic, if the Virgin Mary’s Immaculate Conception was achieved by cloning or even artificially, should we open the flood gates and see what else we can devise.

What do I mean; well take the notion Earth's people was created by an alien race? So dose that mean Adam and Eve were genetically modified to allow the procreation of earth’s population?  If you believe that is the case, then do we still consider this a miracle and serve our creators. By that logic, this could entice that the god we worship could be alien or something else, dose that mean it is not fit for worship. ? , off course not. Witch is the same principle, regardless on how marry conceived her child, it was done immaculately without gotcha146, regardless of the method. 

I understand unless your catholic, you will have a hard time understanding the Immaculate Conception, but that’s the point. It supposes to be of a nature we do not yet understand. So why dose in instances like this, Christians of other practices allow science to condom the thought of an emculate conception.

However yet they keep the possibility alive, because if Jesus, is not of emuclate birth, then Christians of other codes. Will then loose its followers.

My Question is, When do we listen to science and when don’t we? We can not use it to serve our theological purposes then condemn it, when it doesn’t suit us 
9  Welcome / About You! / Re: New Guy :) on: December 01, 2007, 06:01:05 PM
Hi christian_crusader,

Welcome to Christians Unite forums. There are some sweet Christians here that enjoy fellowship in the Lord and that includes friendly Bible studies.

Thanks all for your kind words  & pastor that sounds great . i may look into that

 May god's spirit , enter you all , for the kidness and friendship you have shown me .
10  Welcome / About You! / New Guy :) on: December 01, 2007, 03:17:10 AM
Hi all

I am new to this forum style of debate and discussion.

I am a proud Christian, but not always have been. When I was younger, I had lost my faith. Even after considering taking vowels and joining the priest hood. However like lots of youths, Modern Society started to teach me that practicing religion wasn’t cool and I was foolish enough to think, social out casting could follow.

So I didn’t join the priesthood and strayed from the path. However now in my latter years and recent world events , It has drawn me back, Not to mass and scripture , but faith itself e.g. Scripture debates, Policy Debates, Theology. I now study Theology in my spare time; I don’t know why, perhaps im searching for divine wisdom or even truth. I’m not sure however it helped.

So much so , I took up vows of chastity & Silence for a year , to allow myself time to read and indulge in intellectual debate online, not only other Christians but Pagans and others. Even though I am speaking, I have still kept my vow of chastity and it wasn’t as hard as I first thought. 

The reason I joined this Forum, was I have so many Questions and look eager to speak with many of you, on not only our faith, but current world events and what should be done about them.
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