Why is the front door lock to the Idea of commitment and respect? Where are the hows and dreams of young girls longing for that Boaz, or David even Issac, or Aquila. the generations have moved so far away from God original plans for Man and Woman in the family setting that, it seems to be a lost subject to bring up to young people, now a days. The importance of responsibility, spiritually love, commitment and marriage have luld people into a place where they've gotten so comfortable with not making waves, telling the truth, or being different in a good way. That we don't question anything, pertaining to the honor and Glory of God in the world as light bearers, yet the word says not to be ashamed of the Gospel" , and it also says "study to show yourself approved to represent the word of God to the nations.
But that is not being done in for all to see our boldness for the lord and our confidence as well as our encouraging spirit, this light and glory of God doesn't shine as bright in some as it should in this area.